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Gadd, Cyril John


Gadd, Cyril John


2 July 1893 - 2 December 1969


Bath, Somerset, England



Major works

The Early Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad, London 1921 Cuneiform Texts 36, 38-41, London 1921-1923 The Fall of Nineveh, London 1923 Sumerian Reading Book, Oxford 1924 History and Monuments of Ur, London 1929 The Stones of Assyria, London 1936 Ideas of Divine Rule (Schweich Lectures), London 1948 Ur Excavation Texts I, London 1928 (with L. Legrain) Teachers and Students in the Oldest Schools, London 1956 Ur Excavation Texts 6/1-2, London 1963-1966 (with S.N. Kramer)


Studied in Oxford, under Langdon Staff, Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, London, 1919; Keeper, 1948-1955 Excavated at Ur (1923-1924), Tell Atchana (1946), and Nimrud (1952) Chair of Ancient Semitic Languages, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1955- 1960 (successor to S. Smith)


AfO 23 (1970) 218-219 (E. Sollberger), with photo


Iraq 31

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