====== Sumerian and Akkadian ====== ===== Dictionaries ===== CDA = Jeremy G. Black, Andrew George, Nicholas Postgate: A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. Harrassowitz-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2000. ISBN 3-447-04264-8 CAD = //The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago// (Chicago 1956 ff.). AHw = Wolfram von Soden, //Akkadisches Handwörterbuch// (Wiesbaden 1965 – 1981). PSD = //The Sumerian Dictionary of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania// (Philadelphia 1984ff.). ePSD = //[[http://psd.museum.upenn.edu/epsd/index.html|The Electronic Pennsylania Sumerian Dictionary]]// ŠL = Anton Deimel, //Šumerisches Lexikon//. I-IV (Roma: Scripta pontificii instituti biblici, 1928-1933). //[[http://www.assyriologie.uni-muenchen.de/forschung/sumglossar/zettelkasten2006_09.pdf|Leipzig-Münchner Sumerische Zettelkasten]]// ===== Sumerian Grammars and Textbooks ===== M-L. Thomsen, //The Sumerian language : an introduction to its history and grammatical structure// (3rd edn., Mesopotamia; Copenhagen: 2001) Dietz Otto Edzard, //Sumerian grammar// (Leiden: 2003). Christopher Woods, //The grammar of perspective : the Sumerian conjugation prefixes as a system of voice// (Leiden ; Boston: 2008). John L. Hayes, //A manual of Sumerian grammar and texts// (2nd, rev. and expanded edition. edn., Aids and research tools in ancient Near Eastern studies; Malibu, Calif.: 2000). Konrad Volk, //A Sumerian reader// (2nd rev. edn., Studia Pohl. Series maior; Roma: 1999). Foxvog, D.A., //[[http://home.comcast.net/~foxvog/|Introduction to Sumerian Grammar]]// (including Glossary) Attinger, Pascal (1993), //Éléments de linguistique sumérienne : la construction de du11/e/di "dire"// (Orbis biblicus et orientalis; Fribourg, Suisse Göttingen: Éditions Universitaires ; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). ===== Akkadian Grammars and Textbooks ===== Gelb, I. J. (1961). Old Akkadian writing and grammar. Materials for the Assyrian dictionary, no. 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-62304-1 Hasselbach, Rebecca. Sargonic Akkadian: A Historical and Comparative Study of the Syllabic Texts. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2005. ISBN 978-3-447-05172-9 Huehnergard, J. A Grammar of Akkadian (3rd ed. 2011). Harvard Semitic Museum Studies 45. ISBN 978-1-57506-922-7[2] Huehnergard, J. (2005). A Key to A Grammar of Akkadian . Harvard Semitic Studies. Eisenbrauns. Soden, Wolfram von: Grundriß der Akkadischen Grammatik. Analecta Orientalia. Bd 33. Rom 1995. ISBN 88-7653-258-7 Streck, Michael P. Sprachen des Alten Orients. Wiss. Buchges., Darmstadt 2005. ISBN 3-534-17996-X Ungnad, Arthur: Grammatik des Akkadischen. Neubearbeitung durch L. Matouš, München 1969, 1979 (5. Aufl.). ISBN 3-406-02890-X ===== Lexicographical Tools ===== MSL = //Materialien zum sumerischen Lexicon// (Roma: Scripta pontificii instituti biblici, 1937ff.). From 1970: //Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon// (Roma: Scripta pontificii instituti biblici, 1970ff.). MSL 1: B. Landsberger, //Ana ittišu// (1937). MSL 2: B. Landsberger, //Ur-e-a = naqû// (1951). MSL 3: B. Landsberger, R. T. Hallock, et al., //Das Sylllabar A; Das Vocaular Sa; Das Vocabular Sb// (1955). MSL 4: B. Landsberger; R. T. Hallock; Th. Jacobsen, A. Falkenstein, //Emesal-Vocabulary; Old Babylonian Grammatical Texts; Neobabylonian Grammatical Texts// (1956). MSL 5: B. Landsberger, //ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablets I-IV// (1957). MSL 6: B. Landsberger, //ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablets V-VII// (1958). MSL 7: B. Landsberger, //ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablets VIII-XII// (1959). MSL 8/1: B. Landsberger et al., //The Fauna of Ancient Mesopotamia. 1st part. ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablet XIII// (1960). MSL 8/2: B. Landsberger, //The Fauna of Ancient Mesopotamia. 2nd part. ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablet XIV and XVIII// (1962). MSL 9: B. Landsberger and M. Civil, //ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablet XV. Ugu-mu. List of Diseases// (1967). MSL 10: B. Landsberger, Erical Reiner, and M. Civil, //ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablets XVI, XVII, XIX// (1970). MSL 11: Erical Reiner and M. Civil, //ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu. Tablets XX - XXIV. Miscellaneous Geographical Lists// (1974). MSL 12: M. Civil et al., //lu2 = ša and Related Texts// (1969). MSL 13: M. Civil et al., //Izi = išātu, Ká-gal = abullu, and Níg-ga = makkūru// (1971). MSL 14: M. Civil et al., //Ea A - nâqu, Aa A = nâqu// (1979). MSL 15: M. Civil, //The Series Diri = (w)atru// (2004). MSL 16: I. Finkel and M. Civil, //SIG7.ALAN = Nabnītu// (1982). MSL 17. A. Cavigneauz et al., //Erim-huš = anantu and an-ta-gál = šaqû// (1985). MSL SS (= Suplementary Series) 1: M. Civil et al., //The Sag-Tablet; Lexical Texts in the Ashmolean Museum; etc// (1986). W. Sallaberger and M. Civil, //Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefässe - ḪAR-ra = ḫubullu: Tablet X dug = karpatu// (1996). ===== Bibliographical Tools ===== HKL = R. Borger, //Handbuch der Keilschriftslitteratur//: Band I, 1967: //Repertorium der sumerischen und akkadischen Texte//. Band II, 1975: //Supplement zu Band I//. Band III, 1975: //Inhaltliche Ordnung ... Sekundärliteratur in Auswahl//. Register Assyriologie und Bibliographie Mesopotamien (special volumes of Archiv für Orientforschung [AfO]) AfO on [[https://www.jstor.org/journal/archorie|JSTOR]]