Table of Contents

Ur-III Lemmata 300-1000 occurences


The primary goal of this page is to define more precisely the sense of each lemma in the Ur III corpus. Each entry lists the number of occurrences in the corpus, then the form in translitation and finally the ePSD lemma + guide word. Any comments to a particular lemma should be in the same line, preceded by a colon and a space and in bold, that is to say surrounded by the HTML codes for bold: **...**. See for example the entry for 938: kusz3: kusz[unit]: kusz3[cubit].

(return to Ur-III Lemmata Lists)

800-1000 occurrences
600-800 occurrences
500-600 occurrences
400-500 occurrences
300-400 occurrences

(return to Ur-III Lemmata Lists)