Table of Contents
Abbreviations for Assyriology
A: tablets in the collections of the Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago
A2: lex. series a2 = idu
A-tablet: lexical text, see MSL 13 10ff.
Ä & L: Ägypten und Levante (Wien)
Aa: lex. series a2 || A = naqu; MSL 14, 201ff.
AAA: Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology (Liverpool 1908 -1948)
AAAS (aka AAS): Annales archélogiques de Syrie, (from 1966) Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire (Damascus 1951 ff.)
AAICAB (aka Ashm. 1): Grégoire, J.-P., Archives Administratives et Inscriptions Cunéiformes: Ashmolean Museum, Bodleian Collection, Oxford (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner 1996)
AAN: Anthroponymie et anthropologie de Nuzi, vol. 1: Les Anthroponymes (Malibu 1977)
Aannepada lff.: royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 273ff.
AAS (aka Grégoire AAS, AAAS): J.-P. Grégoire, Archives administratives sumériennes (Paris 1970)
AASF: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Reihe B (Helsinki 1909 ff.)
AASOR: Annual of the American School(s) of Oriental Research (in Jerusalem) (New Haven/Cambridge, Mass. 1919/1920 ff.)
AASOR 57: D. C. Hopkins (Hrsg.), Across the Anatolian Plateau: Readings in the Archaeology of Ancient Turkey (Boston,MA 2002 [2000])
AAT: J.A. Craig, Astrological-Astronomical Texts (Assyriologische Bibliothek 14), Leipzig 1899.
ÄAT: Ägypten und Altes Testament (Wiesbaden)
AB: Assyriologische Bibliothek (Leipzig 1881 -1933); NF = Neue Folge, 1-2 (1933)
aB: Old Babylonian (altbabylonisch)
ABAA: Weidner, Ernst F., Alter und Bedeutung der babylonischen Astronomie und Astrallehre (Leipzig, 1914) = KAO 4
Abadahlugalga to his Brothers: letter; Ali Letters 117ff. B:13
Abaindasa to Sulgi: letter; Ali Letters 53ff. B:1
ABAW (aka AbhMünchen): Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil-hist. Klasse, NF = Neue Folge (Munich 1929 ff.)
AbB: Altbabylonische Briefe in Umschrift und Übersetzung (Leiden 1964 ff.)
abbr.: abbreviated, abbreviation
ABC: A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (= TCS 5, 1975)
ABC: Stevenson, J.H. Assyrian and Babylonian Contracts with Aramaic reference notes (New York: 1902)
Abel-Winckler: L. Abel and H. Winckler, Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen
AbhBerlin: Abhandlungen ..
ABIM al-Zeebari, A. Altbabylonische Briefe des Iraq Museums. Dissertation (Münster: 1964)
Abieshuh 1: (StOr 55.1, 43f.)
Abieshuh 2: (StOr 55.1, 44)
Abieshuh 3: (RIME 4: Abiesuh 1001)
Abieshuh lff.: royal inscr.;
Abieshuh seals a-g: (RIME 4: Abiesuh 2001-2007)
Abisare 1: (StOr 49, 41f.; RIME 4: Abisare 2001)
Abisare 4: (StOr 49, 42-46; RIME 4: Abisare 1)
Abisare 5: (StOr 49, 46-47; RIME 4: Abisare 2)
Abisare lff.: royal inscr.
ABK: H. Winckler and E. Böhden, Altabylonische Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen (Leipzig 1892)
ABL (aka HarperABL): R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (Chicago 1892-1914)
abl.: ablative
ABoT: K. Balkan, Ankara Arkeologji Müzesinde bulunan Bogazköy Tabletleri (Bogazköy Tablets in the Archaeological Museum in Ankara, Istanbul 1948)
ABPh: Ungnad, A. Altbabylonische Briefe aus dem Museum zu Philadelphia (Stuttgart: 1920)
Abr-N: Abr-Nahrain, (Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne, 1961-1999). Continued by: Ancient Near Eastern studies
Abr-Nahrain Suppl. 5: G. Bunnens (Hrsg.), Cultural Interaction in the Ancient Near East. Papers Read at a Symposium Held in the University of Melbourne, Department of Classics and Archaeology 29-30 September, 1994 (Leuven:1996)
ABRT: J. Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts I/II (= AB 13, 1895/1897)
AbS-T: Field numbers of texts excavated at Tell Abu Salabikh
ABSA: Annual of the British School at Athens (London 1894/95 ff.)
ABTR: Arnold, William Rosenzweig, Ancient-Babylonian temple records in the Columbia university library, ed. with transcriptions into Neo-Assyrian characters., by William R. Arnold (New York, 1896)
ABW (aka Steible ABW, ASBW): H. Steible, Die altsumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften (=FAOS 5)
ABZ: R. Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste, AOAT 33 (Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978) Ergänzungsheft, AOAT 33A (Neukrichen-Vluyn 1980)
AcAntHung: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Budapest)
acc.: accusative
ACh: Ch. Virolleaud, L'astrologie chaldéenne: S(in); Shamasz; Isht(ar); Adad; S/Supp. = Supplément; SS / 2.Supp. = Second Supplément (Paris 1905 - 1912)
achE: Achaemenid Elamite ( < achämenid-elamisch)
AcIr: Acta Iranica (Tehran− Liège)
Ackerbau: B. Hruska, Tradicní obilnárství staré Mezopotámie / Der traditionelle Ackerbau im alten Mesopotamien (Prague 1990)
AcOr: (AKA Acta Or./ ActOr) Acta Orientalia (Budapest) Societates Orientales Batava, Danica, Norvegica, Svecica (Leiden 1923 ff.)
ACT: O. Neugebauer, Astronomical Cuneiform Texts (London 1955)
ActAnt (avoid AAntH): Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Budapest 1951 ff.) Actlr (aka AcIr) : Acta Iranica. Encyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes (Teheran 1974 ff.)
Actes du 8e Congrès International Actes du 8e Congrès International des Orientalistes, Section Sémitiques (B)
AcOrHung: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Budapest)
Adab: Yang Zhi, Sargonic Inscriptions from Adab (PPAC 1, Changchun 1989)
ADAJ: Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (Amman 1951 ff.)
ADART : A. J. Sachs & H. Hunger, Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts (1988 ff.)
ADB: C. H. W. Johns, An Assyrian Doomsday Book (Leipzig 1901)
ADD: C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents (Cambridge 1898 - 1923)
ADFU: Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka (Berlin . .. 1936 ff.)
adj.: adjective
admin.: administrative (texts)
ADOG: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (Berlin 1956 ff.)
AdŠ: G. Wilhelm, Das Archiv des Šilwa-Tessup (Wiesbaden 1980ff.)
AdŠ 8: D. Stein, The Seal Impressions, text (Wiesbaden 1993)
AdŠ 9: D. Stein, The Seal Impressions, catalogue (Wiesbaden 1993)
adv.: adverb
aE: Old Elamite ( < altelamisch)
AegFo (avoid ÄgFo.): Ägyptologische Forschungen (GIückstadt 1936 ff.) Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di Egittologia e di Papirologia
AEJ: C.F. Lehmann-Haupt, Armenien einst und jetzt, I-Ill (Berlin 1910 - 1931)
AeL (aka ÄL): Ägypten und Levante. Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete (Vienna 1990 ff.)
AEM: Archives épistolaires de Mari (Paris 1988 ff.)
AEP (aka AEPHE, Annuaire EPHE, EPHE): Annuaire de l'École pratique des Hautes-Études, Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques (Paris 1893 ff.)
AF: (aka AOF): H. Winckler, Altorientalische Forschungen 1-3 (Leipzig 1897-1906)
AfK: Archiv für Keilschriftforschung (Berlin)
AFD: J. L. Gautier Archives d'une famille de Dilbat (Kairo 1908)
AGH: E. Ebeling, Die akkadische Gebetsserie, Handerhebung (Berlin 1953)
AfK: Archiv für Keilschriftforschung (Berlin)
AfO (aka AfK): Archiv für Orientforschung (vol. 1-2 as AfK = Archiv für Keilschriftforschung, Berlin . . . Wien 1923 ff.); Beih. = Beiheft (1933 ff.)
AGGT: Administration at Girsu in Gudea's Time, Antichitistica 27. Studi Orientali 10, (Venice 2020)
AGH: E. Ebeling, Die akkadische Gebetsserie, Handerhebung (Berlin 1953)
AGM: Archiv für Geschichte der Medezin
Agricultura (avoid A. Salonen, Agricultura): A. Salonen, Agricultura Mesopotamica nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen (Heidelbeg 1981), (= AASF B 149)
AGS: Jørgen Alexander Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott für Staat und königliches Haus aus der Zeit Assahaddons und Asurbanipals (Leipzig 1893)
AHamI: Adda-Hamiti-Insushnak, Elamite king, reigned 653-648 BC
AHAW (aka AbhHeidelberg): Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil-hist. Klasse (Heidelberg 1913 ff.)
AHDO Archives d'histoire du droit oriental
ÄHK: E. Edel, Die ägyptisch-hethitische Korrespondenz aus Boghazköi in babylonischer und hethitischer Sprache (Opladen 1994)
AHw: W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (Wiesbaden 1959 - 1981)
Ai (aka ai.): Ana ittišu (in MSL 1)
AIA: tablets in the collections of the Australian Institute of Archaeology (Melbourne)
AiFF: Walter Hinz, Altiranische Funde und Forschungen (Berlin 1969)
AION: (aka AIUON): Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Sezione linguistica (Naples 1959 ff.)
AIPHOS: Annuaire de l'Institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves, Université libre de Bruxelles. (Bruxelles, 1936)
Aistleitner Wörterbuch: J. Aistleitner, Wörterbuch der ugaritischen Sprache
AJ: Antiquaries Journal (London/Oxford 1921 ff.)
AJA: American Journal of Archaeology (Princeton/Baltimore 1897 ff.)
AJSL: American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures (Chicago 1895- 1941)
AKA: L. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of Assyria, I (London 1902)
Akk.: Akkadian
Akkadica: Akkadica. Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin (Brussels 1977 ff.); Suppl. = Supplément (Leuven 1983 ff.)
AKL: Grayson, Assyrische Königsliste , RLA 6, 101-16.
AKT: Ankara Kültepe Tabletleri / Ankara Kültepe Tablets or Texts (vol. 1-2, Ankara 1990/1995, vol. 3 = FAOS Beih. 3, 1995)
AL: F. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lesestücke, mit grammatischen Tabellen und vollständigem Glossar; Einführung in die assyrische und babylonische Keilschriftlitteratur bis hinauf zu Hammurabi, für akademischen Gebrauch und Selbstunterricht, 4. durchaus neu bearb. Aufl. Assyriologische Bibliothek 16. (Leipzig 1912)
ALA (aka ALASP, ALASPM): Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas (und Mesopotamiens, Münster 1988 ff.)
Alan: lex. series alan = lanu
ALASP: Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas (Münster)
Aleppo: M. Touzalin 1982
AlHeth: H.A. Hoffner, Alimenta Hethaeorum (AOS 55, 1974)
AlT (aka Wiseman Alalakh, AT): D.J. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets (London 1953)
Altertumskunde: V. Christian, Altertumskunde des Zweistromlandes von der Vorzeit bis zum Ende der Achämenidenherrschaft, Bd. I (Leipzig 1940)
Altmesop. Weihplatten: J. Boese, Altmesopotamische Weihplatten. Eine sumerische Denkmalsgattung des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (Berlin-New York 1971)
Alu: Akk. omen series Šumma Alu
AM: 1) A. Goetze, Die Annalen des Murshilish (= MVAG 29/3, 1925, reprint Leipzig 1967). 2) G. Cardascia, Les archives des Murashu (Paris 1951). 3) Museum sigla: Collection Albert Maignan
Amarsuen lff.: royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 218ff.
Amarsuen to Shulgi: letter; ISET 2, 115 Ni.3083 rev. i and dupl.
AMD: T. Abusch − K. van der Toorn (eds) Ancient Magic and Divination (Leiden / Boston 1999-2006)
AMD 1: T. Abusch − K. van der Toorn(Hrsg.), Mesopotamian Magic. Textual,Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives (Ancient Magic and Divination I) (Groningen 1999)
Amel-Marduk (aka AOATS 4): R. H. Sack, Amel-Marduk 562-560 B.C : a study based on cuneiform, Old Testament, Greek, Latin and Rabbinical sources (1972)
Amherst (aka Pinches Amherst): Th. G. Pinches, The Amherst Tablets
AMI: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (Berlin 1929- 1938); Erg.-Bd. = Ergänzungsband (1929 ff.); NF = Neue Folge (1968 ff.); Erg.-Bd. (NF.) = Ergänzungsband (Neue Folge)
AMI NF (aka AMI N.F.): Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Neue Folge (from 1968), Berlin
Ammann-Festgabe: Oberhuber, K. 1953
Ammiditana 1: (StOr 55.1, 45)
Ammiditana 2: (RIME 4: Ammiditana 2)
Ammiditana lff.: royal inscr.;
Ammiditana seals a-a': (RIME 4: Ammiditana 2001-2012)
Ammisaduqa 1: (RIME 4: Ammisaduqa 1)
Ammisaduqa 2: (StOr55.1,46;RIME4: Ammisaduqa 2001)
Ammisaduqa lff.: royal inscr.;
Ammisaduqa seals a-o: (RIME 4: Ammisaduqa 2002-2016)
Amorites: Buccellati, G. 1966
AMT: R. C. Thompson, Assyrian Medical Texts (Oxford 1923)
An=Anum: lex. series an = anum
Ana ittisu: lex. series; MSL 1
Anadolu (aka Anadolu, Anadolu Arast., Anadolu Arastirmalari): Anadolu, Revue annuelle des études d'archéologie et d'histoire en Turquie (Paris 1951 ff.)
Anam 1: (StOr 49, 190; RIME 4: Anam 4)
Anam 2: (StOr 49, 190; RIME 4: Anam 5)
Anam 3: (StOr 49, 191, RIME 4: Anam 1)
Anam 4: (StOr 49, 191, RIME 4: Anam 2)
Anam 5: (StOr 49, 192; RIME 4: Anam 3)
Anam 6: (StOr 49, 193)
Anam Hymn: lit. comp.; A. Falkenstein, BaM 2, 80ff.
Anam seals a-b: (StOr 49, 193; RIME 4: Anam 2001 - 2002)
Anatolia: Anatolia. Revue annuelle d'archéologie (until 1961/62), Journal of the Institute for Research in Near Eastern Civilizations and Languages (1963), Anadolu (since 1964, Ankara 1956 ff.)
Anatolica: Anatolica. Annuaire international pour les civilisations de l'Asie antérieure (Leiden 1967 ff.)
AnBi (aka AnBibl, AnBiblica): Analecta Biblica (Rome 1952 ff.)
AncAlph (aka Anc. Alph.): R. H. Pfeiffer, Ancient Alphabets (Cambridge, Mass., 1947)
AncMesArt: E. Porada, Ancient Mesopotamian Art and Selected Texts (Pierpont Morgan Library, 1976)
ANEP: J. B. Prichard, The Ancient Near East in Pictures (Princeton 1954)
ANEP: J. B. Prichard, The Ancient Near East in Pictures (Princeton 1954)
ANES: Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Centre for Classics and Archaeology, University of Melbourne, Peeters Press, Louvain, 2000ff.) Continues: Abr-Nahrain
ANESS: Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series (Centre for Classics and Archaeology, University of Melbourne, Peeters Press, Louvain, 2000ff.)
ANET: J. B. Prichard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton 19501; 19552; 19693)
Angim (aka Cooper Angim): lit. comp.; J.S. Cooper, The Return of Ninurta to Nippur (= AnOr 52)
Angry Sea: lit. comp.; O Angry Sea, R. Kutscher, YNER 6
Animal Husbandry: Marek Stepien, Animal Husbandry in the Ancient Near East: A Prosopographic Study of Third Millennium Umma (CDL Press 1996)
anm.: footnote (Anmerkungen)
Ann. Rost: TigI. III.
AnnNap: Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli
Annuaire: Annuaire de École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section sciences historiques et philologiques (Paris).
AnOr: Analecta Orientalia (Rome 1931 ff.)
Anp.: = Aššurnasirpal (from King, L.W., Annals of the Kings of Assyria. London:1905)
AnSt: Anatolian Studies (London 1951 ff.)
Antagal: lex. series an-ta-gal2 = šaqû; MSL 17, 131ff.
Anthroponymie (aka l'anthroponymie): H. Limet, L'Anthroponymie sumerienne
Anthropos: Anthropos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde (Salzburg/Mödling/Posiéux/ Freibung, Switzerland, 1906 ff.)
AO: 1) Der Alte Orient (Leipzig 1900 ff.). 2) Museum siglum Louvre (Antiquités orientales)
AOAT (aka AOATS): Alter Orient und Altes Testament (Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1969 ff.); S = Sonderreihe (1971 ff.)
AOATT (aka ATT): K. Veenhof, Aspects of Old Assyrian Trade and its Terminology (= SD 10, 1972)
AoB (aka AOB): Altorientalische Bibliothek, vol. I (Leipzig 1926)
AoBel: Acta Orientalia Belgica, Société Belge d'Études Orientales (Leuven)
AOeAW (aka AÖAW, ÖAW, OeAW): Anzeiger den Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil-hist. Klasse (Wien 1947 ff.)
AoF: Altorientalische Forschungen (Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients)(Berlin 1974 ff.)
AoN (aka AltorNot/ Aor Not.): Altorientalistische Notizen (Würzburg 1976ff.)
AOS: American Oriental Series (New Haven 1925 ff.)
AOTb: museum sigla, Louvre (Antiquités Orientales, Tello)
AOTc: museum sigla, Louvre (Antiquités Orientales, Tello)
ap (aka ap.): Old Persian (altpersisch)
APA: Acta praehistorica et archaeologica (Berlin 1970 ff.)
APAW (aka AbhBerlin): Abhandlungen der (Königl.) Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil-hist. Klasse (Berlin 1908 -1944)
ApI: Ernst Herzfeld, Altpersische Inschriften (AMI Erg. Bd. 1, Berlin 1938)
APN: K. Tallqvist, Assyrian Personal Names (= ASSF 43/1, 1914)
App.: appendix
AR: Kohler, J. and A. Ungnad. Assyrische Rechtsurkunden (Leipzig)
ARAB: D. D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia (Chicago 1926/27)
Arab.: Arabic
Aradmu to Shulgi 1: letter Ali Letters 27ff. A:1; Michalowski Correspondence 135ff.; Ali, Sumer 26, 146ff.; Michalowski LEM no. 96
Aradmu to Shulgi 2: letter; Michalowski Correspondence 160ff.
Aradmu to Shulgi 3: letter; Michalowski Correspondence 167ff.
Aradmu to Shulgi 4: letter; J. van Dijk, Sumer 15, 10ff.; Michalowski Correspondence 172ff.
Aradmu to Shulgi 5: letter; ms. P. Michalowski
Aradmu to Shulgi 6: letter; C. Wilcke WO 5, 2f.; Michalowski Correspondence 177ff.
Arch.: Archaic (texts)
Arch.: Archaeologia (London 1888-1966)
Archaeology: Archaeology (Archaeological Institute of America)
ArchAnz. (aka AA): Archäologischer Anzeiger (Berlin 1849 ff.)
ArchBibel: Zabern, von (editor) nd
Archeology: Archeology. A magazine dealing with the Antiquity of the world (Cambridge, Mass.-New York)
Archives of Drehem: S. Langdon, Tablets from the Archives of Drehem
ARES: Archivi reali di Ebla. Studi (Rome 1988 ff.)
ARET: Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi (Rome 1985 ff.)
ARI: A.K. Grayson, Assyrian Royal Inscriptions (Wiesbaden 1972/1976)
ARK (aka EL): F. Eisser/J. Lewy, Die altassyrischen Rechtsurkunden vom Kültepe (I = MVAeG 33 [1930]; II = 35/3 [1935])
ARM: Archives royales de Mari (= TCL 22-31)
ARMT: Archives royales de Mari, traduction (Paris 1950 ff.)
ARN: M. Çig/H. Kizilyay/F. R. Kraus, Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus Nippur (Istanbul 1952)
ArOr: Archiv Orientalni (Prague)
ARRIM: Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project (Toronto 1983 ff.)
Art de la Mésopotamie: Ch. Zervos, L'art de la Mésopotamie de la fin du quatrième millénaire au XVe siècle avant notre ère (Paris 1935)
ArtAs (aka AA, Artibus Asiae): Artibus Asiae (Ascona 1925/26 ff.)
ARV: D. Arnaud, Altbabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden (= BBVOT 1, 1989)
AS: Assyriological Studies (Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago)
ASA: M. Höfner, Altsüdarabische Grammatik, Porta Linguarum Orientalium 24, Leipzig 1943
ASAW: Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philologisch-Historische Klasse
Asb.: Assurbanipal, A = Prisma A following M. Streck, VAB VII/2 (1916) 2 ff.; B = Prism B following A. C. Piepkorn, AS 5(1933); (= Prism C following M. Streck, VAB VII/2, S.138 ff.); F = Prism F following J.-M. Aynard, Le prisme du Louvre (Paris 1957)
Ash.: R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons (= AfO Beih. 9, 1956)
Ashergita: lit. comp.; J. Black, Acta Sum 7, 11-87
ASJ (aka Acta Sum) : Acta Sumerologica (Hiroshima, Japan 1979 ff.)
ASKT : P. Haupt, Akkadische und sumerische Keilschrifttexte
Ass. : Assyrian
AssCapp : P. Garelli, Les Assyriens en Cappadoce (Paris 1963)
ASSF : Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae (Helsinki)
AssLaws : G.R. Driver/J.C. Miles, The Assyrian Laws (Oxford 1935)
Assur : Assur. Monographic Journals of the Near East (Malibu 1974 ff.)
Assyrian Stone Vessels : Assyrian Stone Vessels and related material in the British Museum, A. Searight, J. Reade & I. Finkel (Oxbow 2008)
Assyriological Miscellanies : Assyriological Miscellanies (Institute of Assyriology, Copenhagen)
AST : Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi
astrol. : astrological (texts)
Astrolabe B : E. Weidner, Handbuch der babylonischen Astronomie 63ff.; E. Reiner and D. Pingree, BiMesop. 2/2, 151-152; G. ,Cagirgan, Belleten 48, 399- 416
astron. : astronomical (texts)
AT : Altes Testament
AT : Tel Atshana (Alalakh) Text, excavation sigla for 1937 (see also ATT)
ATHE : B. Kienast, Die altassyrischen Texte des Orientalischen Seminars in Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer (= UAVA 1, 1960)
Athenaeum : Athenaeum. Studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell'antichità; (Pavia 1913- 1922); NS = nova series (1923 ff.)
Atiqot : Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities
ATR : H. Torczyner, Altbabylonische Tempelrechnungen (Vienna 1913)
Atra-hasis : W.G. Lambert and A.R. Millard, Atra–hasis: the Babylonian Story of the Flood; with the Sumerian Flood Story by M. Civil
ATT : Tel Atshana (Alalakh) Text, excavation sigla
ATU : Archaische Texte aus Uruk: vol. 1, A. Falkenstein (= ADFU 2, 1926); vol. 2, M. Green/H. Nissen, Zeichenliste der archaischen Texte aus Uruk (= ADFU 11, 1987; see ZATU); vol. 3 , R. Englund/H. Nissen, Die lexikalischen Listen der Archaischen Texte aus Uruk (= ADFU 13, 1993); vol. 5 = R. Englund, Archaic Administrative Texts from Uruk: The Early Campaigns (= ADFU 15, 1994); vol. 7 , R. Englund/H. Nissen, Archaische Verwaltungstexte aus Uruk: Die Heidelberger Sammlung (= ADFU 17, 2001)
AU : F. Sommer, Die Ahhijava-Urkunden (= AMAW NF 6, 1932).
AUAM (aka HMA) : tablets in the collections of the Andrews University Archaeological Museum
AUCT : Andrews University Cuneiform Texts (Berriens Springs, Michigan 1984 ff.)
AuOr (aka AulaOr.) : Aula Orientalis (Barcelona 1983 ff.)
AuOrS : Aula Orientalis Supplements
AUWE : Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte (Mainz 1987 ff.)
AVAM : Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Bonn, Materialien (Munich)
AW (aka Antike Welt) : Antike Welt. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte (Mainz 1970 ff.)
AWAS : G. J. Selz, Altsumerische Wirtschaftsurkunden Sammlungen, 2 vols., (Franz Steiner Verlag 1993)
AWEL (aka G.J. Selz, AWEL) : G. J. Selz, Die Altsumerischen Verwaltungstexte aus Lagash, Teil 1: Die Altsumerischen Wirtschaftsurkunden der Eremitage zu Leningrad, FAOS 15/1 (Stuttgart 1989)
AWL : J.Bauer, Altsumerische Wirtschaftstexte aus Lagasch (= StPohl 9, 1971)
Aynard : Jeanne-Marie Aynard, Le prisme du Lourvre AO 19.939. Bibliothè de l'École des Hautes École des Hautes Études, IVe section, sciences historiques et philologiques
B. Rhode Island: Davidson, A. 1939
BA: Beiträge zur Assyriologie (und semitischen Sprachwissenschaft)(Leipzig 1890 ff.)
Baba and Ishmedagan: lit. comp. Römer SKIZ 236ff., and dupls.
BabAr: series Babylonische Archive (Dresden 2002)
BabLaws: G. Driver/J. Miles, The Babylonian Laws (Oxford 1955)
Babyl.: Babylonian
Babyloniaca (aka Bab ; Babyl): Babyloniaca: Études de philologie assyrobabylonienne (Paris 1906-1937)
Babylonian Genesis: A. Heidel, The Babylonian Genesis
Babylonisches Schrifttum: E. Unger, Babylonisches Schrifttum (Leipzig 1921)
BAD: G. A. Barton, Sumerian Business and Administrative Documents from the Earliest Times to the Dynasty of Agade. UMBS, vol. 9, no. 1. (Philadelphia, 1915)
BAfO: Beihefte zum Archiv für Orientforschung (Berlin-Graz 1933ff.)
BagF (aka BaFo): Bagdhader Forschungen (Mainz 1979 ff.)
BagM (aka BaM): Baghdader Mitteilungen (Berlin 1960 ff.); Beih. = Beiheft.
BAH: Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, Institut Francais d'Archéologie de Beyrouth (Paris 1921 ff.)
BAK: H. Hunger, Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1968.
BAL: R. Borger, Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestücke (Rome 1963(1); 1979(2) [= AnOr.54])
Balag: M.E. Cohen, An Analysis of the Balag-Compositions to the god Enlil (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Balag Inanna: lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, Aula Or5, 71ff.
BAM (aka Köcher Medizin): F. Köcher, Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen (Berlin 1963 ff.)
BAOM: Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum (Tokyo 1979ff.)
BAP: B. Meissner, Beiträge zum altbabylonischen Privatrecht (= AB 11, 1893)
BAR: British Archaeological Reports. IS = International Series (London)
BASOR: Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven 1919 ff.)
BATSH: Berichte der Ausgrabung Tall Šēh Hamad/Dūr katlimmu (Berlin)
BAU: E. Burrows, Archaic Texts (UET 2; London 1935)
Bauer: Theo Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals (Leipzig 1972)
BAV (aka Beziehungen): W. Helck, Die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 3. und 2. Jahrt. v. Chr. (Wiesbaden 19621; 19712)
BAW: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
BB: A. Ungnad, Babylonische Briefe aus der Zeit der Hammurapi-Dynastie. Vorderasiatische Bibliothek. (Leipzig, 1914)
BBDCP: E. Grant, Babylonian Business Documents of the Classical Period. (Philadelphia 1919)
BBEA: B. Landsberger and Th Bauer, Brief des Bischofs von Esagila an König Asarhaddon (Amsterdam 1965)
BbJ: W. Seipel and E. Wieczorek, eds., Von Babylon bis Jerusalem: Die Welt der altorientalischen Königsstädte I-II (Mannheim-Vienna-Milan 1999)
BBR: H. Zimmern, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion
BBS (aka BBSt.): L.W. King, Babylonian Boundary Stones and Memorial Tablets in the British Museum (London 1912)
BBVF (aka BBV): Berliner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Berlin 1957 ff.)
BBVO: Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderer Orient (Berlin 1982 ff.)
BBVOT: Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderer Orient Texte (Berlin 1989 ff.)
BC: C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik collection in the British Museum (5 vols.)
BCH: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, École Francaise d'Athènes (Paris . . . 1877 ff.)
BCSMS: Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies. (Toronto 1981-2005)
BCT (aka CCTBCM, Watson Birmingham): P.J. Watson, Catalogue of cuneiform tablets in Birmingham City Museum
BDHP: L. Watermann, Business Documents of the Hammurapi Period (London 1916)
BDTNS: Base de Datos de Textos Neosumerios <> (Madrid)
BE: The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia 1893 ff.)
Beer and Brewing (aka A. L. Oppenheim, Beer): L.F. Hartman and A.L. Oppenheim, On Beer and
Brewing Techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia (Baltimore 1950) (= JAOS Suppl. 10)
Behrens: T. Fish, The "Behrens" Collectlon of Sumerian Tablets in the Manchester Museum (= Notes from the Manchester Museum 30)
Belleten (aka Bell): Türk Tarih Kurumu, Belleten (Ankara 1937 ff.).
Berens (aka Pinches Berens, Berens Collection, BTBC, Berens Coll): G.T. Pinches, The Babylonian Tablets of the Berens Collection (= Asiatic Society Monographs 16, 1915)
Beschwörungen: M. Krebernik, Die Beschwörungen aus Fara und Ebla
BHAch 1: Bulletin d'histoire achéménide (Topoi Suppl. 1: 1997)
BHAch 2: Bulletin d'histoire achéménide (Persika 1: 2001)
BHLT: A. K. Grayson, Babylonian historical-literary texts, Toronto 1975.
BHT: S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts (London 1924)
BiAr (aka BA): Biblical Archaeologist (New Haven 1938 ff.)
Bib: Pontificio Istituto biblico (Rome 1920 ff.)
BID: W. Farber, Beschwörungsrituale an Ishtar und Dumuzi (Wiesbaden 1977)
Bier: W. Röllig, Das Bier im alten Mesopotamien (Berlin 1970)
BIFAO: Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Archéologie Orientale au Caire, Le Caire
bil.: Bilingual
Bildatlas: M. A. Beek, Bildatlas der assyrisch-babylonischen Kultur (Gütersloh 1961)
Bilingual: Bilingual reference(s)
Bilinguismo: Il bilinguismo a Ebla, ed. L. Cagni
BiMes (aka BiMesop., BiblMes., BM): Bibliotheca Mesopotamica (Malibu 1975 ff.)
BIN: Babylonian lnscriptions in the Collection of J. B. Nies (New Haven 1917 ff.)
BiOr: Bibliotheca Orientalis (Leiden 1943/44 ff.)
Bird and Fish: lit. comp.; ms. M. Roth; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Bismya: E. Banks, Bismya of The Lost City of Adab (New York-London 1912)
Bit rimki: ritual series; see R. Borger, JCS 21, lff
Bit Rimki: J. Laessoe, Studies on the Assyrian Ritual and Series bit rimki
BIWA: R. Borger, Beiträge zum Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals, (Wiesbaden 1996)
BJRL: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, (Manchester, 1903ff.)
BJV (aka BJVF): Berliner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, NF = Neue Folge (Berlin 1961 ff.)
BKR: U. Seidl, Die babylonischen Kudurru-Reliefs (= OBO 87, 1989)
BL: S. Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies; coll. R. Borger
BL: A. Ungnad, Babylonian Letters of the Hammurapi Period. UVBS 7. (Philadelphia 1915)
BLMJ: Museum siglum of the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem
BM: Museum siglum of the British Museum, London
BM Creation: Babylonian Legends of the Creation, British Museum, 1921
BM Messenger (aka Sigrist Messenger): M. Sigrist, Messenger Texts from the British Museum
BMAH: Bulletin des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, (Brussels 1901 ff.)
BMB: Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth, (1937 ff.)
BMC: Bollettino dei Musei Comunali di Roma
BMEJ (aka BMECCJ): Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan (Wiesbaden 1984 ff.)
BMFA: Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, (Boston 1926-1965)
BMisc.: F.H. Weissbach, Babylonische Miscellen, (Leipzig 1903)
BMHBA: Dávid, A. 1955
BMMA: Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, (New York 1905 ff.)
BMO : Barcino Monographica Orientalia
BMQ: British Museum Quarterly (London)
BMRAH: Bulletin des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (Bruxelles)
BMS: L.W. King, Babylonian Magic and Sorcery (London 1896)
BN: Biblische Notizen. Beiträge zur exegetischen Diskussion (Bamberg 1976 ff.)
BNYPL: Bulletin of the New York Public Library (New York)
Bo.: Tablet siglum of (unpublished) texts from Bogazköy
BOC: W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Oracle Questions, Eisenbrauns, 2007
Bogh.: Boghazkoy
BoHa: Bogazköy-Hattusha. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (1-8 in WVDOG, Stuttgart/Berlin 1952ff.)
Boissier Choix: A. Boissier, Choix de textes relatifs à la divination assyro-babylonienne (1905)
BOR: Babylonian and Oriental Record, (London 1886-1901)
Borger: Rykle Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste (Kevelaer 1978)
Bork, Zeughausurkungen: Ferdinand Bork, Die Zeughausurkunden von Susa, Teil I ( = Altkaukasische Studien, Heft III, Leipzig 1941)
BoSt: Boghazköi-Studien (Leipzig 1917 ff.)
BoTU: Boghazköi-Texte in Umschrift (Leipzig 1922-1926)
Boyer Contribution: Contribution a L'histoire Juridique
BPO : Babylonian Planetary Omens (1975 onwards)
BPOA: Biblioteca del Proximo Oriente Antiguo (Madrid, 2006ff.)
Br: R.E. Brunnow, A Classified List of Cuneiform ideographs (Leyden, 1887)
BRAD: J. Augapfel, Babylonische Rechtsurkunden aus der Regierungszeit Artaxerxes l. u. Darius II. (Vienna 1917)
BRM: Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan (New Haven 1917 ff.)
Brockmon: R. Kutscher, The Brockmon Tablets at the Univ. of Haifa: Royal Inscriptions
BSA: Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture (Cambridge, England, 1984 ff.)
BSL: Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris (Paris)
BSOAS (aka BSOS): Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and African) Studies (London 1917 ff.)
BSWSAS: Sejnen Aja Kenkyû (Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies,
Kyoto University (Kyoto 1958ff.)
BT: Brockman Tablets
BTL (aka BT): Babylonische Texte (Leipzig 1889-1897)
BTT: Babylonian Topographical Texts (George)
Bu (aka Bu.): museum siglum of the British Museum (Budge)
BuA: B. Meissner, Babylonien und Assyrien (Heidelberg 1920/25)
Buccellati Amorites: G. Buccellati, The Amorites of the Ur III Period
Buffalo SNS: Hussey, M. 1915
Bursin 1: (StOr 49, 26)
Bursin 2: (StOr 49, 26)
Bursin 3: (StOr 49, 27)
Bursin 4: (RIME 4: Bursin 2001)
Bursin lff.: royal inscr.
Bursin seals a-e: (StOr49,27f.;RIME4: Bursin 2002-2006)
BVW: Erich Ebeling, Bruchstücke einer mittelassyrischen Vorschriftensammlung für die Akklimatisierung und Trainierung von Wagenpferden, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung Veröffentlichung No. 7. (Berlin 1951: Akademie Verlag)
BWL: W.G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature (Oxford 1959)
BzN: Beiträge zur Namenforschung (Heidelberg)
bzw.: respectively (beziehungsweise)
C : consonant
CA : Current Anthropology (Chicago 1960 ff.)
CAD : The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago (Chicago 1956 ff.)
CAH : The Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge, England 1970 ff.3)
CahDAFI : Cahiers de la Délégation archéologique française en Iran
Calendars : M.E. Cohen, The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East
Camb. : J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cambyses, König von Babylon (= BT 8-9, 1890)
CANES : E. Porada, Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections, I: The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library (Washington 1948)
CanLam : M. E. Cohen, The Canonical Lamentations of Ancient Mesopotamia (Potomac, Maryland 1988)
Cat. : L. de Clerq/J. Ménamt, Collection de Clerq, catalogue …, I (Paris 1885/ 1888), II (1890/1903)
Cat. : K. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection
CAT : A. F. Rainey, Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets, HdO I 25, 1-4, Leiden 1996
Cat RSM 1907.690-50 5 : Dalley, S. 1979
Catalogue 3 : Auction nd
Catalogue Louvre : L. Heuzey, Musée National du Louvre, Catalogue des Antiquités Chaldéenes, sculpture et gravure à; la pointe (Paris 1902)
CatBM : H.H. Figulla, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum
CB : C.E. Keiser, Cuneiform Bullae of the Third Millennium B.C. Bab. Records in the Library of J.P. Morgan, part III. (New York, 1914)
CBCT : Chiera, E., Catalogue of the Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets in the Princeton University Library (Princeton 1921)
CBCY : Beckman, G. et al, Catalogue of the Babylonian collections at Yale
CBI : C. B. F. Walker, Cuneiform Brick Inscriptions in The British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, the City of Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, the City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery (London 1981)
CBS : Museum siglum of the University Museum in Philadelphia (Catalogue of the Babylonian Section)
CCL (aka Cat., CCO) : L. Delaporte, Musée du Louvre, Catalogue des cylindres orientaux, cachets et pierres gravées de style oriental, I: Fouilles et missions (Paris 1920); II: Acquisitions (1923)
CCT : Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum (London 1921-75)
CDA : Concise Dictionary of Akkadian
CdC II : L. de Clercq/J. Menant, Collection de Clercq, Bd. II (Cachets, briques, bronces, bas-reliefs) (Paris 1903)
CDCPP : R. H. Sack, Cuneiform documents from the Chaldean and Persian period (London/Toronto 1994)
CDLI : Cuneiform Digital LIbrary Initiative <> (Los Angeles/Berlin)
CDLB : Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin <> (Los Angeles/Berlin 2002ff.)
CDLJ : Cuneiform Digital Library Journal <> (Los Angeles/Berlin 2002ff.)
CDLN : Cuneiform Digital Library Notes <> (Los Angeles/Berlin 2003ff.)
CE : Codex Eshnunna
cf. : confer
CGSL : S. Moscati, A. Spitaler, E. Ullendorff and W. von Soden, An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages, Wiesbaden 1964; 3d edition, 1980
CH : Codex Hammurabi
CHANE : Culture and history of the ancient Near East
Chantre : E. Chantre (ed.), Mission en Cappadoce 1893-1894 (Paris, 1898)
CHD : The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago 1980 ff.)
CHEU (aka Contenau Contribution, HEU) : G. Contenau, Contribution à; I'histoire économique d'Umma (= Bibliothèque de l'école des Hautes Études, sciences philologiques et historiques 119, Paris 1915)
CHJ : G. Boyer, Contribution à; I'histoire juridique de la 1re Dynastie Babylonienne (Paris 1928)
Chronicles : L.W King, Chronicles Concerning Early Babylonian Kings
ChS : Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmäler (Rome 1984 ff.)
CICh : C. F. Lehmann-Haupt, Corpus inscriptionum chaldaicarum (Berlin 1928/1935)
CII (aka CIIran) : Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum (London 1955 ff.)
Circulation of Goods : A. Archi (ed.), Circulation of Goods in Non-palatial Context in the Ancient Near East (Rome 1984)
CIRPL (aka Sollberger Corpus) : E. Sollberger, Corpus des inscriptions "royales" présargoniques de Lagash (Geneva 1956)
CKU : P. Michalowski, Correspondence of the Kings of Ur (2011)
CL : Codex Lipit-Ishtar
Clerge : D. Charpin, Le clerge d'Ur
CM : Cuneiform Monographs (Groningen 1992 ff.)
CM 36 : Finkel, I.L. & Geller, M.J. (eds.) 2007, Disease in Babylonia. Brill. Leiden.
CMAwR : Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals
CMAwR 1 : Abusch, T. & Schwemer, D. 2011, Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals Vol. 1 (AMD 8/1). Brill. Leiden.
CMAwR 2 : Abusch, T. & Schwemer, D. 2016 Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals Vol. 2 (AMD 8/2). Brill. Leiden.
CMAwR 3 : Abusch, T., Schwemer, D., Luukko, M., & Van Buylaere, G. 2020, Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals Vol. 3 (AMD 8/3). Brill. Leiden.
CMAwR 4 : Van Buylaere, G. & Luukko, M. 2020, Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals Vol. 4 – Glossaries and Indices (AMD 8/4). Brill. Leiden.
CMH : Museum sigla: Série H du Cabinet des Médailles
CNIP : Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications
CNRS : Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris
col(s). : column(s)
coll. : collated, collation
com. : Comitative
comm. : commentary (texts)
Commentaires : R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les presages
comp. : composition(s)
Comptabilité : Virolleaud, Charles, Comptabilité Chaldéenne 1903
Concept Sumérien (aka Y. Rosengarten CSC) : Y. Rosengarten, Le concept sumérien de consommation dans la vie économique et religieuse, étude linguistique et sociale d'après les textes présargoniques de Lagash (Paris 1960)
Contratti Ojeil : G. Matini, P. Negri Scafa, S. Ticca, S.Viaggio, Contratti della Collezione Ojeil (2014)
Copper and Tin : J.D. Muhly, Copper and Tin: The Distribution of Mineral Resources and the Nature of the Metals Trade in the Bronze Age
corr. : corrects, corrected
corresp. : correspondence; corresponds
COS : W. W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, The Context of Scripture, 3 vols. (Brill 1997, 2000, 2002)
CPN : A.T. Clay, Personal Names of the Cassite Period. YOS 11, no. 2
Craft Archive : D. M. Loding, A Craft Archive from Ur (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania 1974)
CRAI : Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris 1857 ff.)
Creation of the Hoe : lit. comp.; ms. H. Behrens
CRRAI (aka CRRA, CRRAI, Rencontre) : Compte rendu de la Rencontre Assyriologique lnternationale. See RAI
CS : H. Frankfort, Cylinder Seals (London 1939, Reprint 1965)
CST (aka Fish Rylands Library) : T. Fish, Catalogue of Sumerian Tablets in the John Rylands Library (Manchester 1932)
CT : Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum (London 1896 ff.)
CT Metropolitan : see CCTM
CCTM (aka CTMMA; CTM; CT Metropolitan) : Corpus of Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (3 of 4 volumes have appeared as of June 2010)
CTH : L. Laroche, Catalogue des textes hittites (Paris 1966, Reprint 1971); premier supplément, RHA 30, 1972, S. 94-133
CTKC : Erle Leichty, A Bibliography of the Cuneiform Tablets of the Kuyunjik Collection in the British Museum (London 1964)
CTM : see CCTM
CTN : Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud (London 1972 ff.)
CTNMC (aka Jacobsen Copenhagen) : Th. Jacobsen, Cuneiform texts in the National Museum, Copenhagen (1939)
CTPSM : Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow 2014 ff.)
CU : Codex Ur-Nammu
CUCT (aka CUT CUA) : Catholic University Cuneiform Texts
Curse Agade (aka Cooper Curse of Agade) : J.S. Cooper, The Curse of Agade (1983)
CUSAS : Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (Bethesda, 2007ff.)
Cyl. : Cylinder
Cyr. : J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cyrus, König von Babylon (= BT 7, 1890)
DA : A. Boissier, Documents assyriens relatifs aux présages (Paris 1894-99)
DAB (aka Thompson DAB) : R.C. Thompson, A Dictionary of Assyrian Botany (London 1959)
DACG (aka Thompson DAC) : R. C. Thompsom, Dictionary of Assyrian Chemistry and Geology (Oxford 1936)
DAFI (aka CahDAFI) : Cahiers de la Délégation anchéologique francaise en Iran (Paris 1971 ff.)
Damiqilishu 1 : (StOr49, 37f.; RIME 4,102f.: Damiqilisu 1)
Damiqilishu 2 : (StOr 49, 38f.; RIME 4, 103f.: Damiqilisu 2)
Damiqilishu 3 : (RIME 4, 104f.: Damiqilisu 3)
Damiqilishu 5 : (RIME 4, 105f.: Damiqilisu 2001)
Damiqilishu lff. : royal inscr.;
DamM : Damaszener Mitteilungen (Mainz 1983 ff.)
Dar. : J. N. Strassmeier, Inschriften von Darius, König von Babylon (= BT 10- 12, 1892-97)
DAS : B. LaFont, Documents Administratifs Sumériens, provenant du site de Tello et conservés au Musée du Louvre (Paris 1985)
Das Sumerische : A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische. Handbuch der Orientalistik (Leiden 1959)
dat. : dative
DAT : B. Lafont, Documents administratifs sumeriens provenant du site de Tello
Date Palm : B. Landsberger, AfO Beiheft 17
DAWO (aka DAWIfO) : Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Institut für Orientforschung (Berlin)
DBPS (aka DBPSz) : N. Lihacev, Drevnejsija bully i pecaty Sirpurly = Mem. de la section class. de la Soc. imp. russe d'archéologie, 4 (1907), p. 225-263
DCM : F. Joannès (dir.), Dictionnaire de la Civilisation Mésopotamienne (Paris 2001)
DCS (aka Charpin Durand Documents) : D. Charpin/J.-M. Durand, Documents cunéiformes de Strasbourg (Paris 1981)
Death of Dumuzi : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, AnSt 30, 5ff.; CT 58, 51
Death of Urnammu : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, JCS 21, 104ff.; C. Wilcke, Rencontre 17 81ff.; Susa version ms. M. Civil, rev. ms. S.J. Tinney
DecChaldée (aka DC t/p) : Découvertes en Chaldée par E. de Sarzec, ouvrage accompagné de planches, publié par les soins de L. Heuzey, avec le concours de A. Amiaud et F. Thureau-Dangin pour la partie épigraphique. Premier volume: texte (Paris 1884-1912), Second volume: partie épigraphique et planches (Paris 1884-1912)
Devils : The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, R. Campbell Thompson (London 1903 vol. 1, 1904 vol.2)
DeZ : Museum siglum Dein ez-Zor
Diri : lex. series diri = watru
disc. : discussion
diss. : dissertation
DMOA : Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui (Leiden 1947 ff.)
DN : divine name
DoCu (aka Durand Documents, DC, Cat. EPHE, DCEP) : Jean-Marie Durand, Documents cunéiformés de la IVe Section de l'École pratique des Hautes Etudes, vol. 1: catalogue et copies cunéiformés (= HEO 18, 1982) (Geneva 1982)
DP : M. F. Allotte de la Fuÿe, Documents présargoniques (Paris 1908-1920)
DPA (aka EDPA) : H. Limet, Etude de Documents de la Période d'Agade (Société d'Editions “Les Belles Lettres” 1973)
Dreams : A.L. Oppenheim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East (= TAPS 46/3)
Drehem : M. Sigrist, Drehem
DS (aka DSz): H.G. Güterbock, The Deeds of Shuppiluliuma as Told by his Son Murshili II, JCS 10 (1956) 41-68; 75-98; 107-130
DSGl : F. Delitzsch, Sumerisches Glossar (Leipzig, 1914)
DSGr : F. Delitzsch, Sumerische Grammatik (Leipzig, 1914)
DTA : A.T. Clay, Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur. UMBS 11, nos. 1 and 2. (Philadelphia, 1913)
DTCFD : Dil Tarih ve Cografya Fakültesi Dergisi (Ankara)
Dumuzi's Dream : lit. comp.; B. Alster Mesopotamia 1, and dupls.; RA 69, 97-108; new ms. M.W. Green; rev. ms. B. Alster
Dumuzi-Inanna A : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 115ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna B : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 125ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna C : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 146ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna C1 : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 323ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna D : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 171ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna D1 : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 340ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna E : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 186ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna E1 : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 353ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna F : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 193ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna F1 : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 363ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna G : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 200ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna H : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 209ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna I : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 218ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna L : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 230ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna M : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 232f.
Dumuzi-Inanna O : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 234ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna P : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 243ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna R : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 262ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna T : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 273ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna V : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 284ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna W : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 288ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna X : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs (BE 31, 46)
Dumuzi-Inanna Y : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 301ff.
Dumuzi-Inanna Z : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 317ff.
dupl(s). : duplicate(s)
DynChal : Janneau, Guillaume. Une dynastie chaldéenne: les rois d'Ur. (Paris, P. Geuthner, 1911)
EA : J. A. Knudtzon, Die El-Amarna-Tafeln (= VAB II, Leipzig 1915)
Ea : lex. series e-a || A = naqu; MSL 14, 171ff.
EAE : Enuma Anu Enlil (Babylonian astronomical series)
EAK : Einleitung in die assyrischen Königsinschriften. R. Borger, Teil I: Das zweite Jahrtausend v. Chr.; W. Schramm, Teil II: 934-722 v. Chr., in: HdOr. Erg.-Bd. V 1,1 (1961) und 1,2 (1973)
Eames (aka Eames Coll.) : A.L. Oppenheim, AOS 32
Eannatum lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 120ff.
Early Rulers : see Sumerian Poem 4
EBH Early Babylonian History, Hugo Radau, 1900
Ebla 1975-1985 (aka Dieci anni) : L. Cagni (ed.), Ebla 1975-1985, Dieci anni di studi linguistici e filologici, Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Naples 1987)
Ebla Bil. Voc. : lex. text; MEE 4
Eblaitica : Eblaitica: Essays on the Ebla Archives and Eblaite Language (Winona Lake, 1987 ff.)
econ. : economic (texts)
Economic History : Economic History / Hospodárske Dejiny, Praha, vol. 15 (Prague 1986)
ECTJ : A. Westenholz, Early Cuneiform Texts in Jena
ED : Early Dynastic
ED Animal List A : lex. text, MEE 3, 47ff.
ED Animal List B : lex. text; MEE 3, 57ff.
ED Bird List A : lex. text; MEE 3, 109ff., with appendix by M. Civil, 275ff
ED Lu : lex. series; Early Dynastic recensions of Lu; MSL 12, 3ff.
ED Proverbs : B. Alster AfO 38/39, 1-51
ed(s). : edited, editor(s)
EDA : H. Limet, Etude de documents de la periode d'Agade appartenant a l'Universite de Liege
EDATS : F. Pomponio and G. Visicato, Early Dynastic Administrative Tablets of Šuruppak. Naples, 1994.
Ee. : Enuma elish (Babylonian creation myth)
EE : Stolper, Matthew W., Entrepreneurs and empire : the Murašû Archive, the Murašû Firm, and Persian rule in Babylonia. Leiden & Istanbul 1985: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul
EEN : N. Veldhuis, Elementary Education in Nippur (Ph.D. dissertation)
EG (aka GE, gilg., Gilgamesh Epic) : Epic of Gilgamesh (Babylonian epic)
EG : A. Dillmann, Ethiopic Grammar, 2d edition, 1899, Translated by J. A. Crichton (London 1907)
EI : Enzyklopädie des Islam (Leiden 1913-1934)
EK : Excavations at Kish : the Herbert Weld (for the University of Oxford) and Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago) Expedition to Mesopotamia, 1924-1934
ELA : S. Cohen, Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Elam. : Elamite
Elementary Education : N. Veldhuis, Elementary Education at Nippur: the List of Trees and Wooden Objects
Elevation of Ishtar : lit. comp.; B. Hruska, ArOr 37, 473ff.
Ellil : F. Nötscher, Ellil in Sumer und Akkad
ELTS : I. J. Gelb, P. Steinkeller, and R. M. Whiting, Jr., Earliest Land Tenure Systems in the Near East: Ancient Kudurrus (=OIP 104; Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1989, 1991)
Emar 6 (aka Emar VI) : D. Arnaud, Recherches au pays d'Astata: Emar 6/1-4, Textes sumeriens et accadiens (Paris 1986)
Emesal Voc. : lex. series; MSL4, 3ff.
Emesal-Studien (aka M.K. Schretter, Emesal) : M. K. Schretter, Emesal-Studien, Sprach- und literuturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur sogenannten Frauensprache des Sumerischen, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Sonderheft 69 (Innsbruck 1990)
En. el. : Akk. lit. comp.; Enuma elish
Enannatum I 1ff. : royal inscr., Steible ABW 182ff.
Enannatum II 1ff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 273ff.
Enc. phot. : M. Rutten, Encyclopédie photographique de l'art, Tome II (Paris 1936)
ENES (aka Yale) : B. Buchanan, Early Near Eastern Seals im the Yale Babylonian Collection (New Haven 1981)
Enki and Ninmah : lit. comp.; C. Benito, "Enki and Ninmah" and "Enki and the World Order" (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania); rev. ms. S.J. Lieberman
Enki and the World Order (aka Enki-WO) : lit. comp.; C. Benito, "Enki and the World Order" (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania); rev. ms. M.W. Green
Enki's Journey to Nippur : lit. comp.; A. al-Fouadi, Enki's Journey to Nippur (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Enkimansum and Giriniisag : lit. comp.; BE 31, 45 and dupls.
Enkitalu and Enkihegal : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
Enkl and Ninhursaga : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, BASOR SS 1; rev. ms. S.J. Lieberman; P. Attinger, ZA 74, lff
Enlil and Namzitarra : lit. comp.; M. Civil, AfO 25, 68ff.
Enlil and Ninlil (aka Behrens 1978) : lit. comp.; H. Behrens, Studia Pohl SM 8, 1978
Enlil and Sud : lit. comp.; M. Civil, JAOS 103, 43ff
Enlil in the Ekur : lit. comp.; Falkenstein Götterlieder 5ff., D. Reisman Two Neo-Sumerian Royal Hymns (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania) 41ff.; rev. ms. S. Kupferberg
Enlil's Chariot : lit. comp., J. Klein, Acta Sum 11 37ff
Enlilbani 1 : (StOr 49, 28)
Enlilbani 2a : (StOr 49, 29)
Enlilbani 2b : (StOr 49, 29; RIME 4: Enlilbani 3)
Enlilbani 3 : (8tOr 49, 30; RIME 4: Enlilbani 5)
Enlilbani 4 : (StOr 49, 30f.; RIME 4: Enlilbani 6)
Enlilbani 5 : (StOr 49, 31; RIME 4: Enlilbani 9)
Enlilbani 6 : (StOr 49, 31; RIME 4: Enlilbani 8)
Enlilbani 7 : (StOr 49, 32; RIME 4: Enlilbani 11)
Enlilbani 8 : (StOr 49, 33; RIME 4: Enlilbani 4)
Enlilbani 9 : (StOr 49 33 RIME 4: Enlilbani 7)
Enlilbani A : lit. comp.; A. Kapp, ZA 51, 76ff. and dupls., rev. ms. M. Roth
Enlilbani lff. : royal inscr.
Enlildirishe : lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 39ff. and dupls.; rev. ms. S.J. Tinney
Enmerkar and Ensuhkeshdanna : lit. comp A. Berlin Enmerkar and Ensuhkesdanna (= 0PBF 2); H. Behrens, AfO 29-30 98ff.; rev. ms. H. Behrens
Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta : ht. comp.; S. Cohen (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania); rev. ms Å.W. Sjöberg
Enmetena lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 21 lff.
Enshakushanna lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 293ff.
Ensi and Sanga to a King : letter; Ali Letters 109ff. B:11
epigr. : epigraphical(ly)
Epithetes (aka ÉR) : M.-J. Seux, Epithetes royales akkadiennes et sumeriennes (Paris 1967)
ePSD : electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project < (Philadelphia)
Equids : R. H. Meadow, H.-P. Uerpmann, Equids in the Ancient World, Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A 19/1 (Wiesbaden 1986)
ERC : Edition Recherche sur les Civilisations, Cah. = Cahiers Mém = Mémoire (Paris)
Eridu : M.W. Green, Eridu in Sumerian Literature (diss., Univ. Of Chicago)
Eridu Lament : lit. comp.; M.W. Green, JCS 30, 127ff.
Erimhush : lex. series erim2-hush = anantu; MSL 17, 3ff.
ErIsr. (aka Eretz-Israel, Er(etz) Isr(ael), EI) : Eretz Israel, Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies (Jerusalem 1951 ff.)
Erra Epic : Akk. lit comp., L. Cagni, Studia Pohl 5
Ershemma : M.E. Cohen, Sumerian Hymnology: The Ershemma
ES : Emesal
ESA : Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua (Helsinki 1926/1927 ff.)
ESA : Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua (Helsinki 1926/1927 ff.)
ESA : A. F. L. Beeston, A Descriptive Grammar of Epigraphic South Arabian (London 1962)
ESEM : tablets in the collections of the Archaeological Museums, Istanbul
esp. : especially
Essays Gordon : The Bible World: Essays in Honor of Cyrus H. Gordon
ETB : Excavations at Tell Brak, edited by D. Oates, J. Oates & H. McDonald, 2001
ETCSL : Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature <> (Oxford)
Etelpidamu to Mardu : letter-prayer, ms. P. Michalowski
Etudes Garelli (aka Études Garelli) : Marchands, Diplomats et Empereurs: Etudes sur la civilisation mesopotamienne offertes a Paul Garelli
EvM : Evil-Merodach . . ., in: B.T.A. Evitts, Inscriptions of the reigns of Evil-Merodach, Neriglissar and Laborosoarchod (=BT 6 B, 1892)
EVO : Egitto e Vicino Oriente
Ewe and Grain : lit. comp. ms. M. Civil, B. Alster and H. Vanstiphout, Acta Sum 9, lff.
Exaltation : W.W. Hallo and J.A. van Dijk, The Exaltation of Inanna (YNER 3)
Examenstext A : llt. comp. (Edubba A), Å.W. Sjöberg, ZA 64, 137ff., and dupls.
Examenstext B : lit. comp. (Edubba B) ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Expedition : Expedition. Bulletin of the University Museum of the University of Pensylvania (Philadelphia 1958 ff.)
ext. : extispicy
FAOS : Freiburger Altorientalische Studien (Freiburg 1975 ff.); Beih. = Beihefte: Altassyrische Texte und Untersuchungen (1984 ff.)
FARG : Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte
Farmer's Instructions (aka Civil Farmer's Instructions, Farmer's Almanac, Georgica 1.1.1) : M. Civil, The Farmer's Instructions: A Sumerian Agncultural Manual (= Aula Or Suppl. 5)
Father and Son : lit. comp. Å.W. Sjöberg JCS 25, 105ff. and dupl.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Fauna : B. Landsberger, Die Fauna des Alten Mesopotamien (= ASAW 42/6)
fem. : feminine
FHG : E. Laroche, Fragments hittites de Genève, RA 45/3 (1951) pp. 131-138; 45/4 (1951) pp. 184-194; 46/1 (1952) pp. 42-50. Updated in E. Laroche, Sur les Fragments hittites de Genève (FHG), RA 46/4 (1952) p. 214
FHL : J.-M. Durand/E. Laroche, Fragments hittites du Louvre, in: Gs. K. Atatürk (Paris 1982) S. 73-107
fig(s). : figure(s)
Fischerei (aka A. Salonen, Fischerei, FAM) : A. Salonen, Die Fischerei im alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen (Helsinki 1960), (= AASF B 166)
Flood Story : lit. comp.; M. Civil, in W.G. Lambert and A.R. Millard, Atra-hasls: The Babylonian Story of the Flood, 138ff.
Florenz : K. Oberhuber, Sumerische un akkadische Keilschriftdenkmaler des Archaologischen Museums zu Florenz
FLP : Museum siglum, Free Library of Phildadelphia
fn. : footnote
FN : field name(s)
FNLD (aka FNALD) : J. N. Postgate, Fifty Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents (Warminster 1976)
Fo (aka Fö) : W. Förtsch, Altbabylonische Wirtschaftstexte aus der Zeit Lugalanda's und Urukagina's, VS 14/I (Leipzig 1916)
Foreign Trade : W.F. Leemans, Foreign Trade in the Old Babylonian Period
Fowler and his Wife : lit. comp., B. Alster, JCS 27, 214f.
fragm. : fragment(ary)
freq. : frequent(ly)
From the 21st Century : S. Garfinkle & M. Molina, From the 21st Century B.C. to the 21st Century A.D.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sumerian Studies Held in Madrid 22–24 July 2010 (Eisenbrauns, 2013)
Frühdyn. Beterstatuetten : E. Braun-Holzinger, Frühdynastische Beterstatuetten (Berlin 1977)
Frühe Schrift : H. Nissen, P. Damerow, and R. Englund, Frühe Schrift und Techniken der Wirtschaftsverwaltung im alten Vorderen Orient (Berlin 1990)
Frymer-Kensky Ordeal : T.S. Frymer-Kensky, The Judicial Ordeal in the Ancient Near East (diss., Yale Univ.)
Fs : Festschrift (Anniversary volume, Studies in honor of, etc.)
Fs Astour : Crossing boundaries and linking horizons : studies in honor of Michael C. Astour on his 80th birthday, edited by Gordon D. Young, Mark W. Chavalas, Richard E. Averbeck, with the assistance of Kevin L. Danti (Bethesda, Md. 1997)
Fs Borger : Festschrift für Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Mai 1994: tikip santakki mala basmu, herausgegeben von Stefan M. Maul (Groningen 1998)
Fs Diakonoff (aka Studies Diakonoff) : Societies and Languages of the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of I.M. Diakonoff
Fs Finkelstein : Essays on the ancient Near East in memory of Jacob Joel Finkelstein, edited by Maria de Jong Ellis. (Hamden, Conn. 1977)
Fs Gaster (aka Gaster Festschrift) : JANES 5
Fs Geers : From Assurbanpal's Library: Studies in Memory of F. W. Geers: JNES 33/2-3 (1974) {pp 183-266?}
Fs Geller : Panayotov, S. & Vacín, L. (eds.) 2018, Mesopotamian Magic and Medicine (AMD 14). Brill. Leiden.
Fs Gordon : Orient and Occident. Essays presented to Cyrus H. Gordon on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday., Edited by Harry A. Hoffner. Kevelaer, Butzon & Bercker; Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 1973
Fs Greenfield : Solving riddles and untying knots : biblical, epigraphic, and Semitic studies in honor of Jonas C. Greenfield /, edited by Ziony Zevit, Seymour Gitin, Michael Sokoloff (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1995)
Fs Hallo (aka Studies Hallo) : The Tablet and the scroll: Near Eastern studies in honor of William W. Hallo, edited by Mark E. Cohen, Daniel C. Snell, David B. Weisberg (Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press, 1993)
Fs Hewett : So live the works of men : seventieth anniversary volume honoring Edgar Lee Hewett, edited by Donald D. Brand and Fred E. Harvey (Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico Press, 1939)
Fs Hilprecht : Hilprecht anniversary volume. Studies in Assyriology and archaeology dedicated to Hermann V. Hilprecht upon the twenty-fifth anniversary of his doctorate and his fiftieth birthday (July 28), by his colleagues, friends and admirers (Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs, 1909)
Fs Jones : Studies in honor of Tom B. Jones /, herausgegeben von Marvin A. Powell, Jr. und Ronald H. Sack (Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker ; Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlag, 1979) = AOAT 203.
Fs Koschaker : Festschrift Paul Koschaker : mit Unterstützung der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin und der Leipziger Juristenfakultät, zum sechzigsten Geburtstag überreicht von seinen Fachgenossen (Weimar: Böhlaus, 1939)
Fs Kraus (aka Studies Kraus) : Zikir Shumim: Assyriological Studies Presented to F.R. Kraus
Fs Lambert : George, A.R. & Finkel, I.L. (eds.) 2000, Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W.G. Lambert. Eisenbrauns. Winona Lake, IN.
Fs Larsen : Assyria and Beyond: Studies Presented to Mogens Trolle Larsen, edited by J. G. Dercksen (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nebije Oosten, 2004)
Fs Levine : Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine
Fs Limet : Tunca, Ö and S. Dehesell, Tablettes et images aux pays de Sumer et d'Akkad : mélanges offerts … Monsieur H. Limet Mémoires (Association pour la Promotion de l'Histoire et de l'Archéologie Orientales) 1. (Liege: Université de Liege 1996)
Fs Matous : B. Hruska, G. Komoróczy (eds.), Festschrift Lubor Matous (Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Ókori Történeti Tanszekek, 1978)
Fs Moortgat : Vorderasiatische Archäologie. Studien und Aufsätze. A. Moortgat zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet (Berlin 1964)
Fs Moran (aka Studies Moran) : Lingering over Words: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran
Fs Oberhuber : Im Bannkreis des Alten Orients : Studien zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orients und seines Ausstrahlungsraumes : Karl Oberhuber zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet /, herausgegeben von Wolfgang Meid und Helga Trenkwalder (Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 1986)
Fs Reiner (aka Studies Reiner) : Language, Literature, and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to E. Reiner (= AOS 67)
Fs Rinaldi : Studi sull'Oriente e la Bibbia : offerti al p. Giovanni Rinaldi nel 60. compleanno da allievi, colleghi amici. Genova : Studio e vita, 1967.
Fs Römer (aka Römer Festschrift) : dubsar anta-men: Studien zur Altorientalistik, Festschrift fur Willem H.Ph. Römer zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres mit Beitragen von Freunden, Schulern und Kollegen, AOAT 253
Fs Salonen : Festschrift A. I. Salonen, StOr 46 (Amsterdam and Oxford 1976)
Fs Sigrist (aka Studies Sigrist) : Piotr Michalowski, ed., On the Third Dynasty of Ur: Studies in Honor of Marcel Sigrist, JCS SS 1. Boson, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2008.
Fs Sjöberg (aka Studies Sjöberg) : DUMU E2-DUB-BA-A: Studies in Honor of Å.W. Sjöberg
Fs Steve : Fragmenta Historiae Aelamicae: Mélanges Offerts à M-J. Steve. L. De Meyer, H. Gasche and F. Vallat, eds. Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. Paris, 1986.
Fs Struve : Drevnij mir, sbornik statej akademiku Vasiliju Vasil'evich Struve, Shakhov, F. 1964
Fs Wilcke. : Sallaberger, W., Volk, K., and Zgoll, A.Literatur, Politik und Recht in Mesopotamian. Festschrift für Claus Wilcke. Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 14. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden, 2003.
FT (aka de Genouillac FT) : H. de Genouillac, Fouilles de Telloh
FTP : H.P. Martin et al, The Fara tablets in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2001
FTS : S.N. Kramer, From the Tablets of Sumer
FuB (aka FB) : Forschungen und Berichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Berlin i957 ff.)
FuF : Forschungen und Fortschritte (Berlin 1925-1967)
Fussbekleidung : A. Salonen, Die Fussbekleidung der alten Mesopotamier <= AASF 157)
FWG : Fischer Weltgeschichte, vols. 2-4: Die Altorientalischen Reiche (Frankfurt a. Main 1965-1967)
GAG : W. von Soden, Grundriss der Akkadischen Grammatik, Analecta Orientalia 33, Rome 1952; Ergänzungsheft mit Nachträgen, Analecta Orientalia 47, Rome 1969; 2d edition mit Ergänzungsheft, Analecta Orientalia 33/47, Rome 1969; 3d edition, Analecta Orientalia 33, Rome 1995
GCCI (aka GC) : R. P. Dougherty, Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions (New Haven 1923-33)
Geers Heft : Unpublished volumes of copies of texts and fragments from the British Museum Kouyunjik collection.
gen. : genitive
GEN : A. Shaffer, Sumerian Sources of Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh (Univ. of Pennsylvania, diss., 1963)
Genava : Bulletin du Musée d'Arts et d'Histoire de Genève (Genf 1923-1952); NS = nouvelle série (1953 ff.)
geogr. : geographical (texts)
Geschlechtsreife : Geschlechtsreife und Legitimation zur Zeugung, ed. E.W. Muller
Getreide : F. Hrozny, Das Getreide im alten Babylonien
GGA : Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen
GGL : J. Marzahn, Die Grundlagen der Getreideproduktion in Lagash (unpublished)
Gilgamesh and Agga : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, AJA 53 lff W. Römer AOAT 224ff.; H. Vanstiphout, Aula Or 5, 138ff
Gilgamesh and Huwawa A : llt. comp.; ms. A. Shaffer; cf. S.N. Kramer, JCS 1, 3ff. and dupls.; line numbering after D.O. Edzard, ZA 81, 165ff.
Gilgamesh and Huwawa B : lit. comp.; ms. A. Shaffer; line numbering after D.O. Edzard, BAW Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsbericht 1993/4:16ff.
Gilgamesh and Huwawa Short Version : lit. comp.; M. Ellis, AfO 28
Gilgamesh and the Bull of An : lit. comp.; A. Cavigneaux, RA 87 (1993): 97-129
Gilgamesh and the Netherworld : lit. comp.; A. Shaffer, Sumerian Sources of Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Gilgamesh II : A. R. George, The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic, vol. II, Oxford University Press, 2003
Gishshakidu of Umma : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 268
GKT : K. Hecker. Grammatik der Kültepe-Texte, Analecta Orientalia, 44 (Rome: Pontificum Institutum Biblicum).
GLH : F. Laroche, Glossaire de la langue hourrite, I (= RHA 34/35, 1976/78)
GMA (aka Glyptik) : P. Amiet, La glyptique mésopotamienne archaïque (Paris 19611, 19802)
GMTR : Guides to the Mesopotamian Textual Record
GN : geographical name
GPA : see CTN (volume 2)
gramm. : grammatical (texts)
Gratz Ann. Vol. : Gratz College Anniversary Volume
Gud. : Gudea-Inschriften. Sigeln und Numerierng nach der Edition von H. Steible FAOS 9, 1-2 (Stuttgart 1991)
Gudea Cyl. A and B : lit. comp.; F. Thureau- Dangin, TCL 8; R. Averbeck, A Preliminary Study of Ritual and Structure in the Cylinders of Gudea (diss., Dropsie College) 589ff.; RIME 3/1, 68-106
Gudea lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 256ff.
Gudea Statue Aff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 154ff.; RIME 3/1, 29-67
Gudea to his God : letter-prayer; TMH NF 3, 56 and dupl. UM 29-15-995
Gudeaenlilla to Dingirmansum : letter; TMH NF 3, 57
Guide3 : E. Budge/C. J. Gadd/H. Hall/S. Smith, A Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities, 3d ed (London 1922)
Gungunum 1 : (StOr 49, 40; RIME 4: Gungunum 3)
Gungunum 2 : (StOr 49, 40; RIME 4: Gungunum 1)
Gungunum 3 : (StOr 49, 41; RIME 4: Gungunum 2)
Gungunum lff. : royal inscr.
Gungunum seals a-c : (StOr 49, 41; RIME 4: Gungunum 2001-2003)
GvG : Carl Brockelmann, Grundriss der Vergleichenden Grammatik der Semitischen Sprachen, 2 vols., Leipzig 1908 and 1913, reprinted Hildesheim 1961
H : field numbers of tablets excavated at Tell-Hadad
HAB : F. Sommer/A. Falkenstein, Die hethitisch-akkadische Bilingue des Hattushili l. (= AMAW NF 16, 1938; reprint, Hildesheim 1974)
Haja (aka Steible Haja) : H. Steible, Ein Lied an den Gott Haja (diss., Albert- Ludsvigs Univ., Freiburg)
HamG (aka HG) : J. Kohler/F. L. Peiser/P. Koschaker/A. Ungnad, Hammurabis Gesetz (Leipzig 1904-23)
Hammurabi 01 : (StOr 49, 141f.: Rimsin 1, RIME 4: Hammurabi 1)
Hammurabi 02 : (StOr 55.1, 6-10; RIME 4: Ham-
Hammurabi 04 : (StOr55.1,15f.;RIME4:Hammurabi 4)
Hammurabi 05 : (RIME 4, 332: Hammurabi 5)
Hammurabi 08 : (StOr 55.1, 12-13, RIME 4: Hammurabi 8)
Hammurabi 09 : (StOr 55.1, 12-13; RIME 4: Hammurabi 9)
Hammurabi 10 : (RIME 4, 344f.: Hammurabi 10)
Hammurabi 11 : (RIME 4, 345ff.: Hammurabi 11)
Hammurabi 12 : (StOr 55.1,4f.; RIME 4: Hammurabi12)
Hammurabi 13 : (StOr 55.1, 1; RIME 4: Hammurabi 13)
Hammurabi 14 : (StOr 55.1, 1-2, RIME 4: Hammurabi 14)
Hammurabi 15 : (StOr 55.1, 2-3; RIME 4: Hammurabi 15)
Hammurabi 16 : (StOr 55.1, 3-4; RIME 4: Hammurabi 16)
Hammurabi 21 : (RIME 4, 357: Hammurabi 1001)
Hammurabi 22 : (StOr 55.1, 18; RIME 4: Hammurabi 2001)
Hammurabi 23 : (StOr 55.1, 17; RIME 4: Hammurabi 2002)
Hammurabi 24 : (RIME 4: Hammurabi 2003)
Hammurabi 25 : (RIME 4: Hammurabi 2004)
Hammurabi lff. : royal inscr.
Handwerk : H. Neumann, Handwerk in Mesopotamien, Untersuchungen zu seiner Organisation in der Zeit der III. Dynastie von Ur. Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients 19 (Berlin 1987)
Harem : Ernst Weidner, Hof- und Haremserlasse assyrischer Könige aus dem
2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (mit 6 Tafeln), AOf 17 (1954-56) 257-293
Harps : Th. Jacobsen, The Harps That Once . . .
HaS : I. J. GeIb, Hurrians and Subarians (= SAOC 22, 1944)
Hatt. : A. Götze, Hattushilish. Der Bericht über seine Thronbesteigung nebst den Paralleltexten (= MVAeG 29/3, 1925)
Hattori dissertation : A. Hattori, Texts and Impressions: A Holistic approach to Ur III cuneiform tablets from the University of Pennsylvania expeditions to Nippur (University of Pennsylvania, 2002)
Haupt Akkadische Sprache : Paul Haupt, Die akkadische Sprache: Vortrag gehalten auf dem fünften internationalen Orientalisten-Congresse zu Berlin, 1883
Haupttypen : A. Falkenstein, Die Haupttypen der sumerischen Beschwörung (LSS NF 1)
Hausgeräte I (aka A. Salonen HAM, HAM) : A. Salonen, Die Hausgeräte des alten Mesopotamier nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen, Teil I (Helsinki 1965), (= AASF B 139)
Hausgeräte II (aka A. Salonen HAM II) : A. Salonen, Die Hausgeräte des alten Mesopotamier nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen, Teil II: Die Gefäße (Helsinki 1966), (= AASF B 144)
HAV (aka HAV lff) : Hilprecht Anniversary Volume
HBA (aka HdBA) : E. F. Weidner, Handbuch der babylonischen Astronomie, I (= AB 23, 1915)
HdA (aka HdAr.) : Handbuch der Archäologie, im Rahmen des Handbuchs der Altertumswissenschaft (München 1939 ff.)
HdCh : F.W. König, Handbuch der chaldischen Inschriften (= AfO Beih. 8, 1955/1957)
HdOr : Handbuch der Orientalistik (Leiden 1948 ff.); Erg.Bd. (1955 ff.)
Hebr. : Hebrew
HED : J. Puhvel, Hittite Etymological Dictionary (Berlin 1984 ff.)
Heisserer : A. J. Heisserer (ed.), Classical Antiquities: The collection of the Stovall Museum of Science & History (University of Oklahoma, 1986)
Hendursaga Hymn : lit. comp.; D.O.Edzard and C. Wilcke, AOAT 25, 139ff.
HEO : Hautes études orientales (Geneva 1968 ff.); für Bd. 18 s. Car. EPHE.
Heron and Turtle : lit. comp.; G. Gragg, AfO 24, 51ff.; rev. ms. M. Civil
Hethitica : Hethitica (Leuven 1972 ff.)
HFAC : G. Beckmann/H. A. Hoffner, Jr., Hittite Fragments in American Collections (= TBC 2, 1982) = JCS 37, 1985 S. 1-60.
HFara (aka Fara) : E. Heinrich, Fara, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Fara und Abu Hatab (1902/3, Berlin 1931)
Hg. : Lexical series HAR.gud = imru = ballu (in: MSL 5-11)
HH : L. Laroche, Les hiéroglyphes hittites (Paris l960)
Hh. : Lexical series HAR.ra = hubullu (= MSL 5-11)
HHL : J. Hawkins/A. Morpurgo-Davies/G. Neumann, Hittite Hieroglyphs and Luwian: New Evidence for the Connection (= NAWG 1973, 6, 1974)
HippHeth : A. Kammenhuber, Hippologica Hethitica (Wiesbaden 1961)
Hippologica (aka A. Salonen, Hippologica) : A. Salonen, Hippologica Accadica (Helsinki 1956), (= AASF B 100)
Hiring : M. Weitemeyer, Some Aspects of the Hiring of Workers in the Slppar Region in the Time of Hammurabi
Hirose Collection : T. Gomi, Y. Hirose and K. Hirose, Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts of the Hirose Collection
hist. : historical (texts)
Historia Mathematica : Historia Mathematica (Toronto)
HitG (aka HG) : J. Friedrich, Die hethitischen Gesetze (Leiden, 19591, 19712)
Hitt. : Hittite
HKL : R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur (Berlin 1967-75)
HKM : S. AIp, Masat-Höyük'te bulunan civi yazili Hitit tabletleri/Hittite Cuneiform Tablets from Masat-Höyük (= TTKY VI/34, 1991).
HLC (aka Barton Haverford) : G. Barton, Haverford Library Collection of Cuneiform Tablets (Philadelphia 1905-1914); collations by T. Maeda, ASJ 2,197ff.
HMA (aka Lowie; LM) : sigla of the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley
Hoe and Plow : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
Holma-Salonen Cuneiform Tablets : H. Holma and A. Salonen, Some Cuneiform Tablets from the Time of the Third Ur Dynasty (= StOr 9/1)
Home of the Fish : lit. comp.; M. Civil, Iraq 23, 154ff.
House Most High : A.R. George, House Most Hlgh: The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia (= MC 5)
HPN : E. Huber, die Personennamen in den Keilschrifturkunden aus der Zeit der Könige von Ur und Nisin. Assyr. Bibliothek, vol. 21. (Leipzig, 1907)
HRT : A. Goetze, The Hittite Ritual of Tunnawi (= AOS 14, 1938)
HS : Tablet siglum of the Hilprecht Collection in Jena
HSA : L. W. King, A History of Sumer and Akkad (London 1910)
HSAO : Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient (vol. 1 [= Fs. A. Falkenstein] Wiesbaden 1967, vol.2 ff. Heidelberg 1988 ff.)
HSM : tablets in the collections of the Harvard Semitic Museum
HSS : Harvard Semitic Series (Cambridge, Mass. 1912 ff.)
HT : L.W. King, Hittite Texts in the Cuneiform Character from Tablets in the British Museum (London 1920)
HTR : H. Otten, Hethitische Totenrituale (= DAWIfO 37, 1958)
HTS : tablets from the Hartford Theological Seminary Collection texts now at Yale and Andrews Universities
HUCA : Hebrew Union College Annual (Cincinnati 1924 ff.); Supp. = Supplement (1976 ff.)
Hurr. : Hurrian
HW (aka HethWb., HWb.) : J. Friedrich, Hethititsches Wörterbuch (Heidelberg 1952-1954); 1-3 Ergänzungsheft (Heidelberg 1957-1966)
HW2 (aka HethWb., HWb2) : J. Friedrich/A. Kammenhuben, Hethitisches Wörterbuch (Heidelberg 1975 ff.)
Hymn to Nintu : lit. comp.; C. Wilcke, AS 20, 235ff. and dupls.
Hymn to the Ekur : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, RSO 32, 95ff.
HZL : C. Ruster and E. Neu, Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon (Harrassowitz Verlag 1989)
i.e. : that is
IAK : E. Ebeling, B. Meissner, E. F. Weidner, Die Inschriften der Altassyrischen Könige (Leipzig, Verlag Von Quelle & Meyer, 1926)
IAS : R. D. Biggs, Inscriptions from Tell Abu Salabikh (= OIP 99, 1974)
IB : Ishan Bahriyat, Isin excavation sigla
Ibbisin lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 279ff.
Ibbisin to Ishbierra : letter; S. N. Kramer, OECT 5, 15f.
Ibbisin to Puzurnumushda : letter; A. Falkenstein, ZA 49, 59ff.
IBoT : Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzelerinde bulunan Bogazköy tabletleri (Istanbul 1944 ff.)
ICC : H. A. Layard, lnscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments (London 1852)
ICK : Inscriptions cunéiformes du Kultépé, I: B. Hrozny; II: L. Matous (Prag 1952/1962)
Iddatum to Sumutarra : letter; P. Michalowski, JCS 30, 118
Iddindagan 1 : (RIME 4,22: Iddindagan 1)
Iddindagan 2 : (StOr 49, Sf.)
Iddindagan 3 : (StOr 49,7)
Iddindagan Hymn B : lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 209ff.
Iddindagan lff. : royal inscr.; I. Karki, StOr 49, 5ff.
Iddindagan seal a : (StOr 49, 5; RIME 4: Iddindagan 2001)
Iddindagan to Sinillatum : letter; Ali Letters 67ff. B:3
Ideogramme : B. Meissner, Seltene assyrische Ideogramme
IEJ : Israel Exploration Journal (Jerusalem 1950 ff.)
IES : tablets in the collections of the Institute of Egyptian Studies (Univ. of Cambridge)
IF : Indogermanische Forschungen (Straßburg/Leipzig/Berlin 1892 ff.)
Igituh : lex. series igi-du8 = tamartu
Igituh Short Version : lex. series; B. Landsberger, AfO 18, 81ff.
Igmilsin to Nudimmudsiga : letter; PBS 12, 32
IHH : B. Hrozny, Les inscriptions hittites hiéroglyphiques (Prague 1933)
ILN : Illustrated London News (London 1842 ff.)
Ilumgamll 1 : royal mscr.; I. Kärkl, StOr 49, 189f.
IM : Museum siglum of the Iraq Museum in Baghdad
IMGULA : Walter Sommerfeld, ed.
imp. : Imperative
IMT : Donbaz, Veysel & Matthew W. Stolper, Istanbul Murašû texts. Istanbul 1997: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul
Inanna and Bilulu : lit. comp.; Th. Jacobsen and S.N. Kramer, JNES 12, 160ff.
Inanna and Ebih : lit. comp.; ms. B. Eichler
Inanna and Enki : lit. comp.; G. Farber-Flugge, Studia Pohl 10
Inanna and Iddindagan : lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 128ff; D. Reisman, JCS 25, 185ff.
Inanna and Shukalletuda : lit. comp.; K. Volk, Inanna und Sukaletuda
Inanna's Descent : lit. comp.; W.R. Sladek, Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld (diss., Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Inannaka to Nintinugga : letter-prayer; Ali Letters 137ff. B:17
incant. : incantation(s)
Incantation against Gall : lit. comp.; P. Mlchalowski, ZA 71, lff.
Incantation to Utu : lit. comp., B. Alster, Acta Sum 13 27ff
inf. : Infinitive
Inimenlilla to a King : letter; UET 6/2, 173 i 5ff.
Iniminanna to Enlilmassu : letter; Ali Letters 149ff. B:l9
Iniminanna to Lugalibila : letter; Ali Letters 153ff. B:20
Inninshagurra : lit. comp.; A. Sjöberg, ZA 65, 161ff.
inscr. : inscription(s)
Instructions of Shuruppak : lit. comp.; B. Alster, Mesopotamia 2, and dupls. see B. Alster, Mesopotamia 3, 137ff.; Civil, JNES 43 , 281ff.
Instructions of Urninurta : lit comp.; B. Alster, OrNS 60, 141ff.
interlin. : Interlinear
IOS : Israel oriental studies. [Tel Aviv] Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University
Iran : Iran. Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies (London 1963 ff.)
IrAnt : Iranica Antiqua (Leiden 1961 ff.)
Iraq : Iraq (British School of Archaeology in Iraq) (London 1934 ff.)
IRSA : E. Sollberger/J. R. Kupper, Inscriptions royales sumériennes et akkadiennes (Paris 1971)
ISET : S. Kramer/M. Çig/H. Kizilyay, Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzelerinde bulunan Sumer edebi tablet ve parcalari (Sumerian Literary Tablets and Fragments in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul), I/Il, (Ankara 1969/1976)
Ishbierra 2 : royal inscr.; StOr 49, 2; RIME 4: Isbierra 1
Ishbierra and Kindattu : lit. comp., J. van Dijk, JCS, 30, 189ff.
Ishbierra to Ibbisin 1 : letter, Michalowski Correspondence 243ff.
Ishbierra to Ibbisin 2 : letter, S.N. Kramer, OECT 5 17ff.
IshbierraA : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, Studies Hallo 211ff.
Ishme Dagan : M.-C. Ludwig, Untersuchungen zu den Hymnen des Ishme-Dagan von Isin
Ishmedagan 01 : (StOr 49, 8), RIME 4: Ismedagan 1)
Ishmedagan 02 : (StOr 49, 8), RIME 4: Ismedagan 2)
Ishmedagan 03 : (StOr 49, 9; RIME 4: Ismedagan 7)
Ishmedagan 04 : (StOr 49, 9, RIME 4: Ismedagan 3)
Ishmedagan 05 : (StOr 49, 10; RIME 4: Ismedagan 4)
Ishmedagan 06 : (StOr 49, 10; RIME 4: Ismedagan 11)
Ishmedagan 07 : (StOr 49, 10f.; RIME 4: Ismedagan 5)
Ishmedagan 08 : (StOr 49, 11; RIME 4: Ismedagan 13)
Ishmedagan 09 : (StOr 49, 12; RIME 4: Ismedagan 12)
Ishmedagan 10 : (StOr 49, 12; RIME 4: Ismedagan 2001)
Ishmedagan 11 : (StOr 49, 13; RIME 4: Ismedagan 10)
Ishmedagan 12 : (StOr 49, 13; RIME 4: Ismedagan 6)
Ishmedagan lff. : royal inscr.
Ishmedagan S : lit. comp.; Ludwig Isme-Dagan 87ff.
Ishmedagan seal a : (StOr 49, 13; RIME 4: Ismedagan 14)
Ishmedagan Z : lit. comp.; ms. P. Michalowski
Ishtar : W.F. Leemans, Ishtar of Lagaba and her Dress (= SLB 1/1)
Isin : B. Hrouda, Isin-Išān Baḥrīyāt : die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (4 vols. 1977-1992)
Isin crafts : Marc van de Mieroop, Crafts in the Early Isin Period: A Study of the Isin Craft Archive from the Reigns of Isbi-Erra and Su-Illisu. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta - OLA 24 (Peeters Publishers, 1987)
ISL : Innsbrucker Sumerisches Lexikon des Instituts für Sprachen und Kulturen des Alten Orients an der Universität Innsbruck, Abt. I: Sumerisches Lexikon zu den zweisprachigen literarischen Texten; Band 1: Sumerisches Lexikon zu G. Reisner SBH
IstF (aka IstForsch.) : Istanbuler Forschungen (Berlin/Tübingen 1932 ff.)
IstM (aka IstMitt.) : Istanbuler Mitteilungen (Istanbul 1933 ff.); Beih. = Beiheft (1966 ff.)
ITT (aka FYI) : Inventaire des tablettes de Tello
Izi : lex. series izi = ishtu; MSL 13, 154ff.
JA : Journal asiatique (Paris 1822 ff.)
JAC : Journal of Ancient Civilizations (Changchun)
JAFA : Journal of Al-Frahedis Arts
Jagd : A. Salonen, Jagd und Jagdtiere im alten Mesopotamien (=AASF 196)
JAGS : Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven/Ann Arbor 1843 ff.); Suppl. = Supplement (1935 ff.)
JANEH : Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History (2014 ff.)
JANES : Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society (of Columbia University) (New York 1968/69 ff.)
JAOS : Journal of the American Oriental Society
JAS (aka JArS) : Journal of Archaeological Science (London/New York 1974 ff.)
JASH : Journal of Arabian Sciences Heritage, Baghdad University (مجلة التراث العلمي العربي)
JBCH : Journal of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies, University of Babylon (مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية للعلوم التربوية والإنسانية )
JBL : Journal of Biblical Literature (Philadelphia 1890 ff.)
JCS : Journal of Cuneiform Studies (New Haven . . . Baltimore 1947 ff.)
JCSSS : Journal of Cuneiform Studies Supplemental Series
JDAI (aka JdI) : Jahrbuch des (Kaiserlichen) Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (Berlin 1886 ff.); Erg.-H. = Ergänzungsheft (1888 ff.)
JEA : Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (London 1914 ff.)
JEN : Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi (= Publications of the Baghdad School. Texts, 1-6, Paris/Philadelphia 1927-1939)
JEOL : Jaarbericht van het Voor-Aziatisch-Egyptisch-Gezelschap (from 1945: Genootschap) Ex Oriente Lux (Leiden 1933 ff.)
Jerusalem : M. Sigrist, Inscriptions Cuneiformes Jerusalem (= Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Museum 4)
JESHO : Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (Leiden 1958 ff.)
JFA : Journal of Field Archaeology (Boston, Mass. 1974 ff.)
JHS : Journal of Hellenic Studies (London 1880 ff.)
JIES : Journal of Indo-European Studies (Hattiesburg, Missouri 1973 ff.)
JKF (aka JKlF, AnaAra., Anadolu, Anadolu Arast., Anadolu Arastirmalari) : Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschung, I-II (Heidelberg 1950/51- 1952/53) = Anadolu Arastirmalari (Bd. 1 = III und 2ff. = 2ff., Istanbul 1955/59ff.); Beiheft (1978ff.)
JMC : Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes (2003 ff.)
JMEOS : Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society (1912-1933/34)
JMS : Journal of Magan Studies Vol 1 (2006). Discontinued?
JNER : Journal of ancient Near Eastern Religions (Leiden 2001 ff.)
JNES : Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Chicago 1942 ff.)
JRAS : Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London 1834 ff.); Suppl. = Supplement; Cent. Suppl. - Centenary Supplement (1924)
JRDH : Diyala Journal of Humanitarian Research, Diyala University (مجلة ديالى للبحوث الانسانية)
JRGS : Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (London)
JRGZ : Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Bonn (Mainz 1954 ff.)
JSOR : Journal of the Society of Oriental Research
JSOT : Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (Sheffield 1978/79 ff.)
JSS : Journal of the Semitic Studies (Manchester 1956 ff.)
JTVI : Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute . . .(London 1865-1957)
Jubileum LB : Böhl, F. de Liagre 1938
K : Museum siglum of the British Museum in London (Kuyunjik)
KADP : F. Köcher, Keilschrifttexte zur assyrisch-babylonischen Drogen- und Pflanzenkunde (Berlin 1955)
Kagal : lex. series ka2-gal = abullu; MSL 13,227ff
KAH : Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts (I: L. Messerschmidt, WVDOG 16, 1911; II: O. Schroeder, WVDOG 37, 1922)
KAI : H. Donner/W. Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (Wiesbaden 1962-64)
KAJ : E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juristischen Inhalts (= WVDOG 50, 1927)
Kalender : W. Sallaberger, Der kultische Kalender der Ur III-Zeit, 2 vols.
KAM : A. Moortgat, Die Kunst des Alten Mesopotamien (Köln 1967)
Kampfe (aka KAO) : Kampfe um den Alten Orient
KAO : P. Amiet, Die Kunst des Alten Orients (Freiburg 1977)
KAR : E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts I/II (= WVDOG 28, 1919; 34, 1923)
KAV : O. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts (= WVDOG 35, 1920)
KBo. : Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi (Bd. 1-22 in WVDOG, Leipzig/Berlin 1916 ff.)
Keshi Hymn : lit. comp.; G. Gragg, TCS 3. 155ff; rev ms. P. Gerardi; ED version, R.D. Biggs. ZA 61, 193ff
KEWA : M. Mayrhofer, Kurzgefaßtes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen (Heidelberg 1956-1980)
Kish : tablets excavated at Kish, in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford)
Kisurra : B. Kienast, FAOS 2
KL : Tablet siglum, texts from Kamid el-Loz
KlF : Kleinasiatische Forschungen, I (Weimar 1927-30)
Klio : Klio. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte (Leipzig/Berlin 1906-1943)
KLL : Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon (Zürich 1965-1974; Munich 1974)
KMI : E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte medicinischen Inhalts (1922-1923)
KN : V. Haas, Der KuIt von Nerik. Ein Beitrag zur hethitischen Religionsgeschichte (= StPohl 4,1970)
Kollationen (aka Kollationen Jena) : C. Wilcke, Kollationen zu den sumerischen literarischen Texten aus Nippur in der Hilprecht-Sammlung Jena, ASAW 65/4, 1976
Königsfriedhof : H. J. Nissen, Zur Datierung des Königsfriedhofes von Ur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stratigraphie der Privatgräber (Bonn 1966)
Konst. : Assur tablets In the collections of the Archaeological Museums (Istanbul)
Kt (aka kt) : Inventory numbers of Kültepe texts
Ktèma (aka KTMEA) : Ktèma. Civilisations de I'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques (Straßburg 1976 ff.)
KTP : The Cappadocian Tablets in the University of Pennsylvania Museum, JSOR 11, 1927, 101-136: F. J. Stephens
KTS : Keilschrifttexte in den Antiken-Museen zu Istanbul [, Bd. 1] :J. Lewy (Konstantinopel 1926); Bd. 2: V. Donbaz (= FAOS Beih. 2, 1989)
KTU : M. Dietrich/ O. Loretz/ J. Sanmartín, Die keil-alphbetischen Texte aus Ugarit (= AOAT 24/1, 1976)
KTU2 : M. Dietrich/ O. Loretz/ J. Sanmartín, Die keil-alphbetischen Texte aus Ugarit, 2nd edition = ALASP(M) 8 (1995)
KUB : Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi (Berlin 1921 ff.)
Kudurmabuk 1 : (StOr49, 140f.)
Kudurmabuk 2 : (8tOr 49, 83f.; RIME 4: Kudurmabuk 1)
Kudurmabuk 3 : (StOr 49, 83f.)
Kudurmabuk lff. : royal inscr.
Kudurmabuk seal a : (StOr 49, 83f; RIME 4: Kudurmabuk 2001)
Kudurrus : I. J. Gelb, P. Steinkeller and R.M. Whitney Jr., Earliest Land Tenure Systems in the Near East. Ancient Kudurrus (= OIP 104)
Kultische Kalender (aka B. Landsberger, Kalender) : B. Landsberger, Der Kultische Kalender der Babylonier und Assyrer (= LSS 6/1-2)
Kuninurta to a King : letter; ms. Univ. Museum
Kunstmann Gebetsbeschwörung : W. Kunstmann, Die babylonische Gebetsbeschwörung (= LSS NF 2)
Kurigalzu Inscription : royal inscr.; Sumer 4, lff.; rev. ms. M.W. Green
Kusu Hymn : lit. comp.; P. Michalowski, Studies Hallo 152ff.
KWU : N. Schneider, Die Keilschriftzeichen der Wirtschaftsurkunden von Ur III nebst ihren charakteristischen Schreibvarianten (Rom 1935)
Kyoto (aka Nakahara, Nakahara Kyoto) : Y. Nakahara, The Sumerian Tablets in the Imperial Library of Kyoto (Tokyo 1928)
Kyros-Zylinder : Kyros-Zylinder (edited by P.-R. Berger, ZA 64, 1975, pp. 192-234)
L : Tablet siglum of texts in the Archeological Museum in Istanbul (Lagash/Girsu)
l.e. : left edge
L'uomo : G. Pettinato, L'uomo cominciò a scrivere. Iscrizioni cuneiformi della Collezione Michail (Milano 1997)
La province (aka Prov. mér.) : J.-P. Grégoire, La province meridionale de l'état de Lagash
LAK : A. Deimel, Liste der archaischen Keilschriftzeichen (= WVDOG 40, 1922)
Lamentation over Sumer and Ur : lit. comp.; P. Michalowski, The Lamentation over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur (= MC 1)
Lamentation over Ur : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, AS 12; rev. ms. H. Vanstiphout
Lamentations : M.E. Cohen, The Canonical Lamentations of Ancient Mesopotamia
Landfahrzeuge (aka A. Salonen, Landfahrzeuge) : A. Salonen, Die Landfahrzeuge des alten Mesopotamien (Helsinki 1951), (=AASF B 72/III)
Language of Ebla : Studies on the Language of Ebla, ed. P. Fronzaroli, Quaderni di Semitistica 13
LAOS : Leipziger Altorientalische Studien (from 2011)
LAPO : Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient
LAS : S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, I (= AGAT 5/1, 1970); II (= AGAT 5/2, 1983)
Law Collections : M. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor
Laws of Lipiteshtar : lit. comp.; Roth Law Collections 23ff.
Laws of Urnammu : lit. comp.; Roth Law Collections 13ff.
LB : tablets in the de Liagre Bohl Collection (Leiden)
LBAT : A. Sachs/T. Pinches/ J. Strassmaier, Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts (London 1955)
LDAS : Legal Documents in Ancient Societies
LE : C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandaepos (Wiesbaden 1969)
Leather : V.E. Crawford, Terminology of the Leather Industry in Late Sumerian Times (diss., Yale Univ.)
Lenormant Choix : F. Lenormant, Choix de textes cunéiformes (1873-1875)
Letter from PN to a King(?) : letter; ISET 2, 117 Ni.4164 rev.
Letter from PN to Enlilbani : letter; ISET 2, 119 Ni.4326+ 9ff.
Letter from PN to Nanna : letter-prayer; A. Falkenstem, AnBibl 12, 69ff.; A. Sjöberg Mondgott 104ff.
Letter from PN to Nininsina : letter-prayer, SEM 74
Letter to Ninshubur : letter-prayer; C.B.F. Walker and S.N. Kramer, Iraq 44, 78ff.
Letter to Zimrilim : letter; D. Charpin, Rencontre 35, 7ff.
Letters (aka LEM) : P. Michalowski, Letters from Early Mesopotamia, by Piotr Michalowski, edited by Erica Reiner (Writings from the Ancient World, vol. 3, Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, 1993)
Levant : Levant. Journal of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem (London 1969 ff.)
lex. : lexical (texts)
LexAe (aka LexAe., LexÄ) : Lexikon der Ägyptologie (Wiesbaden 1975-92)
Lexical : lexical reference(s)
LFBD : T. Fish, Letters of the First Babylonian Dynasty
LIH : L. King, The Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi (London 1889-1900)
LIMC : Lexicon iconographicum mythologicae classicae (Zurich 1981 ff.)
Lingua di Ebla : La Lingua di Ebla, ed. L. Cagni
Lipiteshtar 01 : (StOr 49, 15f.; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 1)
Lipiteshtar 02 : (8tOr 49, 16; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 4)
Lipiteshtar 03 : (StOr 49, 17; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 5)
Lipiteshtar 04 : (StOr 49, 18, RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 6)
Lipiteshtar 06 : (StOr 49, 20, RIME 4: not included)
Lipiteshtar 07 : (StOr 49, 21f.; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 8)
Lipiteshtar 11 : (RIME 4, 48f.: Lipiteshtar 2)
Lipiteshtar 12 : (RIME 4, 59f.: Lipiteshtar 7)
Lipiteshtar 1ff. : royal inscr.
Lipiteshtar A : lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 29ff.; rev. ms. Univ. Museum
Lipiteshtar and the Plow : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
Lipiteshtar B : lit. comp.; H. Vanstiphout, JCS 30 33ff
Lipiteshtar C : lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 10ff.
Lipiteshtar D : lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 6ff.
Lipiteshtar seal a : (StOr 49, 22: Lipiteshtar 8; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 2001)
Lipiteshtar seal b : (8tOr 49, 22: Lipiteshtar 9; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 2002)
Lipiteshtar seal c : (StOr 49, 23: Lipiteshtar 10; RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 2003)
Lipiteshtar seal d : (RIME 4: Lipiteshtar 2004)
Lipiteshtar to Nannakiag : letter; Ali Letters 76ff. B:5
Lisin's Lament : lit. comp.; CBS 8508 (STVC 121) and dupl.
lit. : literary (texts)
LKA : L. Ebeling, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur (Berlin 1953)
LKU : A. Falkenstein, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Uruk (Berlin 1931)
LoC : Library of Congress
loc. : locative
loc.-term. : locative-terminative
Love Songs : Y. Sefati, Love Songs in Sumerian literature (diss., Bar- Ilan Univ.)
LSS : Leipziger Semitistische Studien (Leipzig 1903- 1920); NF = Neue Folge (1931-1932)
LSU : P. Michalowski, The Lamentation over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur (= MC 1)
LTBA : Die lexikalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer, Bd. I: L. Matous; Bd. II: W. von Soden (Berlin 1933)
Lu : lex. series lu2 = sha; MSL 12, 87ff.
Lu'utu lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 343f.
Luckenbill Adab : D. Luckenbill, Inscriptions from Adab (= 0IP 14)
Lugal-TAR-si of Kish : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 218f.
Lugalannemundu Inscr. : royal inscr.; H. Guterbock, ZA 42, 40ff.; new ms. P. Michalowski
Lugalbanda Epic I : lit. comp.; ms. S. Cohen, rev. by Å.W. Sjöberg; W.W. Hallo, JAOS 103, 165ff.
Lugalbanda Epic II : lit. comp.; C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandacpos; R. Falkowitz, JAOS 103, 103ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Lugalbandaepos : C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandaepos, 1969
Lugale (aka van Dijk Lugale) : lit. comp.; J. van Dijk, Lugal ud me-lam-BI; Sippar Version = F.N.H. Al-Rawi, Iraq 57 (1995): 199-223
Lugalibila to Giriniisag : letter; ms. Univ. Museum
Lugaliblla to Lugalnisag : letter; J. Nougayrol, Ugaritica 5, 23ff.; rev. ms. M. Civil
Lugalkigmnedudu lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 298ff.
Lugalkisalsi lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2,
Lugalnisag to a King 1 : letter; Ali Letters 85ff. B:7
Lugalnisag to a King 2 : letter; Ali Letters 92ff. B:8
Lugalnisag to Enlilmassu : letter; Ali Letters 130ff. B:16
Lugalzagesi lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 310ff.
Lullaby : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, Studi in onore di Edoardo Volterra 6, 191ff, and dupls.; rev. ms. A. Cavlgneaux
Luninurta to Inamlaandulduga : letter; M.E. Cohen, WO 9, I0ff.
Lushaga : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2,
MA : Middle Assyrian
MAD : I.J. Gelb, Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary (Chicago 1952- 1970)
mag. : Magical
MAG : Mittelassyrische Gesetze
MAH : Museum siglum of the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva
Malku : Akk. lex. series malku = sharru
MAM : A. Parrot, Mission archéologique de Mari, I (= BAH 65, 1956); II (= BAH 68- 70, 1958/59); III (= BAH 86, 1967)
Man and his God : lit. comp., S.N. Kramer, VT Suppl. 3; rev. ms. J. Klein
Manchester Memoirs : Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society
Manchester Tammuz : lit. comp.; B. Alster, Acta Sum 14, lff.
Mantique : A. Boissier, Mantique Babylonienne et Mantique Hittite (Paris 1935)
Manuel2 : Ch. Fossey, Manuel d'assyriologie, Bd. II: Évolution des cunéiformes (Paris 1926)
MAO : G. Contenau, Manuel d'Archéologie Orientale (Paris 1927-47)
MAOG : Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft
Maqlu : Knut L. Tallqvist, Die assyrische Beschwörungsserie Maqlu (1894)
MARI : Mari, Annales de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (Paris 1982 ff.)
Marriage of Mardu : lit. comp.; SEM 58; J. Klein, Sumerian Gods 110-116
masc. : Masculine
math. : mathematical (texts)
MatKul : Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii Istorii Material'noj Kul'tury
Maul Ershahunga : S.M. Maul, 'Herzberuhigungsklagen': Die sumerisch-akkadischen Ershahunga-Gebete
Mayr 1997 : R. Mayr, The Seal Impressions of Ur III Umma, Disseratation, 1997
MB : Middle Babylonian
MBGT (aka MGBT) : lex. series; Middle Babylonian Grammatical Texts, MSL SS 1, 72-91
MBI (aka Barton MBI) : G.A. Barton, Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions, I (New Haven 1918)
MBLETU : O. R. Gurney, The Middle Babylonian Legal and Economic Texts from Ur (British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1983)
MC : Mesopotamian Civilizations (Winona Lake, Indiana)
MC 3 (aka Adoption in Nippur) : E.C. Stone and D.I. Owen, Adoption in Old Babylonian Nippur and the Archive of Mannum-mesu-lissur (= MC 3)
MC 4 (aka LAT, Legal and Administrative Texts) : P. Steinkeller, with hand copies by J. N. Postgate, Third-Millennium Legal and Administrative Texts in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad (= MC 4)
MCAAS : Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
MCS : Manchester Cuneiform Studies (Manchester 1951 ff.)
MCT : O. Neugebauer and A. Sachs, Mathematical Cuneiform Texts (= AOS 29)
MD : tablets in the collections of the Missionmuseum der Franziskaner zu Dorsten in Westfalen
MDAI (aka MDAIK, DAI) : Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abt. Kairo (Mainz 1956 ff.)
MDI : Memoires de la Delegation Archeologique en Iran
MDOG : Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-gesellschaft zu Berlin (Berlin 1898 ff.)
MDP : Mémoires de la Délégation en Perse (Paris 1900 ff.); Bd.29, 1943 ff. also cited as MDAI = Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique en Iran
MEA : R. Labat, Manuel d'épigraphie akkadienne (6th ed. Paris 1988)
med. : Medical
MEE : Materiali epigrafici di Ebla (Naples 1979 ff.)
Meier Maqlu : G. Meier, Die assyrische Beschwörungssammlung Maqlû, Berlin 1937
Meissner Supplement : B. Meissner, Supplement zu den assyrischen Wörterbüchern, Leiden 1898
Melanges Birot : Miscellanea Babylonica: Melanges offerts a Maurice Birot
Melanges Kupper : De la Babylonie a la Syrie, en passant par Mari: Melanges offerts a Monsieur J.-R. Kupper a l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire
Melanges Limet : Tablettes et images aux pays de Sumer et d'Akkad: Melanges offerts a Monsieur H. Limet, Association pour la Promotion de l'Histoire et de l'Archeologie Orientales Memoires no. 1
Mem. Finkelstein : Essays on the Ancient Near East in Memory of J.J. Finkelstein (= MCAAS 19)
Menologies : S. Langdon, Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars
Menschenbild : G. Pettinato, Das altorientalische Menschenbild und die sumerischen und akkadischen Schöpfungsmythen
Mes (aka Mesop., Mesopotamia) : Mesopotamia. Rivista di Archeologia . . . (Turin 1966 ff.)
Mesag : S.J. Bridges, The Mesag archive: A study of Sargonic society and economy (diss., Yale Univ., 1981)
Mesannepada : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 272f.
Mesilim of Kish : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 215ff.
Mesop. Law : M. Roth, Scholastic Tradition and Mesopotamian Law (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Mesopotamia (aka Mes.) : Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology (Copenhagen 1972 ff.)
Mesopotamia : Revista di archeologia a cure del Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e Scavi di Turno per il Medio Oriente e l'Asia, University of Turin (Turin)
Mesopotamien : E. Strommenger, Fünf Jahrtausende Mesopotamien, Aufnahmen von M. Hirmer (Munich 1962)
Message of Ludingirra : llt. comp.; M. Clvll, JNES 23, lff.; M. Cig and S.N. Kramer, Belleten 40, 403ff.; ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Message of Ludingirra Ras Shamra : J. Nougayrol, Ugaritica 5,310ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
MesZL : see MZL
Metal (aka Limet Métal, Travail du métal) : H. Limet, Le travail du metal au pays de Sumer au temps de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur (Brussels 1976)
MFA : Museum siglum of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
MHET : Mesopotamian History and Environment: Texts
mill. : Millennium
MIO : Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung (Berlin 1953 ff.)
Mis pi : ritual series; ms. C.B.F. Walker
Misc. Assyrian Texts : S.A. Smith, Miscellaneous Assyrian Texts of the British Museum
MiscEbl : Miscellanea Eblaitica (= QuadSem 15 ff., 1988 ff.)
MJ (aka Museum Journal) : Museum Journal (Univ. Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania)
MKT : O. Neugebauer, Mathematische Keilschrifttexte (Berlin 1936/37)
MLC : Morgan Library Collection, siglum of the Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven
MLVS : Mededeelingen uit de Leidsche Verzameling van Spijkerschrift-Inscripties (Amsterdam 1933-36)
MM : tablets in the collections of the Abbey of Montserrat (Barcelona)
MMA Guide : Crawford, Vaughn Emerson, et al., Ancient Near Eastern Art: Guide To the Collections (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1966)
MMB : Bulletin of the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities / Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin (Stockholm 1961-1998)
MMEW (aka Mystical) : A. Livingstone, Mystical and Mythological Explanatory Works of Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (Oxford, 1986)
MMFM : Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean (Stockholm 2004-)
MN : month name
mng. : meaning
Möbel (aka A. Salonen, Möbel) : A. Salonen, Die Möbel des alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen (Helsinki 1963), (= AASF B 127)
Model Contracts : W. R. Bodine, How Mesopotamian scribes learned to write legal documents: A study of Sumerian Model Contracts, 2014
Mondgott (aka MNS) : A. Sjöberg, Der Mondgott Nanna-Suen
Monkey : letter; M. Powell, ZA 68, 168ff.
MonOT (aka Monuments) : I. M. Price et al, The Monuments and the Old Testament (Philadelphia 1958)
Moon-God : M. Hall, A Study of the Sumerian Moon-God, Nanna/Suen (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
MP : Monuments et memoires publies par l'Academie des Inscriptions et des Belles-Lettres (Fondation Eugene Piot)
MRWH : H.P.H. Petschow, Mittelbabylonische Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden der Hilprechtsammlung in Jena (Berlin 1974)
MS : Melammu Symposium
MS 9 : Fink, S. & Rollinger, R. (eds.) 2018, Conceptualising Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the Melammu Project Held in Helsinki/Tartu May 18-24 2015. Ugarit, Münster.
ms(s). : manuscript(s)
Msk. : Tablet siglum of texts from Meskene
MSKH (aka Brinkman MSKH) : J. A. Brinkman, Materials and Studies for Kassite History (Chicago 1976)
MSL : Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon/Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon (Rom 1937 ff.); SS = Supplementary Series (1, 1986)
MSLF : S. Lieberman, Manual of Sumerian Legal Forms (unpubl. ms.)
MSS : Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft (Munich 1952 ff.)
MSVO : Materialien zu den frühen Schriftzeugnissen des Vorderen Orients (Berlin 1991 ff.)
MtHolyAQ : Mary Inda Hussey (1918) Babylonian Tablets from Mount Holyoke College. Concord, N.H.
MUL.APIN : MUL.APIN: An Astronomical Compendium in Cuneiform. Hermann Hunger and David Pingree. AfO Beih. 24 (Horn, Austria, 1989)
Museum Monograph (aka UnivMusMonograph, UniversMusMonograph, University Museum Monograph) : Monograph of the Univ. Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Musik : H. Hartmann, Die Musik der sumerischen Kultur (Frankfurt 1960)
MUSJ : Mélanges (de la Faculté Orientale) de l'Université Saint-Joseph (Beiruth 1906 ff.)
MVAG (aka MVAeG) : Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen (ab 1922: Vorderasiatisch-Agyptischen) Gesellschaft (Berlin/Leipzig 1896 ff.)
MVN : Materiali per il vocabulario neosumerico (Rom 1974 ff.)
MVS : Münchener vorderasiatische Studien (Munich/ Vienna 1977 ff.)
MW : tablets in the Missionshaus Werl in Westfalen
Mycenaean : Alexander Uchitel, Mycenaean and Near Eastern economic archives, 1985
MZL : R. Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon (AOAT 305; Ugarit-Verlag 2003)
N : Museum siglum of the University Museum, Philadelphia (Nippur)
N-T : field numbers of tablets excavated at Nippur (In Chicago and Baghdad)
NA : Neo-Assyrian
Nabienlil to a King : letter; ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Nabienlil to his Colleagues : letter; ISET 2, 121 Ni.4491
Nabienlil to Sillieshtar : letter; ISET 1, 126 Ni.972 and dupls. VAS 17, 44 ii 28'-iii 1 and UM 29-13-520; ms. M. Civil
NABU : Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires (Paris 1987 ff.); cf. Mémoires de NABU (1992 ff.), Cahiers de NABU (1990 ff.)
NALK : Th. Kwasman, Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum (= StPohl SM 14, 1988)
Nammahm of Lagas lff. : roval mscr., Stelble NBW 1, 374ff.
Nanna's Journey to Nippur : lit. comp.; A.J. Ferrara, Studia Pohl SM 2
Nanna-Suen : lit. comp.; A. Sjöberg, Der Mondgott Nanna-Suen …, I (Stockholm 1960)
Nannakiag to Lipiteshtar : letter; Ali Letters 71ff. B:4
Nannamansum to Nininsina : letter-prayer; TCL 16, 60 and dupl.
Nannamansum to Rimsin : letter; OECT 5, 31
Nanshe and the Birds : lit. comp.; ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Nanshe Hymn : lit. comp.; W. Heimpel, JCS 33 65ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg,
NAPR : Northern Akkad Project Reports (= Mesopotamian History and Environment, Series I; Ghent)
NARGD : J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 1, Rome 1969)
Nasha Diss. : Nelson, S.B., Nasha: A Study of Administrative Texts of the Third Dynasty of Ur, Ph. D. Diss. University of Minnesota 1972
NAT : S. Parpola, Neo-Assyrian Toponyms (= AOAT 6, 1970)
NATN : D. l. Owen, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts primarily from Nippur (Winona Lake 1982)
NatPhen : D.J.W. Meijer (ed.), Natural Phenomena (= Fs. M.N. van Loon, Amsterdam 1992)
Nautica (aka A. Salonen, Nautica) : A. Salonen, Nautica Babyloniaca. Eine lexikalische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung (Helsinki 1942), (= StOr 11.1)
NAWG : Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Phil-hist. Klasse (Göttingen)
NB : Neo-Babylonian
NB Stone List : lex. text, MSL 10, 65ff.
NBC : Nies Babylonian Collection, siglum of the Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven
NBDM : Neo-Babylonian Documents in the University of Michigan Collection (Ellen Moore)
NBGT : lex. series, Neo-Babylonian Grammatical Texts; MSL 4,
Nbk. : J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, König von Babylon (= BT 5-6, Leipzig 1889)
Nbn. : J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabonidus, König von Babylon (= BT 1-4, Leipzig 1889)
NBW (aka Steible NBW) : H. Steible, Die neusumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften (=FAOS 9)
NCBT : Siglum of the Newell Collection of Babylonian Tablets (now Yale University, New Haven)
nd : no (publication) date
ND : field numbers of tablets excavated at Nimrud
NE : P. Haupt, Das babylonische Nimrodepos (Assyriologische Bibliothek 3, Leipzig 1891)
Nebraska : N. Forde, Nebraska Cuneiform Texts of the Sumerian Ur III Dynasty
Nergal : J. Bollenrucher, Gebete und Hymnen an Nergal
Nergal Hymn : lit. comp.; H. Zimmern, ZA 31, 111ff.; rev. ms. M. Roth
Nergal's Ax : lit. comp., TMH NF 4, 45 and dupls.; H. Behrens, Studies Sachs 27ff.
NESt. : University of California Publications. Near Eastern Studies (Berkeley)
NF : Neue Folge
NFT (aka Tello) : G. Cros et al., Nouvelles fouilles de Tello (Paris 1910)
NG (aka Gerichtsurkunden, NGU, NSGU) : A. Falkenstein, Die neusumerischen Gerichtsurkunden (= ABAW NF 39, 40, 54, 1956-57)
NH (aka Noms) : E.Laroche, Les noms des Hittites (Paris 1966)
Ni. : Museum siglum of the Archaeological Museum, Istanbul (Nippur)
Nigga : lex. series nig2-GA = makkuru, MSL 13, 91ff.
Nik (aka DV 3/II) : M.V. Nikol'skij, Drevnosti Vostocnyja, III/2 (St. Petersburg 1908), Dokumenty . . .iz sobraniia N.P. LiLhacheva, (= Nik 1); collations by M. Powell, Acta Sum 3, 125ff.; G. Selz, FAOS 15/1; Drevnosti Vostocnyja, V (Moskau 1915), Dokumenty . . . iz sobraniia N.P. Likhacheva, (= Nik 2)
Ninegalla Hymn : lit. comp.; H. Behrens, FAOS 21, 1998
Ningishzida Hymn A : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, StOr 46, 301ff.
Ningishzida Hymn B : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, StOr 46, 305ff.
Ningishzida Hymn C : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, StOr 129ff.
Ninkasi Hymn : lit. comp., M. Civil, Studies Oppenheim 67ff.
Ninmesharra : lit. comp.; W.W. Hallo and J. van Dijk, YNER 3; rev. ms. H. Behrens; Zgoll, AOAT 246
Ninshatapada to Rimsin : letter; W.W. Hallo, Etudes Garelli 377ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Nintinugga's Dog : lit. comp.; Ali Letters 144ff. B:18
Ninurta and the Turtle : lit. comp.; B. Alster, JCS 24, 120ff.
Ninurta's Fields : lit. comp.; ms. A.J. Ferrara
Ninurta's Journey to Eridu : lit. comp.; Reisman, JCS 24, 3ff.; lines quoted according to copy in STVC 34
Nippur Lament : lit. comp.; S.J. Tinney, The Nippur Lament (= 0PBF 16)
Nippur Neighborhoods : E. Stone, Nippur Neighborhoods (= SAOC 44)
NippurTrial : lit. comp.; Th. Jacobsen, AnBibl 12, 130ff.; ms. S.J. Lieberman
Nisaba : Studi Assiriologici Messinesi (Messina 2002ff.)
Nisaba and Enki : lit. comp.; W.W. Hallo, Rencontre 17, 116ff., rev. ms. P. Michalowski
Nisaba Hymn : lit. comp.; D. Reisman, AOAT 25, 357ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
no(s). : number(s)
Nomades : J.-R. Kupper, Les nomades en Mésopotamie au temps des rois Mari (Paris 1957)
NP (aka NBPf.) : H. Petschow, Neubabylonisches Pfandrecht (Berlin 1956)
NPN : I. Gelb/P. Purves/A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names (= OIP 57, 1943)
NRV : San Nicolo/A. Ungnad, Neubabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden (Leipzig 1935/ 1937; Gl. = Glossar)
NRVN : M. Çig/H. Kizilyay, Neusumerische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden aus Nippur, I (Ankara 1965)
NS : new series; Nova Series
NTSS (aka NTS[shin]) : R. Jestin, Nouveaux textes sumériens de Shuruppak (Paris 1957)
Nungal Hymn : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, AfO 24, 19f.; Å.W. Sjöberg, JCS 29, 3ff.
Nuradad 1 : (StOr 49, 50; RIME 4: Nuradad 5)
Nuradad 2 : (StOr 49, 50)
Nuradad 3 : (StOr 49, 51)
Nuradad 4 : (StOr 49, 53)
Nuradad 5 : (RIME 4, 144f.: Nuradad 7)
Nuradad 6 : (RIME 4, 146: Nuradad 6)
Nuradad 7 : (StOr 49, 56; RIME 4: Nuradad 1)
Nuradad lff. : royal inscr.
Nuradad seals a-m : (StOr 49, 54-56; RIME 4: Nuradad 2001-2013)
NYPL (aka New York Library; TCNY; PIOL 19) : H. Sauren, Les Tablettes Cuneiformes de l'Epoque d'Ur de la New York Public Library
O : Museum sigla: Antiquités (orientales), Musée du Cinquantenaire
OAAS : Old Assyrian archives studies (Netherlands)
OAC (aka OrAntColl.) : Orientis Antiqui Collectio (Rome)
OACC : M. Larsen, The Old Assyrian City-State and its Colonies (Mesopotamia 4, 1976)
OACTA : J. G. Dercksen, The Old Assyrian Copper Trade in Anatolia (Istanbul-Leiden 1996)
OAIC : I. J. GeIb, Old Akkadian Inscriptions in Chicago Natural History Museum (Chicago 1955)
OAkk : Old Akkadian period
OB : Old Babylonian period
OB Contracts : E. Stone, Old Babylonian Contracts from Nippur
OB Lu : lex. series; Old Babylonian recensions of Lu; MSL 12, 151ff.
OBGT : lex. series; Old Babylonian Grammatical Texts; MSL 4, 47ff
OBLA : R. M. Whiting, Old Babylonian Letters from Tell Asmar; AS 22 (1987)
OBO : Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis (Freiburg Sweitzerland 1973 ff.); Series archaeologica (1980 ff.)
OB Temple Records (aka OBTR; Lau; OTR) : R. Lau, Old Babylonian Temple Records (= Columbia University Oriental Studies 3, New York 1906, reprint 1966)
OBTI (aka Ishchali) : S. Greengus, Old Babylonian Tablets from Ishchali and Vicinity (Istanbul 1979)
OBTR : St. Dalley, C. Walker, J. Hawkins, Old Babylonian Texts from Tell al Rimah (Hertford 1976)
obv. : obverse
occ(s). : occasion(s), occasionally
OECT : Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts (Oxford 1923 ff.)
OeLZ (aka ÖLZ) : Österreichische Lehrerzeitung
OIC : Oriental Institute Communications (Chicago 1922 ff.)
OIP : Oriental Institute Publications (Chicago 1924 ff.)
OJA (aka OxfJA) : Oxford Journal of Archaeology (Oxford)
OLA : Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta (Leuven 1975 ff.)
Old Man : lit. comp.; B. Alster, Mesopotamia 3, 90ff.
OLP : Orientalia Lovaniensia periodica (Leuven 1970 ff.)
OMRO : Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden
OLZ : Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (Berlin 1898 ff.)
Onomastikon : V.V. Struve, Onomastika rannedinasticheskogo Lagasha
Ontario (aka Sigrist Ontario) : M. Sigrist, Neo-Sumerian texts from the Royal Ontario Museum
OPBF : Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund, vols. 1-8 (Philadelphia 19 . . ff.), succeeded by OPKF, vol. 9ff.
Opfermaterie : F. Blome, Die Opfermaterie in Babylonien und Israel, I. Teil, SSAOI 4 (Rome 1934)
OPKF (aka OPSNKF) : Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, vol. 9ff. (Philadelphia 1995ff.), succeeds OPBF vols. 1-8
Oppenheim Glass : A. L. Oppenheim, Glass and Glassmaking in Ancient Mesopotamia, 1970
OrAnt : Oriens Antiquus (Rome 1962 ff.)
Orient : Orient. Report of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan (Tokyo 1960 ff.)
Orlinsky Vol. : Eretz-Israel 16
OrNS (aka Or.) : Orientalia, NS = Nova Series (1932 ff.)
OrSP (aka Or.) : Orientalia, SP = Series Prior (Rome 1920-1930)
OrSu (aka OrSuec) : Orientalia Suecana (Uppsala)
OSP : A. Westenholz, Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia Chiefly from Nippur, OSP 1 (= BiMes. 1, 1975), OSP 2 (= Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 3, Copenhagen 1987)
OT : H. Holma, Omen Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum (Leipzig 1923)
p, pp : page(s)
PabilsagTale : lit. comp.; CBS 11346 (STVC 89) (+) CBS 13961 (SEM 101) + CBS 15207 (PBS 13,44) + HS 1472 (TMH 4 52) (+) Ni.4174 (ISET 2, 88); ms. M. Civil
PakArch : Pakistan Archaeology (Karachi 1964 ff.)
Paléorient : Paléorient (Paris 1973 ff.)
Pantheon : A. Deimel, Pantheon Babylonicum
PAPS : Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia 1838 ff.)
part. : partial(ly)
PAS (aka PAbS) : P. Mander, Il Pantheon di Abu- Salablkh, Contributo allo studio del pantheon sumerico arcaico, IUO Series Minor (Naples 1986)
PBF : Prähistorische Bronzefunde (Stuttgart)
PBS : University of Pennsylvania, Publications of the Babylonian Section (Philadelphia 1911 ff.)
PDK : E. Weidner, Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien (= BoSt. 8-9, 1923)
PdP : La Parola del Passato, Naples, journal
PDT : M. Çig/H. Kizilyay/A. Salonen, Die Puzris-Dagan-Texte der Istanbuler Archaologischen Museen Part 1 = texts 1-725 (= AASF B 92, Helsinki 1956)
Peek (aka Pinches/Peek) : T. Pinches, Inscribed Babylonian Tablets in the Possession of Sir Henry Peek (London 1888)
PEQ : Palestine Exploration Quarterly (London 1937 ff.)
pers. : person(al)
Persica : Persica. Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran . . . (s'Gravenhage/Leuven 1963/64 ff.)
Personennamen : M. Krebernik, Die Personennamen der Ebla-Texte. Eine Zwischenbilanz, BBVO 7 (Berlin 1988)
PHAV : Oriental Studies Published in Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary (1883-1923) of Paul Haupt . . . (Baltimore-Leipzig 1926)
Phoenix : Phoenix. Bulletin uitgegeven door het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap “Ex Oriente Lux” (Leiden 1955 ff.)
phon. : Phonetic
PHPB (aka PHPKB) : J.A. Brinkman, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158-722 B.C. (= AnOr. 43, 1968)
PIB (aka PBI; IB) : Pontifico Istituto Biblico; Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome
PIHANS : Publications de l'Institut historique-archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul (1956ff.)
PJB : Palästina-Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts . . . zu Jerusalem (Berlin 1905-1941)
PKG : Propyläen Kunstgeschichte (Berlin 1923-1926; 1967-1982)
PKG 14 : W. Orthmann, Propyläen Kunstgeschichte, Bd. 14: Der Alte Orient (Berlin 1975)
PKT (aka PKTA) : E. Ebeling, Parfümrezepte und kultische Texte aus Assur. Sonderdruck
aus Orientalia 17-19 (Rome 1950)
pl(s). : plate(s)
PN(s) : personal name(s)
PNAE : The prosopography of the neo-Assyrian empire, Helsinki 1998 - …
POA : Próximo Oriente Antiguo, Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo, Zaragoza 2003 - …
POAT : W. C. Gwaltney, The Pennsylvania Old Assyrian Texts, 1983
poss. : possessive
Post-OB : Post-Old Babylonian
PPAC : Periodic publications on ancient civilisations (Changchun : Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, 1989ff.)
PPAC 1 (aka Adab; SIA) : Yang Zhi, Sargonic Inscriptions from Adab (Chanchun, China 1989)
PPS : Publications of the Palestine Section, Museum of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia 1930 ff.)
Practical Voc. Assur : lex. series; B. Landsberger and O.R. Gurney, AfO 18, 328ff.
PRAK : H. de Genouillac, Premieres recherches archeologiques a Kich
Presarg. : Presargonic period
presc. : prescription
Priests and Officials (aka City Life, Maekawa City) : Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East, Papers of the Second Colloquium on the Ancient Near East - The City and its Life held at the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan (Mitaka, Tokyo), K. Watanabe, ed. Sonderdruck (Heidelberg 1999)
Princeton 1 : M. Sigrist, Tablettes du Princeton Theological Seminary: Epoque d'Ur III
Prosopografia : F. Pomponio, La Prosopografia dei Testi Presargonici di Fara
Proto-Aa : lex. series, MSL 14, 85ff., see Aa
Proto-Aa Geneva : lex. text, MSL 14, 21f.
Proto-Diri : lex. series, see Diri; ms. M. Civil
Proto-Ea : lex. series; MSL 14, 17ff.; see Ea
Proto-Izi : lex. series; MSL 13, 7ff.; see Izi
Proto-Kagal : lex. series; MSL 13, 63ff.; see Kagal
Proto-Lu : lex. series; MSL 12, 25ff.; see Lu
Proto-Sag : lex. text; MSL SS 1, 7ff.
Proverbs : B. Alster, Proverbs of Anclent Sumer (CDL Press 1997)
PRT : E. G. Klauber, Politisch-religiöse Texte der Sargonidenzeit, Leipzig 1913.
PRU : Palais royal d'Ugarit. Mission de Ras Shamra (Paris 1956 ff.)
Psalms : S. Langdon, Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms
PSBA : Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (London 1878 ff.)
PSD : The Sumerian Dictionary of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia 1984 ff.)
PTS : Tablet siglum of the collection of the Princeton Theological Seminary
publ. : published
Pupil : Genouillac, H. de. Babyl. 8. 1924
Puzurmama 1 : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 336f.
Puzurshulgi to Ibbisin : letter; Ali Letters 42ff. A:3; Michalowski Correspondence 253ff.
Puzurshulgi to Shulgi : letter; C. Wilcke, WO 5, 3ff.; Michalowski Correspondence 200ff.
PZ : Prähistorische Zeitschrift (Berlin 1909 ff.)
q.v. : quod vide
QNAR : Quaderni napoletani di Assiriologia Ricerche (Rome 2005 ff.)
QqTabCun : Émile Dantinne, Quelques tablettes sumériennes d'Ur (1910)
QuadSem (aka Quad. Sem.) : Quaderni di Semitistica (Florenz 1971 ff.); M = Materiali, 1 (1992)
QSIM : Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei
R : H. Rawlinson et al., The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, I-V (London 1861-1909); 1R, vol. 1 (1861); 3R, vol. 3 (1870)
RA : Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie Orientale (Paris 1886 ff.)
RABG (aka God-Lists) : R. L. Litke, A Reconstruction of the Assyro-Babylonian God-Lists . . . (diss., Yale Univ. 1958)
Racc (aka RAcc., RitAcc.) : F. Thureau-Dangin, Rituals accadiens (Paris 1921)
Raggi : Raggi. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte und Archaologie . . . (Zurich/Basel 1958 ff.)
RAI (aka CRRA, CRRAI, Rencontre) : Proceedings of the Rencontre assyriologique internationale; Compte rendu de la Rencontre Assyriologique lnternationale
RAI 01 (aka Rencontre 01) : Comptes rendus de la premiere Rencontre Assyriologique (Paris 1950); cf. RA 59, 189
RAI 02 (aka Rencontre 02) : Compte rendu de la seconde Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris 1951)
RAI 03 (aka Rencontre 03) : Compte rendu de la troisieme Rencontre Assvrlolo~loue Internationale (Leiden 1952)
RAI 04 (aka Rencontre 04) : Le Probleme des Habiru (= Cahiers de la Societe Asiatique 12) (Paris 1955)
RAI 07 (aka Rencontre 07) : Gilgames et sa legende (Paris 1958)
RAI 09 (aka Rencontre 09) : Aspects du contact sumero-akkadien (= Genava NS 8 241ff.) (Geneva 1960)
RAI 11 (aka Rencontre 11) : Compte rendu de l'onzieme Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Leiden 1962)
RAI 12 (aka Rencontre 12) : Iraq 25/2 (London 1963)
RAI 13 (aka Rencontre 13) : RA 58/4 (Paris 1964)
RAI 14 (aka Rencontre 14) : La Divination en Mesopotamie ancienne (Strasbourg 1965)
RAI 17 (aka Rencontre 17) : Actes de la XVIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Brussels 1969)
RAI 18 (aka Rencontre 18) : Gesellschaftsklassen im alten Zweistromland (= ABAW NF 75) (Munich 1970)
RAI 19 (aka Rencontre 19) : Le Palais et la royaute (Paris 1971)
RAI 20 (aka Rencontre 20) : Le Temple et le culte (Leiden 1972)
RAI 21 (aka Rencontre 21) : OrNS 45 (Rome 1974)
RAI 23 (aka Rencontre 23) : Iraq 39 (Birmingham 1976)
RAI 25 (aka Rencontre 25) : Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn (Berlin 1978)
RAI 26 (aka Rencontre 26) : Mesopotamia 8 (Copenhagen 1979)
RAI 28 (aka Rencontre 28) : AfO Beiheft 19 (Vienna 1981)
RAI 29 (aka Rencontre 29) : Iraq 45/1 (London 1982)
RAI 30 (aka Rencontre 30) : Cuneiform Archives and Libraries (Leiden 1986)
RAI 32 (aka Rencontre 32) : Keilschriftliche Literaturen (Berlin 1986)
RAI 33 (aka Rencontre 33) : La Femme dans le proche-orient Antique (Paris 1987)
RAI 35 (aka Rencontre 35) : Nippur at the Centennial (Philadelphia 1988)
RAI 36 (aka Rencontre 36) : Mesopotamie et Elam (Ghent 1989)
RAI 38 (aka Rencontre 38) : La circulation des biens, des personnes et des idees dans le Proche-Orient ancien (Paris 1991)
RAI 39 (aka Rencontre 39) : Assyrien im Wandel der Zeiten. XXXIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Heidelberg, 6.-10. Juli 1992 - Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient, 6, H. Waetzoldt, H. Hauptmann (eds.), (Heidelberger 1997)
RAI 40 (aka Rencontre 40) : Houses and Households in Ancient Mesopotamia (Leiden 1996)
RAI 41 (aka Rencontre 41) : Landwirtschaft im Alten Orient (Berlin 1999)
RAI 42 (aka Rencontre 42) : At the Cross-Roads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm – Languages and Cultures in Contact (Leuven 2001)
RAI 43 (aka Rencontre 43) : Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East (Prague 1998)
RAI 44 (aka Rencontre 44) : Landscapes, Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the Ancient Near East (Venice 1999)
RAI 45 (aka Rencontre 45) : Historiography (Harvard and Yale 2001)
RAI 46 (aka Rencontre 46) : Nomades et sédentaires dans le Proche-Orient ancien (Paris 2004)
RAI 47 (aka Rencontre 47) : Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East (Helsinki 2002)
RAI 48 (aka Rencontre 48) : Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia (Leiden 2005)
RAI 49 (aka Rencontre 49) : Nineveh (London 2004 and 2005)
RAI 50 (aka Rencontre 50) : Fauna and Flora in the Ancient Near East (Pretoria 2007)
RAI 51 (aka Rencontre 51) : Classifications of Knowledge in the Ancient Near East: Lexicography, Iconography, Stratigraphy (Chicago 2008)
RAI 52 (aka Rencontre 52) : Krieg und Frieden im Alten Vorderasien (Münster 2014)
RAI 53 (aka Rencontre 53) : Language in the Ancient Near East” (Moscow), “City Administration in the Ancient Near East” (St.-Petersburg) (Winona Lake 2010)
RAI 54 (aka Rencontre 54) : Organization, Representation and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake 2012)
RAI 55 (aka Rencontre 55) : Marti, L. (ed.) La famille dans le Proche-Orient ancien : réalités, symbolismes et images Proceedings of the 55th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Paris, 6-9 July 2009. Eisenbrauns. Winona Lake, 2014.
RAI 56 (aka Rencontre 56) : Time and History in the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake 2013)
RAI 57 (aka Rencontre 57) : Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake 2014)
RAI 58 (aka Rencontre 58) : Private and State (Winona Lake 2017)
RAI 60 (aka Rencontre 60) : Drewnowska, O. & Sandowicz, M. (eds.) 2017 Fortune and Misfortune in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings og the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Warsaw. 21-25 July 2014. Eisenbrauns. Winona Lake, 2017.
RAI 61 (aka Rencontre 61) : Text and Image (Leuven 2018)
Raven and Goose : lit. comp.; ms. Univ. Museum
RB : Revue biblique (Paris 1892 ff.)
RBC : tablets in the Rosen Babylonian Collection (Yale Univ.)
RCU : P. Michalowski, The Royal Correspondence of Ur (diss., Yale Univ.)
RE : Paulys Realencyklopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (Stuttgart 1893 ff.2); Suppl. = Supplement (1903 ff.)
Reading the Past : Reading the past (British Museum, London 1990) includes, "Cuneiform", C. B. F. Walker pp.15-73. This chapter is also available as a separate publication.
REC : F. Thureau-Dangin, Recheres sur l'origine de l'Écriture Cunéiforme (Paris 1898); Supplément (1899)
Rec. : recension
recon. : reconstructs, reconstructed
ref(s). : reference(s), referring
RenAcLinc : Pettinato, G. 1977
RES : Revue des études sémitiques (Paris 1934-1939)
ResOr : Res Orientales (Paris 1989 ff.)
resp. : respectively
rest. : restored, restores
rev. : reverse; revised
RevArch : Revue archéologique (Paris 1844 ff.)
RGTC (aka Rép. géogr.) : Répertoire géographique des textes cunéiformes (= TAVO Beihefte Reihe B Nr.7 1974 ff.)
RHA : Revue hittite et asianique (Paris 1930 ff.)
RHR : Revue de I'histoire des religions (Paris 1880 ff.)
RIA : Reallexikon der Assyriologie (und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie) (Berlin 1928 ff.)
RIAA (aka Speleers Recueil, Recueil, RIIAA) : L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions de l'Asie antérieure des Musées royaux du Cinquantenaire à; Bruxelles (Brussels 1925)
RICCA : Veysel Donbaz & A. Kirk Grayson, Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur now in Istanbul, The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia vol. 1 (RIMS 1), 1984, Toronto
RIDA : Revue internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité (3. FoIge, Brussels 1954 ff.)
Riftin : A. P. Riftin, Die altsumerischen Verwaltungstexte, Publications de la Société Égyptologique à; l'Université de l'État de Leningrd 1, (Leningrad 1929), cf., G. J. Selz AWEL 544-548
RIMA : The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods (Toronto 1987 ff.)
RIMB : The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian periods
RIME : The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Early Periods (Toronto 1990ff)
Rimsin I 02 : (StOr 49,142f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 1)
Rimsin I 03 : (StOr 49,143f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 6)
Rimsin I 04 : (StOr 49,145; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2)
Rimsin I 05 : (StOr 49,146; RIME 4: Rimsin I 3)
Rimsin I 06 : (StOr 49, 147f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 16)
Rimsin I 07 : (StOr 49, 149; RIME 4 Rimsin I 12)
Rimsin I 08 : (StOr 49, 150f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 20)
Rimsin I 09 : (StOr 49, 153; RIME 4 Rimsin I 4)
Rimsin I 10 : (StOr 49, 154; RIME 4: Rimsin I 9)
Rimsin I 11 : (StOr 49, 155f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 11)
Rimsin I 12 : (StOr 49, 157; RIME 4: Rimsin I 5)
Rimsin I 13 : (StOr 49, 158f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 17)
Rimsin I 14 : (StOr 49, 160f., RIME 4 Rimsin I 18)
Rimsin I 15 : (StOr 49, 162; RIME 4: Rimsin I 8)
Rimsin I 16 : (StOr 49, 163f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 13)
Rimsin I 17 : (StOr 49, 165.; RIME 4. Rimsin I 7)
Rimsin I 18 : (StOr 49, 165f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 23)
Rimsin I 19 : (StOr 49, 167f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2001)
Rimsin I 20 : (cf. StOr 49, 168; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2002)
Rimsin I 21 : (StOr 49, 168; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2003)
Rimsin I 22 : (StOr 49, 168; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2004)
Rimsin I 23 : (StOr 49, 168f; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2005)
Rimsin I 26 : (StOr 49, 171; RIME 4: Rimsin I 10)
Rimsin I 27 : (StOr 49, 173f.; RIME 4: Rimsin I 15)
Rimsin I 28 : (RIME 4: Rimsin I 19)
Rimsin I 29 : (RIME 4: Rimsin I 21)
Rimsin I 30 : (RIME 4: Rimsin I 2006)
Rimsin I 31 : (RIME 4: Rimsin I 2007)
Rimsin I lff. : royal mscr.
Rimsin I seal a : (StOr 49, 169:24; RIME 4: Rimsin I 22)
Rimsin I seal b : (RIME 4: Rimsin I 2008)
Rimsin I seals c-j : (StOr49, 169f.:25; RIME 4: Rimsin I 2009-2016)
Rimsin I seals k-n : (RIME 4: Rimsin I 2017-2020)
RINAP : The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period
Rivista Biblica : Rivista Biblica, Associazione Biblica Italiana
RJM : F. Joannès (ed.), Rendre la Justice en Mésopotamie. Archives judiciaires du Proche-Orient ancien, IIIe-Ier millénaires avant J.-C. (Saint-Denis 2000)
RlA : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archaologie
RLV : Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte (Berlin I 924- 1932)
Rm. : Museum siglum of the British Museum (Rassam)
RMA : R. Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon (London 1900)
RMSV : Restitution Matérielle de la Stèle des Vautours. Restitution archéologique par L. Heuzey, restitution épigraphique par F. Thureau-Dangin (Paris 1909)
RN : royal name
RO (aka Y. Rosengarten, RO) : Y. Rosengarten, Le régime d'offrandes deans la société sumérienne d'après les textes présargoniques de Lagash (Paris 1960)
RO : Rocznik Orientalistyczny
Robertson diss. : J. F. Robertson, Redistributive Economies in Ancient Mesopotamian Society:
A case study from Isin-Larsa period Nippur (PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1981)
Rochester : M. Sigrist, Documents from Tablet Collections in Rochester, New York (Bethesda, Maryland 1991)
Rocznik MNW : Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie
Rollsiegel (aka VR) : A. Moortgat, Vorderasiatische RolIsiegel (Berlin 19401; 19662; 19883)
Royal Titles : W.W. Hallo, Early Mesopotamian Royal Titles: A Philological and Historical Analysis
RS : Museum siglum of the Louvre and Damascus (Ras Shamra)
RSM : S. Dalley, A catalogue of the Akkadian cuneiform tablets in the collections of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh; Royal Scottish Museum sigla
RSO : Rivista degli Studi Orientali (Rome 1907 ff.)
RSP (aka Repertoire) : Y. Rosengarten, Répertoire commenté des signes présargoniques sumeriens de Lagash (Paris 1967)
RT : Recueil de travaux relatifs à; la philologie et à; l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes (Paris 1870 ff.)
RTC : F. Thureau-Dangin, Recueil des tablettes chaldéennes (Paris 1903)
Rulers of Lagash : lit. comp.; E. Sollberger, JCS 21, 279ff.
Ruperto Carola (aka Ruperto Carola Sonderheft) : J. Schäfer/W. Simon (eds.), Strandverschiebungen in ihrer Bedeutung für Geowissenschaften und Archäologie, Ruperto Carola Sonderheft (Heidelberg 1981)
s.v. : sub voce
SA (avoid Jean Shumer et Akkad, [shin]A) : C.-F. Jean, Shumer et Akkad, contribution a I'histoire de la civilisation dans la Basse-Mésopotamie (Paris 1923)
Sa : lex. series, MSL 3 3ff.
Sa Voc. : lex. series; MSL 3, 49ff.
SAA : State Archives of Assyria (Helsinki 1987 ff.)
SAAB : State Archives of Assyria. Bulletin (Padua 1987 ff.)
SAAeK (avoid SAK, SAÄK) : Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur (Hamburg 1974 ff.)
SAALT : State Archives of Assyria Literary Texts
SACT (avoid Kang Drehem, Kang Umma) : Sumerian and Akkadian Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of the World Heritage Museum of the University of Illinois, I/II: Sh. T. Kang (Urbana 1972/1973)
Sag : lex. series MSL SS 1 3-38
Sagesse (avoid SSA) : J. van Dijk, La Sagesse sumero-accadienne
Saglugalbizu to Nurkabta : letter, P. Michalowski, JCS 30 115
SAHG (avoid Falkenstein SAHG) : A. Falkenstein W. von Soden, Sumerische und akkadische Hymnen und Gebete (Zurich/Stuttgart 1953)
SAKF : K. Oberhuber, Sumerische und akkadische Keilschriftdenkmäler des Archäologischen Museums zu Florenz (IBK 7/8, Innsbruck 1958/1960)
SAKI (avoid SAK) : F. Thureau-Dangin, Die sumerischen und akkadischen Königsinschriften (= VAB I, 1907)
Salesianum : Salesianum / pubblicata a cura dei professori del Pontificio Ateneo salesiano di Torino (Rome 1939ff.)
Salesianum : Salesianum / pubblicata a cura dei professori del Pontificio Ateneo salesiano di Torino (Rome 1939ff.)
Salmanticensis : Salmanticensis (Salamanca 1954ff.)
SAM 27 : Horstmanshoff, H.F.J. & Stol, M. (eds.), Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine. Studies in Ancient Medicine 27. Brill, 2004.
Samsuiluna 4 : royal inscr.
Samsuiluna 6 : (RIME 4, 383f.: Samsuiluna 6)
Samsuiluna 7 : (RIME 4, 384f.: Samsuiluna 7)
Samsuiluna A : royal inscr.; CT 21, 47-50 (Sum.); VAS 1, 33 (Akk.) and dupl.; ms. Univ. Museum; cf. I. Kärki, StOr S5:1, 19ff., RIME 4: Samsulluna 5
Samsuiluna B : royal inscr.; F. Thureau-Dangin, RA 39, 5ff.; E. Sollberger, RA 61, 39ff.; cf. I. Kärki, StOr 55:1, 25ff.; RIME 4: Samsuiluna 3
Samsuiluna C : royal inscr.; E. Sollberger, RA 63, 29ff.; cf. I. Karki, StOr 55: l, 32ff.; RIME 4: Samsuiluna 7
Samsuiluna D : royal inscr.; A. Poebel, AfO 9, 241ff.; E. Sollberger, RA 63, 40ff.; cf. I. Kärki, StOr 55:1, 39ff.; RIME 4: Samsuiluna 8
Samsuiluna seals a-t : (RIME 4 394ff.: Samsuiluna 2001-2020)
SANE : Sources of the Ancient Near East (Los Angeles/ Malibu 1974 ff.)
SANER : Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (De Gruyter 2012ff.)
SANTAG : Karl Hecker und Walter Sommerfeld, eds., Arbeiten und Untersuchungen zur Keilschriftkunde
SAOC : Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (Chicago 1931 ff.)
Sarg. : Sargonic period
Sargon : H. Winckler, Die Keilschriftexte Sargons
SARI (avoid Cooper Presarg. Inscr.) : Sumerian and Akkadian Royal Inscriptions, I (= American Oriental Society. Translation Series, I): J. Cooper, Presargonic Inscriptions (New Haven 1986)
SAT (aka TBM, TYBC) : M. Sigrist, Sumerian Archival Texts, SAT I = Texts from the British Museum (CDL Press 1993) (= Texts from the British Museum, TBM); SAT II = Texts from the Yale Babylonian Collection, Part I (CDL Press 2000) (= Texts from the Yale Babylonian Collection I, TYBC I, 1-1176; SAT III = Texts from the Yale Babylonian Collection, Part II (CDL Press 2000) (=TYBC II, 1177-2223)
SAUK (aka SANTAG) : SANTAG. Arbeiten und Untersuchungen zur Keilschriftkunde (Wiesbaden 1990 ff.)
SBAW (aka SB München) : Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in München. Phil-hist. Klasse (Munich 1924 ff.); NF = Neue Folge
SBH : G. Reisner, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen nach Thontafeln griechischer Zeit (Berlin 1896)
SBo. : H. Güterbock, Siegel aus Bogazköy (I = AfO Beih. 5, 1940; II = AfO Beih.7 1942; reprint Osnabrück 1967)
SCCNH : Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (Winona Lake 1981 ff.)
SCD : E. Grant, Cuneiform Documents in the Smith College Library (= Biblical and Kindred Studies 1, Haverford, Pennsylvania 1918)
Sceaux cassites : H. Limet, Les legendes des sceaux cassites
Schlaf : W. Farber, Schlaf, Kindchen Schlaf. Mesopotamische Baby- Beschworungen und -Rltuale (=MC 2)
Schooldays : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, Schooldays ( Museum Monograph); rev. ms. A. Sjöberg
Schrijvend Verleden : K. R. Veenhof (ed.), Schrijvend Verleden, Documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten bertaald en toegelicht (Leiden 1983), (= MEOL24)
SCO (aka StClOr.) : Studi classici e orientali (Pisa 1951 ff.)
Scribal Activities : lit. comp.; (Edubba D) ms M. Civil; see M. Civil in Melanges Birot, 67ff.
Scribal Art : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, JCS 24, 126ff.
SCS : H. Frankfort, Stratified Cylinder Seals from the Diyala Region (= OlP 72, 1955)
SCT (SmithCS 38) : C. H. Gordon, Smith College Tablets . . . (= Smith College Studies in History 38, Northampton, Mass. 1952)
SD (aka SDIOA, SDOAS) : Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia (Leiden 1936 ff.)
SDU : P. Steinkeller, Sale Documents of the Ur-III-Period (= FAOS 17)
Seal Cylinders (aka SC, SCWA) : William Hayes Ward, The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia (Washington: The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1910)
SEL : Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (Verona 1984 ff.)
SEM : F. Chiera, Sumerian Epics and Myths (= OlP 15, 1934)
Sem. : Semitic
SET : T.B. Jones and J.W Snyder, Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Ur Dynasty (Minneapolis 1961)
SEV : Studi Egei e Vicinorientali (Napoli)
SF (aka Deimel SF) : A. Deimel, Schultexte aus Fara (= WVDOG 43, 1923)
SFS : V. Scheil, Une saison de fouilles à; Sippar, 1 (1902)
Sg. II (aka Lie, Sg.) : A. Fuchs, Die Inschriften Sargons II. aus Khorsabad (Göttingen 1994); A. Lie, The lnscriptions of Sargon II, King of Assyria, I: The Annals (Paris 1929); D. Lyon, Keilschrifttexte Sargons . .. (=AB 5,1883); F. Thureau-Dangin, Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (= TCL 3, 1912) = Sg. 8; H. Winckler, Die Keilschrifttexte Sargons . . . (Leipzig 1889)
SGL (aka Falkenstein Götterlieder,van Dijk Gotterlieder) : Sumerische Götterlieder, I: A. Falkenstein; II: J. van Dijk (= AHAW 1959, 1; 1960, 1)
Sh Voc. : lex. series; MSL 3, 91ff., 132ff.
Shabra to the Generals : letter; ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
SHAJ : Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan (Amman 1982 ff.)
Shamash : A. Schollmeyer, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen und Gebete an Shamash
Sharrumbani to Lunanna : letter; ISET 2, 117 Ni.4164:4ff.
Sharrumbani to Susin : letter; C. Wilcke, WO 5, 7f.; Michalowski Correspondence 224ff
SHAW (aka SB Heidelberg) : Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wisseinschaften. Phil-hist. Klasse (Heidelberg 1910 ff.)
Shepherd and Farmer : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 368ff. (SRT 3; SEM 92; UM 29-16-435 [unpubl.]; SEM 93); van Dijk Sagesse, 65ff.
Shuilishu 1 : (StOr 49,2)
Shuilishu 2 : (StOr 49,3f.)
Shuilishu 3 : (RIME 4,18f.: Suilisu 3)
Shuilishu lff. : royal inscr.
Shuilishu seal a : (8tOr 49,39 (edited as Damiqilishu 1 3); RIME 4: Shuilishu 4)
Shuilishu seal b-d : (RIME 4 20f.: Shuilishu 2001-2003)
Shulgi A : lit. comp.; Klein Shulgi 182ff.
Shulgi B : lit. comp.; ms. G. Haayer; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Shulgi C : lit. comp.; ms. J. Klein
Shulgi D : lit. comp.; Klein Shulgi 70ff.
Shulgi E : lit. comp.; ms. J. Klein
Shulgi F : lit. comp.; ms. J Klein
Shulgi G : lit. comp.; CT 36, 26-27; J. Klein, Studies Tadmor 292ff.
Shulgi H : lit. comp.; BE 31, 4
Shulgi K : lit. comp.; ISET 1, 91 Ni.4385 13f.
Shulgi L : lit. comp.; TCL 15, 32
Shulgi lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 153ff.
Shulgi M : lit. comp.; SLTNi 76
Shulgi O : lit. comp., J Klein, AOAT 25 271ff., rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Shulgi P : lit. comp.; J. Klein, TAPS 71/7
Shulgi Q : lit. comp.; SRT 15; ms. J Klein
Shulgi R : lit. comp.; J Klein, Studies Artzi 65ff.
Shulgi S : lit. comp.; UET 6/1, 93 and dupls.
Shulgi statue : royal inscr.; M. Civil, Studies Å.W. Sjöberg 49ff.
Shulgi T : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, AOAT 25, 416:91-116; cf. Klein Shulgi 42 note 79
Shulgi to Amarsuen : letter; ISET 2, 115 Ni.3083 and dupl.; cf. Michalowski Correspondence 186ff.
Shulgi to Aradmu 1 : letter; Ali Letters 34ff. A:2; Michalowski Correspondence 147ff.; Michalowski LEM no. 97
Shulgi to Aradmu 2 : letter; Michalowski Correspondence 222f., S.N. Kramer, OECT 5, 13ff.
Shulgi to Aradmu 3 : letter; Michalowski Correspondence 184f.
Shulgi to Ishbierra : letter; D.O. Edzard, MDI 57, no. 1 ii 40ff.
Shulgi to Puzursulgi 1 : letter; Michalowski Correspondence 186ff.
Shulgi to Puzursulgi 2 : letter; D.O. Edzard, MDI 57, no. 1 i lff.; Michalowski Correspondence 189ff.
Shulgi U : lit. comp.; van Dijk Götterlieder
Shulgi W : lit. comp., UET 6/1, 83
Shulgi X : lit. comp.; Klein Shulgi 135ff:
Shulgi Y : lit. comp.; A. Falkenstein, Iraq
Shulgi Z : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, Iraq 31, 18ff.
Shulgi3Hymns : J. Klein, Three Shulgi Hymns
ShulgiV : lit. comp. SRT13: 1-33
Shulpae Hymn : lit. comp.; A. Falkenstein, ZA 55, 1 lff.
Shumma Izbu : Akk. omen series; E. Leichty, TCS 4
Shurpu : incant. series; E. Reiner, AfO Beiheft 11
Shuruppak : B. Alster, Mesopotamia 2
Shusin Hist. Inscr. A : hist. inscr.; R. Kutscher, Brockmon Tablets 1: Royal Inscriptions, 74ff.
Shusin Hist. Inscr. B : hist. inscr.; M. Civil, JCS 21, 24ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg; C. Wilcke, NABU 1990/33
Shusin Hymn A : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 390ff. (SRT 23); B. Alster, RA 79, 138ff.
Shusin Hymn B : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 400ff. (ISET 1, 90 Ni.2461); B. Alster, RA 79, 135ff.
Shusin Hymn C : lit. comp.; Sefati Love Songs 407ff. (PAPS 107, 521 N 3560; PAPS 107, 521 N 4305 obv. li 10-12); S.N. Kramer, PAPS 107, 508
Shusin lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 253ff.
Shusin to Sharrumbani : letter; MlchalowsKl Correspondence 234ff.
Si. : field numbers of tablets excavated at Sippar in the collections of the Archaeological Museums (Istanbul)
SIG7.ALAN : lex. series SIG7.AILAN = nabnitu; MSL 16
Silliadad 1 : royal inscr.; I. Kärki, StOr 49, 81
Silver and Copper : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil, rev. by M. Hall
Siniddinam 01 : (StOr 49, 57; RIME 4: Siniddinam 13)
Siniddinam 02 : (StOr 49, 58; RIME 4: Siniddinam 10)
Siniddinam 03 : (StOr 49, S8f.; RIME 4: Siniddinam 11)
Siniddinam 04 : (StOr 49, 59; RIME 4: Siniddinam 12)
Siniddinam 05 : (StOr 49, 60)
Siniddinam 06 : (StOr 49, 61; RIME 4: Siniddinam 2)
Siniddinam 07 : (StOr 49, 63; RIME 4: Siniddinam 14)
Siniddinam 08 : (StOr 49, 64f.; RIME 4: Siniddinam 9)
Siniddinam 09 : (StOr 49, 65; RIME 4: Siniddinam 7)
Siniddinam 11 : (StOr 49, 68)
Siniddinam 12 : (RIME 4, 177f.: Siniddinam 15)
Siniddinam 13 : (StOr 49, 68; RIME 4: Siniddinam 1 [Il. 1-40 only])
Siniddinam 14 : (StOr 49, 76-79; RIME 4: Siniddinam 6)
Siniddinam 15 : (StOr 49, 79; RIME 4: Siniddinam 3)
Siniddinam 16 : (StOr 49, 79, RIME 4: Siniddinam 4)
Siniddinam 17 : (RIME 4, 167f.: Siniddinam 8)
Siniddinam A : lit. comp.; UET 6/1, 98 and dupl., ms. M. Roth
Siniddinam and Ishkur : lit. comp.; P. Michalowski, Studies Sachs 265ff.
Siniddinam lff. : royal inscr.
Siniddinam seals a-n : (StOr49,66-68; RIME 4: Siniddinam 2001-2014)
Siniddinam to Nininsina : letter-prayer; W.W. Hallo, AOAT25 214ff.
Siniddinam to Utu : letter-prayer; W.W. Hallo, Studies Kraus 95ff.; R. Borger, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen 1, 1991 no. 2, 22-81, rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Sinillatum to Iddindagan : letter; Ali Letters 63ff. B:2; rev ms. P. Michalowski
Siniqisham 01 : (StOr 49, 80f.; RIME 4: Siniqisham 2)
Siniqisham 02 : (StOr 49, 81; RIME 4 Siniqisham 2001)
Siniqisham 03 : (RIME 4, 197: Siniqisham 3)
Siniqisham 04 : (RIME 4, 190: Siniqisham 1)
Siniqisham lff. : royal inscr.
Siniqisham seal a : (StOr 49, 81; RIME 4 Siniqisham 2002)
Sinkashid 01 : (StOr 49, 177)
Sinkashid 02 : (StOr 49, 177)
Sinkashid 03 : (StOr 49, 178)
Sinkashid 04 : (StOr 49, 179)
Sinkashid 07 : (StOr 49, 181; RIME 4: Sinkashid 10)
Sinkashid 08 : (StOr 49, 182)
Sinkashid 09 : (StOr 49, 183; RIME 4: Sinkashid 6)
Sinkashid 10 : (StOR 49, 183; RIME 4: Sinkashid 11)
Sinkashid 11 : (StOr 49, 184; RIME 4: Sinkashid 12)
Sinkashid 12 : (StOr 49, 185; RIME 4: Sinkashid 13)
Sinkashid 13 : (StOr 49, 186; RIME 4: Sinkashid 14)
Sinkashid 14 : (StOr 49, 186f; RIME 4: Sinkashid 15)
Sinkashid lff. : royal inscr.
Sinkasid 04 var. : (StOr 49, 179; RIME 4: Sinkashid 5)
Sinkasid 05 : (StOr 49, 180; RIME 4: Sinkashid 9)
Sinkasid 06 : (StOr 49, 180; RIME 4: Sinkashid 7)
Sinmagir 01 : (StOr 49, 35f.)
Sinmagir 02 : (StOr 49, 36)
Sinmagir lff. : royal inscr.
Sinmagir seal a-c : (StOr 49, 36; RIME 4: Sinmagir 2001-2003)
Sinshamuh to Enki : letter-prayer; W.W. Hallo, JAOS 88, 82f.
Sistema verbale : Franco D'Agostino, Il sistema verbale sumerico nei testi lessicali di Ebla, Dipartimento di studi orientali, Studi Semitici, Nuova serie 7 (Rome 1990)
SITU : Rudolf H. Mayr, "Seal Impressions on Tablets from Umma", draft edited March 2005
SKIZ (aka SKI) : W. Römer, Sumerische ,”Königshymnen” der Isin-Zeit (= DMOA 13, 1965)
SKL (aka Sumerian King List) : lit. comp.; Th. Jacobsen, AS 11
SKly (aka Krecher Kultlyrik) : J. Krecher, Sumerische Kultlyrik (Wiesbaden 1966)
SKT : H. Winckler, Sammlung von Keilschrifttexten (Leipzig 1823-95)
SL (aka ŠL) : A. Deimel, Shumerisches Lexikon (Rom 1925-50); vol.4/2: G. Gössmamn, Planetarium (1950)
SLB : Studia ad tabulas cuneiformes collectas a F.M. Th. de Liagre Bohl pertinentia (Leiden l952 ff.)
SLFN : J. Heimerdinger, Sumerian Literary Fragments from Nippur (= 0PBF 4)
SLOB (aka St. Lieberman, Loanwords) : S. Lieberman, The Sumerian Loanwords in Old-Babylonian Akkadian
SLT : F. Chiera, Sumerian Lexical Texts from the Temple School of Nippur (= OlP 11, 1929)
SLTN (aka SLTNi) : S. Kramer, Sumerian Literary Texts from Nippur in the Museum of the Ancient Orient at Istanbul (= AASOR 23, 1944)
Sm. : Museum siglum of the British Museum in London (Smith)
SM : Series Maior
SMEA : Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici (Rome 1966 ff.)
SMN : Museum siglum of the Semitic Museum of the Harvard University (Nuzi Tablets)
SMS : Syro-Mesopotamian Studies (Malibu 1977 ff.)
SMSB : The (Canadian) Society for Mesopotamian Studies, Bulletin (Toronto)
SMSR : Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni (Rome 1925 ff.)
Sn. : Sanherib (following D. Luckenbill, OlP 2, 1924)
SNAT (aka Gomi-Sato Brltlsh Museum) : T. Gomi/S. Sato, Selected Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from the British Museum (Chiba, Japan 1990)
SCCNH : Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (Winona Lake, Indiana & Bethesday, Maryland, 1981ff.)
SO (aka Sources orientales) : Sources orientales (Paris 1959-1971)
Song of the Millstone : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
South Dakota (aka Forde South Dakota) : N. Forde, Neo-Sumerian texts from South Dakota University, Luther and Union Colleges
SP (aka Gordon Sumerian Proverbs, Sp) : E. l. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs (Philadelphia (Museum Monograph) 1959)
SP Coll. 01 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 3ff.
SP Coll. 02 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 40ff.
SP Coll. 03 : proverb5, Alster Proverbs 76ff.
SP Coll. 04 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 113ff.
SP Coll. 05 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 119ff.
SP Coll. 06 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 144ff.
SP Coll. 07 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 155ff.
SP Coll. 08 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 165ff.
SP Coll. 09 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 176ff.
SP Coll. 10 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 188ff.
SP Coll. 11 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs190ff.
SP Coll. 12 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 196ff.
SP Coll. 13 : proverbs, Alster Proverbs 206ff.
SP Coll. 14 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 216ff.
SP Coll. 19 : proverbs; Alster Proverbs 243ff.
SpTU (aka Hunger Uruk,von Weiher Uruk; SpBTU) : Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk, I: H. Hunger (= ADFU 9, 1976); Il-IV: E. von Weiher (= ADFU 10, 1983; 12, 1988; AUWE 12, 1993); V: (= AUWE 13, 1998)
SRT : E. Chiera, Sumerian Religious Texts (Upland, Pennsylvania 1924)
SRU (aka Edzard SR) : D.O. Edzard, Sumerische Rechtsurkunden des III. Jahrtausends (= ABAW NF 67, 1968)
SS : Supplementary Series
STA (aka Chiera STA) : E. Chiera, Selected Temple Accounts (from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem) (Philadelphia 1922)
StA (aka SA) : tablets in the collections of the Monastery of St. Anne (Jerusalem)
StAT : Studien zu den Assur-Texten
Statues de culte : A. Spycket, Les statues de culte dans les textes mésopotamiens des origines à; la le dynastie de Babylone (Paris 1968)
StBibFran : Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Museum (Jersusalem)
StBoT : Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten (Wiesbaden 1965 ff.); Beih. = Beiheft (1988 ff.)
STC : L. W. King, The Seven Tablets of Creation
STD (aka Margolis STD) : E. Margolis, Sumerian Temple Documents
StEb : Studi Eblaiti (Rome 1979 ff.)
Steible Rimsin : H. Steible, FAOS 1
STH : M. Hussey, Sumerian Tablets of the Harvard Semitic Museum (Cambridge, Mass. 1912-1915)
StLouis : R. David Freedman, The Cuneiform Tablets in St. Louis (Columbia University PhD Dissertation, 1975)
StMar (aka Studia Mariana) : Studia Mariana. Gedenkschrift E. Cabane (= DMOA 4, 1950)
StMed : Studia Mediterranea (Pavia i979 ff.)
StMes : Studia Mesopotamica
StOr : Studia Orientalia (HeIsinki 1925 ff.)
StPohl : Studia Pohl (Rom 1967 ff.); SM = Series Maior (1969 ff.)
Streck Asb. : M. Streck, Assurbanipal und die letzten assyrischen Könige bis zum Untergange Niniveh's (1916)
StrKT (aka Straßburger Keilschrifttexte) : C. Frank, Straßburger Keilschrifttexte (Berlin/Leipzig 1928); s. DCS (new edition)
StSem : Studi Semitici. Centro di studi semitici. Università; di Roma (Rome 1958 ff.)
STT : O. Gurney/J. Finkelstein, The Sultantepe Tablets, I/II (London 1957/1964)
STTI (aka Donbaz-Foster Telloh, STTe) : V.Donbaz/B. Foster, Sargonic Texts from Telloh in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums (= OPBF 5 / American Research Institute im Turkey Monographs 2, Philadelphia 1982)
STU : Bedale, C. L., Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands Library (New York, Longmans, Green & Company, 1915)
Studia Pohl : Studia Pohl: Dissertationes scientificae de rebus orientis antiqui
Studia Widengren : Ex Orbe religionum: Studia Geo Widengren oblata
Studies Albright : Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William Foxwell Albright
Studies Artzi : Bar-Ilan Studies in Assyriology dedicated to Pinhas Artzi
Studies Jones : Studies in Honor of Tom B. Jones (= AOAT 203)
Studies Landsberger : Studies in honor of Benno Landsberger on his Seventy-fifth Birthday, AS 16
Studies Leslau : Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau, ed. Alan S. Kaye
Studies Oppenheim (aka StOpp.) : Studies presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964 (Chicago, 1964)
Studies Sachs : A Scientific Humanist: Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs
Studies Tadmor : Ah, Assyria . . . Studies in Assyrian History and Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Hayim Tadmor
STVC : E. Chiera, Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents (= OlP 16, 1934)
SuAK : E. Unger, Sumerische und akkadische Kunst (Breslau 1926)
Sum. : Sumerian
Sumer : Sumer. Journal of Archaeology and History in Iraq (since 1973), was Arab World (Baghdad 1945 ff.)
Sumer : A. Parrot, Sumer. Die mesopotamische Kunst von den Anfängen bis zum XII. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert (Munich 1960)
Sumer/Assur Ergänzung : A. Parrot, Sumer/Assur. Ergänzung 1969 (Munich 1970)
Sumerer und Akkader : F. R. Kraus, Sumerer und Akkader, Ein Problem der altmesopotamischen Geschichte (Amsterdam-London 1970)
Sumerian Gods : Sumerian Gods and their Representations, ed. I.L. Finkel and M.J. Geller
Sumerian Poem 1 : lit. comp.; B. Alster, OLP 21, 5ff. no. 1
Sumerian Poem 2 : lit. comp.; B. Alster, OLP 21, 5ff. no. 2
Sumerian Poem 3 : lit. comp.; B. Alster, OLP 21, 5ff. no. 3; B. Alster, Acta Sum 8, lff.
Sumerian Poem 4 : lit. comp., B. Alster, OLP 21, 5ff. no. 4 (= Early Rulers)
Sumerian Proverbs : B. Alster, Mesopotamia 3
Sumerian Rhetoric : R. Falkowitz, Sumerian Rhetoric Collections (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Sumerian Sargon Legend : J.S. Cooper and W. Heimpel JAOS103(1983)74ff.
Sumerians : S. N. Kramer, The Sumerians, their history, culture, and character (Chicago 1963)
SumGram : A. Deimel, Sumerische Grammatik
Summer and Winter : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
SumRecDreh (aka Nesbit, Nesbit Drehem) : W. Nesbit, Sumerian Records from Drehem (= Columbia University Oriental Studies 8, New York 1914, reprint New York 1966).
Sumuel 1 : (StOr 49, 47)
Sumuel 2 : (StOr49, 47f.)
Sumuel 3 : (StOr 49, 48; RIME 4: Sumuel 2002)
Sumuel 4 : (StOr 49, 49; RIME 4: Sumuel 2001)
Sumuel lff. : royal inscr.
Sumuel seal a-e : (StOr 49, 49; RIME 4: Sumuel 2003-2007)
Supervisor and Scribe : lit. comp. (Edubba C); TMH NF 3, 37 and dupls.; ms. M. Civil
suppl. : supplement
SV : E. Sollberger, Le Système Verbal dans les Inscriptions Royales Présargoniques des Lagash (Geneva 1952)
SVJAD (aka Riftin) : A. Riftin Staro-Vavilonskie juridiczeskie i administrativnye dokumenty v sobranijach SSSR (Moskau 1937)
SVS : Studi per il vocabolario sumerico, I/1-3 (Rome 1985)
syll. : syllabic(ally)
Symbolae Bohl : Symbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamiae Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Bohl Dedicatae
Symb David : Symbolae iuridicae et historicae Martino David dedicatae, ed. J. A. Ankum, R. Feenstra and W. F. Leemans (Leiden 1968)
Syr.-Aram. : Syro-Aramaic
Syracuse (aka TENS, Syracuse) : M. Sigrist, Textes économiques néo-sumériens de l'Université de Syracuse (= ERC Mém. 29, 1983)
Syria : Syria. Revue d'art oriental et d'archéologie (Paris 1920 ff.)
SZ; Š : Istanbul Museum siglum for tablets from Kisurra
Tablettes Drehem : H. de Genouillac, Tablettes de Drehem (= TCL 2)
TAD (aka LTD) : S. Langdon, Tablets from the Archives of Drehem (Paris, 1911)
TADA (aka TAD) : Türk Arkeologji Dergisi (Ankara)
Tammuz (aka Jacobsen Tammuz) : Th. Jacobsen, Towards the Image of Tammuz and Other Essays on Mesopotamian History (= HSS 21, 1970)
TAPS : Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
TAVO : Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (Wiesbaden 1977 ff.); Beihefte: Reihe A, Naturwissenschaften (1977 ff.); Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften (1972 ff.)
Tavolette : G. Boson, Tavolette cuneiformi sumere
TBC : Texts from the Babylonian Collection, 2 (New Haven 1986)
TBER : J.-M. Durand, Textes Babyloniens d'époque récente (= Recherche sur les grandes civilisations, Cahier 6, Paris 1981)
TBP : F. R. Kraus, Texte zur Babylonischen Physiognomatik, AfO Beih. 3, Berlin 1939.
TC : G. Contenau, Tablettes Cappadociennes (Paris, 1920) = TCL 4
TCAE : J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (= StPohl SM 3, 1974)
TCBI 1 : Pomponio, Francesco. Tavolette cuneiformi di Adab delle collezioni della Banca d'Italia. Rome: Centro Stampa della Banca d'Italia 2006
TCBI 2 : Pomponio, Francesco, Stol, Martin, and Westenholz, Aage. Tavolette cuneiformi di varia provenienza delle collezioni della Banca d’Italia. Rome: Centro Stampa della Banca d'Italia 2006
TCL : Textes cunéiformes, Musées du Louvre (Paris 1910 ff.)
TCND (aka Turin Drehem; TCNS Drehem) : A. Archi and F. Pomponio, Testi cuneiformi neo-sumerici da Drehem, n. 0001-0412, Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino, Ser. II, 7, Torino 1990
TCNU (aka Turin Umma) : A. Archi, F. Pomponio, G. Bergamini. Testi Cuneiformi Neo-Sumerici da Umma, NN. 0413-1723. Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino. Serie seconda. Collezioni 8. (Torino: Ministero per I beni culturali e ambientali, 1995)
TCS : Texts from Cuneiform Sources (New York 1966 ff.)
TCT-SAMA : Textos cuneiformes de Texas, San Antonio Museum of Art, (Estella 2021)
TCTI 1 (aka Lafont-Yildiz Tello Istanbul, B. LaFont, F. Yildiz TCTMI) : Bertrand Lafont and Fatma Yildiz, Tablettes cunéiformes de Tello au Musée d'Istanbul: datant de l'époque de la IIIe Dynastie d'Ur. Tome I. ITT II/1, 617-1038. PIHANS 65. (Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1989)
TCTI 2 : Bertrand Lafont and Fatma Yildiz, Tablettes cunéiformes de Tello au Musée d'Istanbul, datant de l'époque de la IIIe Dynastie d'Ur. Tome II. ITT II/1, 2544-2819, 3158-4342, 4708-4714. PIHANS 77. (Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1996)
TCUR : L. Boulay, Mémoire sur des Tablettes de la 3e Dynastie d’Ur à Rouen (Rouen 1920)
TCVC : A. Archi, F. Pomponio and M. Stol, Testi cuneiformi di vario contenuto, NN. 0724-0793, Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino, Serie Seconda, Collezioni, vol. 9 (Torino 1999)
TDP : R. Labat, Traité Akkadien de Diagnostics et Pronostics Médicaux, Paris à Leiden 1951.
Teachers and Students : C.J. Gadd, Teachers and Students in the Oldest Schools
TEBA : M. Birot, Tablettes économiques et administratives d'époque babylonienne ancienne conservées au Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève (Paris nd [1969])
TEBR : F. Joannès, Textes économiques de la Babylonie récente (= ERC Cah. 5, 1982)
TEL (aka TÉL) : C. Virolleaud/M. Lambert, Tablettes écomomiques de Lagash (Paris 1968)
Tel Aviv : Tel Aviv. Journal of the Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology (Tel Aviv 1974 ff.)
Tell ed-Der : Dietz Otto Edzard, Altbabylonische Rechts- und Wirtschaftsturkunden aus TeIl ed-Der (= ABAW NF72, 1970)
Tell Halaf : Johannes Friedrich et al., AfO Beiheft 6
Tell Sifr : Ch.-F.Jean, Tell Sifr … (Textes cuneiformes conserves au British Museum, reedites)(Paris 1931)
Tello : A. Parrot, Tello, vingt campagnes de fouilles (1877-1933) (Paris 1948)
Temple Hymns : lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, TCS 3; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
term. : terminative
Ternbach Collection : Merhav, R. 1981
Textes Scolaires : A. Cavigneaux, Textes Scolaires du temple de Nabu sha Hare, vol. 1
Textile Terminologies : C. Michel & M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the third to the first Millennia BC (Oxford 2010)
THeth. : Texte der Hethiter (Heidelberg 1971 ff.)
TI : S. Langdon, Tammuz and Ishtar (Oxford 1914)
Tierbilder : W. Heimpel, Tierbilder in der sumerischen Literatur (= Studia Pohl 2)
TigI. III. : P. Rost, Die Keilschrifttexte Tiglat-Pilesers III. (Leipzig 1893)
TIM : Texts in the Iraq Museum (Baghdad/Wiesbaden 1964 ff.)
Timekeeping : R. Englund, Administrative Timekeeping in Ancient Mesopotamia, JESHOI 31 (1988) 121-185
TJA (aka TJAUB) : E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques et administratives de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur et de la Ire Dynastie de Babylone … (Paris 1963)
TJDB : E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques de la Ire dynastie de Babylone conservées au Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Genève (Paris 1958)
TKTA : Transliterationen und Kollationen von Texten der Akkade-Zeit;
TKU : W. Kless/H. Hatuptmann, Topographische Karte von Urartu (= AMI Erg. Bd. [NF] 3,1976)
TLB : Tabulae Cuneiformes a F.M.Th. de Liagre BöhI collectae (Leiden 1954 ff.)
TM : Find siglum Tell Mardikh
TMH (aka TuM, TMH NF, TMHNF) : Texte und Materialien der Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection . . . Jena, (Leipzig 1932-1934); NF = Neue Folge (Leipzig 1937, Berlin 1961 ff.)
TMN : C. Proust, Tablettes mathématiques de Nippur (=Varia Anatolica 18; Istanbul 2007)
TMO : Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient (Lyon 1981 ff.); série archéologique
TMS : E. M. Bruins & M. Rutten, Textes mathématiques de Suse (MMAI 34; 1961)
TN : temple name
TN : L. W. King, Records of the Reign of Tukulti-Ninib I (London 1904)
Tokyo SAG- tablet : lex. series; M. Yoshikawa and E. Matsushima, Orient 23/2, lff; MSL SS 1, 28ff.
Töpfer : W. Sallaberger, Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefäse
Topographical : A.R. George, Babylonian Topographical Texts (= 0LA 40)
TPAK : C. Michel & P. Garelli, Tablettes paléo-assyriennes de Kültepe (Paris, 1997)
TR : Tablet siglum for texts from Tell al-Rimah
transcr. : transcribed, transcription
transl. : translated, translation
translit. : tranliterated, transliteration
TrDr (aka Trouvaille) : H. de Génouillac, La trouvaille de Dréhem (Paris 1911)
Treasures : Th. Jacobsen, The Treasures of Darkness
Tree and Reed : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
Trois Aspects : Y. Rosengarten, Trois aspects de la pensee religieuse sumerienne
TRS : H. de Genouillac, Textes religieux sumériens du Louvre (= TCL 15/16, 1930)
TRU (aka Legrain TRU) : L. Legrain, Le temps des rois d'Ur (= Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études 199, Paris 1912)
TSA (aka de Genouillac TSA) : H. de Genouillac, Tablettes sumeriennes archaiques
TSO : Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik, Hildesheim
Tsouparopoulou 2008 : C. Tsouparopoulou, The Material Face of Bureaucracy: Writing, Sealing and Archiving Tablets for the Ur III State at Drehem (Cambridge PhD dissertation 2008)
TSS (aka Jestin Shuruppak, TSŠ) : R. Jestin, Tablettes sumériennes de Shuruppak conservées au Musée de Stamboul (Paris 1937)
TSU (aka Limet Ur III Brussels) : H. Limet, Textes sumeriens de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur
TTAED : Türk Tarih Arkeologya ve Etnografya Dergisi (Istanbul)
TTKY : Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari (Ankara 1935 ff.)
TU : F. Thureau-Dangin, Tablettes d'Uruk (= TCL 6, 1922)
TUAT : Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments (Gütersloh 1982 ff.)
TuL : E. Ebeling, Tod und Leben nach den Vorstellungen der Babylonier
Tummal Inscr. : lit. comp.; E. Sollberger, JCS 16, 40ff; Ali Letters 99ff. B:9
Türen (aka A. Salonen, Türen) : A. Salonen, Die Türen des alten Mesopotamien (Helsinki 1961), (= AASF B 124)
TuT (aka Telloh, TUT) : G. Reisner, Tempelurkunden aus Telloh (Berlin 1901)
TUU (aka Umma, H. Sauren TUU, Topographie) : H. Sauren, Topographie der Provinz Umma nach den Urkunden der Zeit der III. Dynastie von Ur, I: Kanäle und Bewässerungsanlagen (diss., Heidelberg 1966)
Sumerian Letters (aka Two Coll.; Letters.) : F.A. Ali, Sumerian Letters: Two Collections from the Old Babylonian Schools (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Two Elegies : lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, Two Elegies on a Pushkin Museum Tablet; Å.W. Sjöberg, JAOS 103, 315ff. (first elegy)
Two Scribes : lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil; rev. ms. S.J. Tinney
Two Women A : lit comp.; BE 31, 36 and dupls.; ms. A. Cavigneaux
Two Women B : lit. comp.; BE 31,28 and dupls.; ms. M. Civil
U : Find siglum, Ur (London/Philadelphia/Baghdad)
UAVA : Untersuchtungen zur Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Ergänzuingsbände zu ZA (Berlin 196o ff.)
UCLM : tablets in the collection of the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology of the Univ. of California at Berkeley
UCP : University of California Publications in Semitic Philology (Berkeley 1907 ff.); s. NESt.
UCP 9/2 (aka STR) : H. E. Lutz, Sumerian Temple Records of the Late Ur Dynasty (= UCP 9/2, 1928)
UCU : M. Widell, The Administrative and Economic Ur III Texts from the City of Ur (Piscataway 2003)
UDT : J. Nies, Ur Dynasty Tablets (= AB 25, 1920)
Udughul OB : incantation series; M. Geller, FAOS 12
UE : Ur Excavations. Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamie (Oxford/Philadelphia 1927 ff.)
UET : Ur Excavations. Texts (London 1928 ff.)
UET 2 supp (aka UET 2 Sp) : Amedeo Alberti and Francesco Pomponio, Pre-Sargonic and Sargonic texts from Ur edited in UET 2, Supplement (= Studia Pohl SM 13)
UF (aka UgaritForsch) : Ugarit-Forschungen (Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1969 ff.)
Ugaritica (aka Ug) : Ugaritica. Mission de Ras Shamra (Paris 1939-1978)
UGASL (aka G.J. Selz, UGASL) : G. J. Selz, Untersuchungen zur Götterwelt des altsumerischen Stadtstaates von Lagash, OPSNKF 13 (Philadelphia 1995)
Ugumu : lex. series ugu-mu; MSL 9, 51ff.
UHF : M.J. Geller, Forerunners to Udug-hul (= FAOS 12)
UIOM : tablets in the collections of the Univ. of Illinois Oriental Museum
UKN : O. Melikishvili, Urartskie klinoobraznye nadpisi (Moskau 1960); II (= VDI 3, 1971, pp. 229-255)
UM : Tablet siglum of the University Museum, Philadelphia
Umma : G. Contenau, Umma sous la dynaste d'Ur 1916
UMT (aka Unger Mem. Vol.) : In Memoriam Eckhard Unger: Beitrage zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion des alten Orient
unil. : unilingual
Unity and Diversity : H. Goedicke and J.J.M. Roberts, eds., Essays in the History, Literature and Religion of the Ancient Near East
Univ. : university
UNL : G. Pettinato, Untersuchungen zur neusumerischen Landwirtschaft I, 1. und 2. Teil (Naples 1967)
unpubl. : unpublished
UNT (aka Waetzoldt Textilindustrie, Textilindustrie) : H. Waetzoldt, Untersuchtungen zur neusumerischen Textilindustrie (Rom 1972)
Ur, Assur und Babylon : H. Schmökel, Ur, Assur und Babylon, drei Jahrtausende im Zweistromland (Stuttgart 1955)
Ur III : Ur III period
Ur III Temple : R. Zettler, The Ur III Temple of Inanna at Nippur (= BBVO 11)
Ur III-Fischerei (aka R.K. Englund, Fischerei) : R. Englund, Organisation und Verwaltung der Ur III-Fischerei (= BBVO 10)
Urbaba lff'. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 134ff.
Urdukuga : royal mscr.
Urdukuga 1 : (StOr 49,34f.)
Urdukuga 2 : (RIME 4,95: Urdukuga 2)
Urdukuga 3 : (RIME 4,96: Urdukuga 3)
Urdun to Shulgi : letter; Michalowski Correspondence 216ff.
Urenlilla to Ensi and Sanga : letter; Ali Letters 105ff. B:10
Urnammu lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 93ff
Urnanshe lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 79ff
Urningirsu I lf'f. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 123ff.
Urningirsu II lff. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 360ff.
Urninmarki lf. : royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 338
Urninurta 1 : (StOr49,23)
Urninurta 2 : (StOr 49,24)
Urninurta lff. : royal inscr.,
Ursaga to a King : letter; A. Falkenstein, ZA 44, lff.;Ali Letters 80ff. B:6
Uruammairabi : lit. comp.; K. Volk, FAOS 18; M. Civil, Aula Or 1, 45ff.
Uruanna : pharmaceutical series u2-uru-an-na = mashtakal
Uruinimgina lff. : royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 278ff.
Uruk Lament : lit. comp.; M.W. Green, JAOS 104, 253ff.
USC (aka USCARC) : Museum siglum of the Archaeological Research Collection, University of Southern California
USP (aka UmmaSP) : B. Foster, Umma in the Sargonic Period (= MCAAS 20)
UT : C. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (= AnOr. 38, 1965, Reprint 1967)
Utah : Owen, David 2000
UTI 3 (aka Umma Ist. 3,Ylldlz-Gomi Umma, UTAMI 3) : F.Yildiz/T.Gomi Die Umma-Texte aus den Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Ill (CDL Press 1993)
UTI 4 (aka Umma Ist. 4,Gomi-Yildlz Umma, UTAMI 4) : T. Gomi and F. Ylldlz Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaologischen Museen zu Istanbul, IV
UTI 5 (aka Umma Ist. 5, UTAMI 5) : Gomi, T. and Yildiz, F. 2000
UTI 6 (aka Umma Ist. 6, UTAMI 6) : Gomi, T. and Yildiz, F. 2000
Utudug to Ilakniid : letter, Ali Letters 124ff. B:15
Utuhegal Inscr. : royal inscr.; RA 9, 113ff: and dupl., W. Römer, OrNS 54 274ff.
Utukku lemnutu : incant. series; mss. M. Geller, M.W. Green
UVB : Vorläufiger Bericht über die . . . Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka (1-11 in: ABAW, 1930-1940; 12 ff. in: ADOG 1956 ff.)
VA : Museum siglum of the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin (Vorderasiatische Abteilung, Ass. = Assur)
VAB : Vorderasiatische Bibliothek (Leipzig 1907 ff.)
VAMZ : Vjesnik Arheoloskog Muzeja u Zagrebu (Zagreb)
var(s). : variant(s)
VAS : Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler
VAT : Museum siglum of the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin (Vorderasiatische Abteilung. Tontafeln)
VBoT : A. Götze, Verstreute Boghazköi-Texte (Marburg 1930)
VDI : Vestnik drevnej istorii (Moscow 1937 ff.)
VE : Vocabulario di Ebla (= MEE 4, 1982)
Venus : S. H. Langdon & J. K. Fotheringham, The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga (Oxford 1928)
vers. : version
Vertraege (aka Verträge) : J. Friedrich, Staatsverträge des Hatti-Reiches (I= MVAG 31, 1926; II = MVAG 34/1, 1930)
Viehhaltung : F. R. Kraus, Staatliche Viehhaltung im altbabylonischen Lande Larsa, Mededelingen d. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschapen, Afd. Letterkunde, Nieuwe reeks, 29/V (Amsterdam 1966)
villa royale : L. Heuzey, Une villa royale chaldéene vers l'an 4000 avant notre ère d'après les levés et les notes de M. de Sarzec (Paris 1900)
VIO : Veroffentlichungen des Instituts für Orientforschung (Berlin)
Virolleaud Fragments : C. Virolleaud, Fragments de textes divinatoires assyriens du Musée Britannique, 1903
VM : Museum siglum: Collection de M. Valère Mabille
VN : V. K. Sileijko, Votivnyja nadpisi sumerijskih pravitelej (St. Petersburg 1915)
VO (aka Vicino Oriente, VicOr., ViOr) : Vicino Oriente. Annuario dell'Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente, Università; di Roma (Rome 1978 ff.)
voc. : vocabulary
Vögel (aka A. Salonen, Vögel) : A. Salonen, Vögel und Vogelfang im alten Mesopotamien (Helsinki 1973), (=AASF B 180)
vol(s). : volume(s)
VS : Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der (Königlichen) Museen zu Berlin (Berlin 1907 ff.)
VT (aka SVT) : Vetus Testamentum (Leiden 1951 ff.), S = Supplements (1953 ff.)
W. : field numbers of tablets excavated at Warka
w/n : without number
Waffen (aka E. Salonen, Waffen) : E. Salonen, Die Waffen der alten Mesopotamier (Helsinki 1965), (= StOr33)
Wagenpferde : E. Ebeling, Bruchstücke einer mittelassyrischen Vorschriftensammlung fur die Akklimatisierung und Trainierung von Wagenpferden (= VIO 7)
Waradsin 01 : (StOr 49, 84f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 18)
Waradsin 02 : (StOr 49, 85; RIME 4: Waradsin 25)
Waradsin 03 : (StOr 49, 86; RIME 4: Waradsin 9)
Waradsin 04 : (StOr 49, 86f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 19)
Waradsin 05 : (StOr 49, 87f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 11)
Waradsin 06 : (StOr 49, 88; RIME 4: Waradsin 12)
Waradsin 07 : (StOr 49, 89f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 22)
Waradsin 08 : (StOr 49, 91f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 27)
Waradsin 09 : (StOr 49, 93f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 6)
Waradsin 10 : (StOr 49, 95; RIME 4: Waradsin 16)
Waradsin 11 : (StOr 49, 97; RIME 4: Waradsin 10)
Waradsin 12 : (StOr 49 98f. RIME 4: Waradsin 23)
Waradsin 13 : (StOr 49, 100, RIME 4: Waradsin 3)
Waradsin 14 : (StOr 49, 101, RIME 4: Waradsin 1)
Waradsin 15 : (StOr 49, 102; RIME 4: Waradsin 24)
Waradsin 16 : (StOr 49, 103; RIME 4: Waradsin 4)
Waradsin 17 : (StOr 49, 103f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 26)
Waradsin 18 : (StOr 49, 10Sf.; RIME 4: Waradsin 20)
Waradsin 19 : (StOr 49, 106ff.; RIME 4: Waradsin 15)
Waradsin 20 : (StOr 49, 117; RIME 4: Waradsin 30)
Waradsin 21 : (StOr 49, 117; RIME 4: Waradsin 31)
Waradsin 22 and 24 : (StOr49,118; RIME4: Waradsin 32)
Waradsin 23 : (StOr 49, 118; RIME 4: Waradsin 33)
Waradsin 26 : (StOr 49, 119; RIME 4: Waradsin 7)
Waradsin 27 : (StOr 49, 120f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 14)
Waradsin 28 : (StOr 49, 122ff.; RIME 4: Waradsin 13)
Waradsin 29 : (StOr 49, 126ff.; RIME 4: Waradsin 21)
Waradsin 30 : (StOR 49, 132; RIME 4: Waradsin 2)
Waradsin 31 : (StOr 49, 133; RIME 4: Waradsin 2001)
Waradsin 32 : joined by Frayne to Waradsin 18
Waradsin 33 : (StOr 49, 133; RIME 4: Waradsin 28)
Waradsin 34 : (StOr 49, 134; RIME 4: Silliadad 2)
Waradsin 36 : joined by Frayne to Waradsin 18
Waradsin 37 : (StOr 49, 137f.; RIME 4: Rimsin 14)
Waradsin 38 : (StOr 49, 138f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 1001)
Waradsin 39 : (StOr 49, 140f.; RIME 4: Waradsin 17)
Waradsin 3S : (StOr 49, 134f., RIME 4: Waradsin 1002)
Waradsin 40 : (RIME 4, 208: Waradsin 5)
Waradsin 41 : (RIME 4, 211f.: Waradsin 8)
Waradsin 42 : (RIME 4, 254f.: Waradsin 29)
Waradsin 43 : (RIME 4, 261f.: Waradsin 1003)
Waradsin lff. : royal inscr.;
Waradsin seals a-d : (StOr 49, 118:25; RIME 4: Waradsin 2002-2005)
Warka 109 B70 Uruk : Strassmaier. J. 1882
WAS (aka Cat II/III; CSBM Il/Ill) : D. Collon, Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Cylinder Seals, Il/Ill (London 1982/1986)
Wasserfahrzeuge : A. Salonen, Die Wasserfahrzeuge in Babylonien (=StOr 8)
WAW : Writings from the Ancient World, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta
WbM (aka WBMyth.) : Wörterbuch der Mythologie, l. Abt.: Die alten Kulturvölker (Stuttgart 1962- 1965 ff.)
WF : A. Deimel, Wirtschaftstexte aus Fara (= WVDOG 45, 1924)
WGAV : J. Harmatta/G. Komoróczy, (eds.), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Alten Vorderasien, (Budapest 1976)
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft von Ebla : Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft von Ebla, ed. H. Waetzoldt and H. Hauptmann (= HSAO 2)
WMAH : H. Sauren, Wirtschaftsurkunden aus der Zeit der III. Dynastie von Ur im Besitz des Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in Genf (Naples 1969)
WO : Die Welt des Orients. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Kunde des Morgenlandes (Wuppertal … Göttingen 1947/1952 ff.)
wr. : writing(s), written
WZUH : Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
WVDOG : Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (Leipzig . . . Berlin 1900 ff.)
WZJ : Wíssenschftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Jena 1951 ff.)
WZKM : Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes (Vienna 1887 ff.); Beih. = Beiheft (1936 ff.)
Xenia : Xenia. Konstanzer Althistorische Vorträge und Forschungen (Constance)
Yale Messenger : McNeil, Robert C., The 'Messenger Texts' of the Third Ur Dynasty (diss., Yale University, 1970)
Yale SAG-tablet : lex. series; YBC 9869; MSL SS 1,17ff.
YBC : Tablet siglum, Yale Babylonian Collection (New Haven)
Year-Names : M.J.A. Horsnell, The Year- Names of the First Dynasty of Babylon: with a Catalogue of the Year-Names from Sumuabum to Samsuiluna (diss., University of Toronto)
YNER : Yale Near Eastern Researches (New Haven 1967 ff.)
YOS : Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts (New Haven 1915 ff.)
YOSR (aka YOR) : Yale Oriental Series, Researches (New Haven 1912 ff.)
ZA : Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete , (from 1939) und Vorderasiatische Archäologie (Leipzig … Berlin 1886 ff.); s. UAVA
Zambija 1 : royal inscr.; I. Kärki, StOr 49, 34
Zame Hymns : lit comp.; Biggs OIP 99, 45ff.
ZapKlass : Lichacev, N. 1907
ZATU : M. W. Green and H. J. Nissen, Zelchenliste der archaischen Texte aus Uruk, cf. ATU
ZAW : Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (1924-1935: und die Kunde des nachbiblischen Judentums, Berlin 1881 ff.)
ZDMG : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (Wiesbaden … Stuttgart 1847 ff.)
ZDPV : Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (Stuttgart/Wiesbaden 1878 ff.)
ZfE : Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (Braunschweig 1869 ff.)
Ziegeleien (aka A. Salonen, Ziegeleien) : A. Salonen, Die Ziegeleien im alten Mesopotamien (Helsinki 1961), (= AASF B 171)
ZIF : Zeitschrift für Indogermanische Forschungen
Zinbun : Zinbun. Memoirs of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies (Kyoto 1957 ff.)
ZK : Zeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung
ZKM : Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes (Bonn 1837ff., since 1887 WZKM)
ZOA : Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie
ZSN : M. Çig, H. Kizliyay and B. Landsberger, Zwei altbabylonische Schulbücher aus Nippur
ZSS : Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanist. Abt. (Weimar 1880 ff.)
ZVO : Zapiski Vostocnago Otdelenija Russkago Archeologiceskago Obscestva, Petersburg
ZVS : Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiet der indogermanischen Sprachen (Berlin/Göttingen 1852 ff.)
ZZB (aka zweite Zwischenzeit) : D.O. Edzard, Die ,,zweite Zwischenzeit" Babyloniens (Wiesbaden 1957)
Standard Abbreviations for Morphological Glossing (Leipzig Glossing Rules)
A : agent-like argument of canonical transitive verb
ABL : ablative
ABS : absolutive
ACC : accusative
ADJ : adjective
ADV : adverb(ial)
AGR : agreement
ALL : allative
ANTIP : antipassive
APPL : applicative
ART : article
AUX : auxiliary
BEN : benefactive
CAUS : causative
CLF : classifier
COM : comitative
COMP : complementizer
COMPL : completive
COND : conditional
COP : copula
CVB : converb
DAT : dative
DECL : declarative
DEF : definite
DEM : demonstrative
DET : determiner
DIST : distal
DISTR : distributive
DU : dual
DUR : durative
ERG : ergative
EXCL : exclusive
F : feminine
FOC : focus
FUT : future
GEN : genitive
IMP : imperative
INCL : inclusive
IND : indicative
INDF : indefinite
INF : infinitive
INS : instrumental
INTR : intransitive
IPFV : imperfective
IRR : irrealis
LOC : locative
M : masculine
N : neuter
N- : non- (e.g. NSG nonsingular, NPST nonpast)
NEG : negation, negative
NMLZ : nominalizer/nominalization
NOM : nominative
OBJ : object
OBL : oblique
P : patient-like argument of canonical transitive verb
PASS : passive
PFV : perfective
PL : plural
POSS : possessive
PRED : predicative
PRF : perfect
PRS : present
PROG : progressive
PROH : prohibitive
PROX : proximal/proximate
PST : past
PTCP : participle
PURP : purposive
Q : question particle/marker
QUOT : quotative
RECP : reciprocal
REFL : reflexive
REL : relative
RES : resultative
S : single argument of canonical intransitive verb
SBJ : subject
SBJV : subjunctive
SG : singular
TOP : topic
TR : transitive
VOC : vocative
1 : first person
2 : second person
3 : third person