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Enannatum I

Enanatum I was the brother of Eanatum and another son of Akurgal. He undertook a number of renovation projects including the rebuilding of the Dugru shrine of Ningirsu, the Ibgal of Inana, the temple of the goddess Amageshtinana, and the egal of Hendursag (Bauer p. 467).

Like his predecessors he faced conflict with Umma over control of the Guedena. and like his brother, he defeated the rival state, imposing heavy fiscal penalties on it and forcing its king Enakale to swear an oath to the gods that he would respect the established boundaries. However as the Enmetena cone goes on to describe

enannatum_i.1263435773.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/14 02:22 (external edit)
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