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objects1to10 [2016/04/19 16:53] wagensonnerobjects1to10 [2017/05/04 10:33] (current) wagensonner
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 //Current location//: [[|Louvre Museum, Paris]]\\  //Current location//: [[|Louvre Museum, Paris]]\\ 
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
 [[|2. The Bīsitūn Inscription]] [[|2. The Bīsitūn Inscription]]
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 //Current location//: [[|Ashmolean Museum, Oxford]] (Ashm 1923-444)\\  //Current location//: [[|Ashmolean Museum, Oxford]] (Ashm 1923-444)\\ 
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
-[[|3. The Middle Assyrian Laws, A]] +[[cyrus_cylinder|{{|}}]] 
-[[|{{ :images:wiki:1to10icons:the_middle_assyrian_laws_a.png?100}}]]+[[|5The Cyrus Cylinder]]
-A law collection famously including some of the oldest written regulations on women’s behaviour. [[middle_assyrian_laws_a|More information...]]+Famously cited today as a cultural and political document, this text presents Cyrus, king of Persia, as liberator of Babylon. [[cyrus_cylinder|More information...]]
-//Artifact//: Clay tablet\\  +//Artifact//: Clay cylinder\\  
-//Provenience//: Assur\\  +//Provenience//: Babylon?\\  
-//Period//: Middle Assyrian (ca. 1400-1000 BC)\\  +//Period//: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)\\  
-//Current location//: Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin\\ +//Current location//: British Museum, London\\ 
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
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 //Current location//: [[|Louvre Museum, Paris]] (Sb 20)\\  //Current location//: [[|Louvre Museum, Paris]] (Sb 20)\\ 
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
 [[|8. Complex surface calculations at Jemdet Nasr]] [[|8. Complex surface calculations at Jemdet Nasr]]
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 ---- ----
-[[|12The Cylinders of Gudea]] +[[Plimpton322|{{ :p322-face-detoure.jpg?100|}}]] 
-[[cylinders_of_gudea|{{ :images:wiki:1to10icons:the_cylinders_of_gudea.png?100}}]]+[[|10Pythagorean Triples]]
-A set of large cylinders inscribed with a Sumerian hymnic composition in which king Gudea receives instructions in a dream to build a temple. [[cylinders_of_gudea|More information...]]+This widely known mathematical text in a tabular layout contains an array of Pythagorean triples. [[plimpton322|More information...]]
-//Artifact//: Clay cylinders (and fragments)\\  +//Artifact//: Clay tablet\\  
-//Provenience//: Girsu, modern Tello\\  +//Provenience//: Unprovenanced\\  
-//Period//: Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC)\\  +//Period//: Old Babylonian (ca 1800-1595 BC)\\  
-//Current location//: [[|Louvre MuseumParis]]  +//Current location//: Columbia UniversityNew York City\\ 
-\\ +
objects1to10.1461081230.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/19 16:53 by wagensonner
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