Frankfort, Henri
24 February 1897 - 16 July 1954
The Indus Civilisation and the Near East, 1932 Archeology and the Sumerian Problem (SAOC 4), Chigago 1932 OIC 13, 16-17, 19-20, Chicago 1932-1936 Cylinder Seals, London 1939 Sculpture of the third millennium BC from Tell Asmar and Khafajah (OIP 44), Chicago 1939 with Seton Lloyd and Th. Jacobsen, The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar (OIP 43), Chicago 1940 More Sculpture fron the Diyala Region (OIP 60), Chicago 1943 with H. A. Frankfort, J. A. Wilson, Th. Jacobsen, W. A. Irwin, The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, Chicago 1946 Kingship and the Gods, Chicago 1948 Ancient Egyptian Religion, New York 1948 with H. A. Frankfort, J. A. Wilson, and Th. Jacobsen, Before Philosophy, Harmondsworth 1949 The Birth of Civilization in the Ancient Near East, 1951 The Problem of Similarity in Ancient Near Eastern Religion, Oxford 1951 The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient, Harmondsworth 1954 Stratified Cylinder Seals from the Diyala Region (OIP 72), Chicago 1955
Ph.D., University of Leiden, 1927 Excavated in Egypt with British School of Archaeology: El Amarna, Abydos, 1925-1929 Excavated in Iraq with Oriental Institute Iraq Expedition: Chorsabad, Diyala (Tell Asmar, Khafajah, Ischali, Tell Agrab), 1929-1937 Associate professor of History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, University of Amsterdam, 1932-1938 Research Professor of Oriental Archaeology, University of Chicago, 1932-1938, 1938-1949 Professor of the History of Pre-classical Antiquity, University of London, 1949-1954 (successor of F. Saxl)
AfO 17 (1954-1956) 230-231 (E. Weidner), with photo; JNES 14 (1955) 1-3 (Th. Jacobsen - P. Delougaz); BO 12 (1955) 89-93 (A.W. Byvanck), with photo
Matthiae, P. (Ed.), Studi in memoria di Henri Frankfort (1897-1954): presentati dalla scuola romana di Archeologia Orientale, Roma 1998