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Vaiman, Aizik Abramovich


Vaiman, Aizik Abramovich


12 July 1922 - 1 April 2013


Shepetovka, USSR [today Ukraine]–



Major works

In Russian: 1955 “Cuneiform Mathematical Tablet Erm. 15189 from the Hermitage,”EpigrafikaVostoka 10, pp. 73–83.

1959 “On the Geometrical Figure Absamikku in Cuneiform Mathematical Texts,” Vestnik DrevneiIstorii / Journal of Ancient History 67: 91-99.

1960а “Cuneiform Economical Text Erm. 15066 from the Hermitage,” Soobščenija Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaga 19, pp. 27-28.

1960b “Babylonian Geometrical Drawings of Spatial Figures,” Istoriko-Mathematicheskije Issledaovanija13, pp. 379-382.

1961 Sumero-Babylonian Mathematics of the Third to First Millennia BCE, Moscow (awarded a PhD for this book in 1965).

1962 “In alpim, tallum and pirkumin Cuneiform Mathematical Texts,” in Pigulevskaja N.V. et al. (eds.), Drevnii Mir (Fs Struve), Moscow, pp. 214-217.

1963 “Interpretation of the Geometrical Constants in the Cuneiform Cuneiform List TMS I (Susa),”Vestnik Drevnei Istorii / Journal of Ancient History 83: pp. 75-86.

1971 “Cuneiform Text TCL, II, 5499,” Vestnik Drevnei Istorii / Journal of Ancient History 115, pр. 48-53.

1976 “Studies on Sumero-Babylonian Metrology,” Drevnij Vostok 2: 37-66.

In German:

1974a Über die protosumerische Schrift,“ Acta Antiqua 22, p. 15-27.

1976a Über die protosumerische Schrift,“ in: Harmatta, J., Komoroczy, G. (eds), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im alten Vorderasien.Budapest: Akedemiai Kiado, 15-28. 1989 Baghdader Mitteilungen 20

A. A. VAIMAN, Beitrage zur Entzifferung der Archaischen Schriften Vorderasiens. Erster Teil (translated from Russian)

“Zur Entzifferung der sumerischen Bilderschrift”, pp. 94-100, originally published in Soobščenija Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaga 27 (1966), pp. 59- 62.

“Über die Beziehungen der protoelamischen zur protosumerischen Schrift“, pp. 101-114, originally published in Vestnik DrevneiIstorii / Journal of Ancient History 121, pp.124-133.

“Protosumerische Maß- und Zahlsysteme”, pp. 114-120 originally published inTrudy XIII Mezdu narodnogo kongressa po istorii nauki August 18-24, Moskva 1971, Sektion 3- 4, pp. 6- 11.

“Die Bezeichnung von Sklaven und Sklavinnen in der protosumerischen,“ pp. 121-133 originally published in Vestnik Drevnei Istorii / Journal of Ancient History, 128, pp. 138- 148. 1990 Baghdader Mitteilungen 21

A. A. VAIMAN, Beitrage zur Entzifferung der Archaischen Schriften Vorderasiens. Zweiter Teil (translated from Russian)

“Zur Entzifferung der proto-sumerischen Schrift”, pp. 91-103, originally published in Diakonoff, I. M. (editor), PeredneaziatskiiSbornik II: Deshifrovkai Interpretatsiia Pis'mennostei Drevnego Vostoka. Moskva: Nauka, Glavnaia redaktsiiavostochnoi literatury , 3-15 (Russian); 161-165 (English).

“Formale Besonderheiten der proto-sumerischen Texte”, pp. 103-113, originally published in Vestnik Drevnei Istorii / Journal of Ancient History119, рр. 124-131.

„Die Zeichen É und LÍL in den proto-sumerischen Texten aus Djemdet-Nasr“, pp. 114-115. originally published in Peredneaziatskii Sbornik III :Istorija I Philologija Stran Drevnego Vostoka / Western Asia Collection III: History and Philology of the Countries of the Ancient East Moskva: Nauka, Glavnaia redaktsiiavostochnoi literatury, 1979, pp. 57- 59.

“Die Deutung einiger Zeichen in proto-sumerischen Sklaven und Sklavinnenlisten”, pp.116-123, originally published in Vestnik Drevnei Istorii / Journal ofAncientHistory157,pp. 81-87.


During World War II started to study at the faculty physics and mathematics of the Erevan University (Armenia). Continued his studies at the historical faculty of the Leningrad State University. There he studied Assyriology under the guidance of Igor Mikhailovich Diakonoff. He graduated in 1949 and began to work at the Oriental Department of the State Hermitage Museum where Vaiman conducted his research until his retirement. In 1965 Vaiman was awarded PhD for his book Sumero-Babylonian Mathematics of the Third to First Millennia BCE (1961). His major contribution was in two fields of Assyriology: cuneiform mathematics and the decipherment of the proto-Sumerian script.


P.M. LernerVaiman, AizikAbramovich \ For his 90th birthday.2011, Israel (in Russian).

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