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Bibliographical tools

Online Bibliographical tools

Recent publications
  • A list of Recent Publications in Assyriology in Assyriology and related fields with key words and abstracts (as well as links to TOC's when available online) (this list is based primarily on new arrivals of books and journals in the Sackler Library at the University of Oxford, please send additions and corrections to Moudhy Al-Rashid).
Sumerian Literature
Who's who
  • A list of who is who in cuneiform studies is maintained here. It lists as far is possible the mosts important writings of deceased colleagues and links to obituaries and honorary volumes.
KeiBi online
  • The Keilschrift-Bibliographie of the journal Orientalia is now available online here.

Printed Bibliographical Tools


Library Holdings of Assyriology

Online catalogue of the Gelb Memorial Library. With over 3000 monographs and an offprint collection of 10,000 articles, the Gelb Library represents easily the most significant collection of Assyriological publications west of the the University of Chicago.

The Sackler Library, a part of the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford holds the largest British collection of Assyriological literature. The Oxford Catalogue is searchable online.

Resources in France:
Ressources sur l'Antiquité (Réseau FrantiQ)

bibliographical_tools.1444725962.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/13 08:46 by lafont
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