2011 publications
Vicino oriente 15
Title: Università di Roma, Istituto di studi del Vicino oriente, Vicino Oriente XV, 2011.
Keywords: sanctuaries - temples - cult places - Early Bronze Age I - Southern Levant - metal spears - Byblos - Megiddo - land management - food production - Egypt - 0-2 dynasties - Ugarit - jug - offerings - Ancient Egyptian palace - monumental architecture - audience system - Punic script - Phoenician urbanisation - Phoenician cities - Phoenician identity - syncretism - Butes - argonauts - Butes myth - Mosque of Isfahan - siliceous paste - Balawat Gates - Ashurnasirpal II
M. Sala - Sanctuaries, Temples and Cult Places in Early Bronze I Southern Levant
D. Montanari - Sei lance rituali in metallo del Bronzo Antico I (3400-3000 a.C.) dal Levante meridionale
L. Romano - La stele del simposio?
S. Lanna - Land-management and food-production in early Egypt (Dynasties 0-2)
S. Paradiso - La brocca RS 24.440 da Ugarit: rappresentazione di una scena di offerta
G. Pagliari - Ancient Egyptian Palace: The Tripartite Plan of Audience System
M.G. Amadasi Guzzo - On the Beginnings of the Punic Scripts
B. D’Andrea - S. Giardino - “Il tofet: dove e perché”: alle origini dell’identità fenicia
L. Sist - Preliminary notes on two royal buildings discovered in Napata
A. Colazilli - Il pianto nell’antico Egitto
A. D’Aleo - Il mito di Butes: un caso paradigmatico di “sincretismo”?
S. Della Ricca - I. Della Ricca - Quale sanità nel Vicino Oriente urbanizzato?
V. Messina - J. Mehr Kian - Ricognizione dei rilievi partici d’Elimaide. La piana di Izeh- Malamir
M. Rugiadi - The Emergence of Siliceous-paste in Iran in the Last Quarter of the 11th century and Related Issues. The Dated Assemblage from the Southern Domed Hall of the Great Mosque of Isfahan
I. Melandri - Nuove considerazioni su una statua da Qaw el-Kebir al Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino
D. Nadali - Eph‘al, I.,The City Besieged. Siege and Its Manifestations in the Ancient Near East, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 36, Brill Ed., Leiden - Boston 2009
D. Nadali - Curtis, J.E. - Tallis, N (eds.), The Balawat Gates of Ashurnasirpal II, The British Museum Press, London 2008
Title: S. Lundström & J. Orlamünde, Die Orthostaten Tiglat-Pilesers I. und Assurnasirpals II. aus dem Alten Palast von Assur. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 136; Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur F: Fundgruppen 5. Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden. 2011.
Keywords: Neo-Assyrian period - Assur - Alter Palast - Tiglat-pileser I - Ashurnasirpal II
Abstract: The volume (Table of contents) publishes the fragments of orthostats found at the Alte Palast in Assur by the German excavators. These orthostats date to the reigns of the Neo-Assyrian kings Tiglat-pileser I. and Ashurnasirpal II. For the former, in particular, these orthostats represent the first known attestation of this kind of objects. The book discusses the find contexts and contain besides a philological edition of the inscriptions a full catalogue as well as hand-copies and photos of the material.
QS Band 1
Title: P. Pfälzner (ed), Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Königsgruft von Qatna Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2011.
Keywords: archaeology - material culture - inscriptions
Abstract: Der erste Band der neuen Reihe Qatna Studien widmet sich der im Jahre 2002 unter dem Palast von Qatna/Tall Mišrife aufgefundenen Königsgruft. Die Grabanlage war unzerstört und bot dadurch die seltene Möglichkeit, die Bestattungssitten der Herrscher eines westsyrischen Königreiches des zweiten vorchristlichen Jahrtausends umfassend zu erforschen. Die Untersuchungen der vier in den Felsen geschlagenen Grabkammern mit zahlreichen Stein- und Holzinstallationen, den über 2000 Funden, den menschlichen Skelettteilen und den zahlreichen Resten von Tier-, Pflanzen- und Textilmaterialien erfolgen dabei in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit. Neben einer Einleitung in generelle Fragen der Bestattung in Qatna und in methodische Vorgehensweisen gliedert sich der von Peter Pfälzner herausgegebene Band in fünf Abschnitte: In Sektion I werden der architektonische Aufbau und die Stratigraphie der Gruft umfassend beleuchtet, Sektion II widmet sich den vielen unterschiedlichen Objekten des Grabinventares und ihrer Funktion im Bestattungskontext. In Sektion III werden die administrativen Gegenstände wie Inschriften und Siegel behandelt, Sektion IV ist den naturwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen vorbehalten und der letzte Teil, Sektion V, widmet sich einem speziellen Befund: einem Steintisch, auf dem eine Tote für die Niederlegung an ihrer letzten Ruhestätte vorbereitet wurde. Diese Zusammenführung der bisherigen Einzelerkenntnisse und ihre Verknüpfung mit den Forschungsergebnissen ermöglicht ein gutes Verständnis davon, wie die Bestattungsvorgänge in der Königsgruft von Qatna und die zugrundeliegende Vorstellungswelt zu rekonstruieren sind.
English to Akkadian Companion
Title: M. E. Cohen, An English to Akkadian Companion to the Assyrian Dictionaries CDL Press, Bethesda, 2011.
Keywords: English - Akkadian - glossary
Abstract: This reference book is an English-to-Akkadian dictionary of the Assyrian and Babylonian language, based on the entries in the three published Akkadian dictionaries: "The University of Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, " "A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian," and the "Assyrian-English-Assyrian Dictionary." Entries are organized also by synonym and category.
Religionen des Alten Orients 1
Title: V. Haas, and H. Koch Religionen des Alten Orients: Hethiter und Iran, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2011.
Keywords: religion - Anatolia - Iran
Abstract: This is the first part of Religions of the Ancient Near East. It contains a survey of the religions of ancient Asia Minor, especially the Hittites, and of Iran. The Hittite religion is primarily documented in a comprehensive corpus of ritual text containing essential parts of Hittite mythology witnessed in the 2nd millennium BC when the Hitties founded an empire in Asia minor. The earliest inhabitants of the land of Iran have been the Elamites, who developed an important culture from about 4000 BC. On one hand there are many connections to Mesopotamia, their neighbours to the West, but on the other hand there are very peculiar ideas of their own. Some of them even influenced the Iranian people, Indo-Europeans, who immigrated into their realm since the 2nd mill. BC. The Iranian religion is determined by the teachings of Zoroaster, which did influence also the Old Testament.
NA Prosopography
Title: H. D. Baker (ed.) The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Volume 3, Part II, Š-Z, Using the Electronic Data Base of the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project and with the Collaboration of Numerous Colleagues, Publications of the Foundation for Finnish Assyriological Research 4, The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, Helsinki, 2011.
Keywords: prosopography - personal names - Neo-Assyrian period
Abstract: The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (PNA) is a series published by the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project (State Archives of Assyria) of the University of Helsinki under the directorship of Professor Simo Parpola. PNA is an international undertaking involving the collaboration of over 70 scholars from around the world, including a corps of linguistic consultants.
Empires after the Empire
Title: K. Strobel (ed.), Empires after the Empire: Anatolia, Syria and Assyria after Suppiluliuma II (ca. 1200 - 800/700 B.C.), Eothen, Collana di study sullen civiltà dell'Oriente antic 17, LoGisma editors, Firenze, 2011.
Keywords: empires - Anatolia - Syria - Assyria - Neo-Hittite - Suppiluliuma II
Abstract: The volume contains eight contributions about the political situation in the area of Anatolia, Syria and Assyria between c. 1200 and 800 BC.
Formulaires juridiques
Title: S. Démare-Lafont and A. Lemaire (eds) Trois millénaires de formulaires juridiques. École Pratique des Hautes Études. Sciences Historiques et Philologiques II, Hautes Études Orientales - Moyen et Proche Orient 4, 48, Librairie Droz, Paris, 2010.
Keywords: legal formulary - diachronic overview
Abstract: The 15 contributions (Table of Contents) in this book go back to a conference that dealt with the formation of contracts and their inherent formulas. They cover a wide range of legal terminology in the ancient Near Eastern textual record and beyond.
Barjamovic, Dahl, Koch, Sommerfeld, Goodnik Westenholz (eds), Akkad is King
Title: G. Barjamovic, J. L. Dahl, U. S. Koch, W. Sommerfeld, and J. Goodnick Westenholz (eds) Akkade is King: A collection of papers by friends and colleagues presented to Aage Westenholz on the occasion of his 70th birthday 15th of May 2009. PIHANS 118, NINO 2011.
Abstract: In the volume Akkade is King, friends, colleagues and former students celebrate the scholarly achievements of Aage Westenholz on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Contributions cover a wide range of topics within the field of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, including Semitic linguistics and grammar, archaeology and art history, administration and bureaucracy, Sumerian and Akkadian literature, political history, trade and economy through the first three millennia of recorded history.
Subartu XXIX
Title: M. Lebeau & A. Suleiman (eds) Tell Beydar. The 2004/2 – 2009 Seasons of Excavations. The 2004/2 – 2009 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report. Subartu XXIX, Brepols 2011.
Keywords: Tell Beydar - Syria - report - 3rd millennium - Hellenistic Period - Chantier B - Chantier M - Chantier D - Chantier O - Field C - Field P - restoration
Abstract: The fourth volume on the Euro-Syrian excavations at Tell Beydar, the ancient Nabada (excavation's website; Google Maps) constitutes the progress report of the 2004 to 2009 seasons of excavations as well as the restoration works. After an introduction dealing with the excavation works in general done in the seasons from 2004-2009 in Tell Beydar, the ancient Nabada (section I) various studies deal with architecture and finds. Section II contains findings dating to the 3rd millennium, in particular "Chantier B", "Chantier M - Temple E", "Chantier D - Temple D", "Chantier O", "Field P", and "Southern Square". The 3rd part of the volume deals with the Hellenistic Period and contains preliminary results on "Field C". Of particular interest is also the restoration work done on the excavated architecture, which is reported on in the last section.
UF 42
Title: M. Dietrich and O. Loretz (eds), Ugarit-Forschungen. Internationales Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palästinas. Münster 2011.
Jaques, Klagetraditionen
Title: M. Jaques (ed.), Klagetraditionen. Form und Funktion der Klage in den Kulturen der Antike. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 251, Academic Press Fribourg / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen 2011.
Keywords: lamentation
The Ahhiyawa Texts
Title: G. M. Beckman, T. R. Bryce and E. H. Cline, The Ahhiyawa Texts. Writings from the Ancient World 28, Society of Biblical Literature Atlanta 2011.
Keywords: Hattusa - Hittite - Ahhiyawa - translations - commentary
Abstract: Twenty-six texts found in the Hittite capital of Hattusa dating from the fifteenth–thirteenth centuries B.C.E. contain references to a land known as “Ahhiyawa,” which most scholars now identify with the Late Bronze Age Mycenaean world. The subject of continuing study and controversy since they were first published in 1924, the letters are still at the center of Mycenaean-Hittite studies and are now considered in studies and courses concerned with Troy, the Trojan War, and the role of both Mycenaeans and Hittites in that possible conflict. This volume offers, for the first time in a single source, English translations of all twenty-six Ahhiyawa texts and a commentary and brief exposition on each text’s historical implications (Table of Contents and Introduction). The volume also includes an introductory essay to the whole Ahhiyawa “problem” as well as a longer essay on Mycenaean-Hittite interconnections and the current state of the discipline.
Streck, Altbabylonisches Lehrbuch
Title: M. P. Streck, Altbabylonisches Lehrbuch. Porta Linguarum Orientalium 23, Harrassowitz Wiesbaden 2011.
Keywords: Akkadian - Old Babylonian - grammar - exercises
Abstract: The book contains a concise grammar that is based on the Old Babylonian dialect of the Akkadian language. It is divided into 15 chapters (Table of Contents).
Ziolkowski, Gilgamesh Among Us
Title: Th. Ziolkowski, Gilgamesh Among Us. Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic. Ithaca and London 2011.
Keywords: Gilgamesh epic - modern perception
Abstract: The world's oldest work of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh recounts the adventures of the semimythical Sumerian king of Uruk and his ultimately futile quest for immortality after the death of his friend and companion, Enkidu, a wildman sent by the gods. Gilgamesh was deified by the Sumerians around 2500 BC, and his tale as we know it today was codified in cuneiform tablets around 1750 BC and continued to influence ancient cultures—whether in specific incidents like a world-consuming flood or in its quest structure—into Roman times. The epic was, however, largely forgotten, until the cuneiform tablets were rediscovered in 1872 in the British Museum's collection of recently unearthed Mesopotamian artifacts. In the decades that followed its translation into modern languages, the Epic of Gilgamesh has become a point of reference throughout Western culture. In Gilgamesh among Us, Theodore Ziolkowski explores the surprising legacy of the poem and its hero, as well as the epic's continuing influence in modern letters and arts. This influence extends from Carl Gustav Jung and Rainer Maria Rilke's early embrace of the epic's significance—"Gilgamesh is tremendous!" Rilke wrote to his publisher's wife after reading it—to its appropriation since World War II in contexts as disparate as operas and paintings, the poetry of Charles Olson and Louis Zukofsky, novels by John Gardner and Philip Roth, and episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Xena: Warrior Princess. Ziolkowski sees fascination with Gilgamesh as a reflection of eternal spiritual values—love, friendship, courage, and the fear and acceptance of death. Noted writers, musicians, and artists from Sweden to Spain, from the United States to Australia, have adapted the story in ways that meet the social and artistic trends of the times. The spirit of this capacious hero has absorbed the losses felt in the immediate postwar period and been infused with the excitement and optimism of movements for gay rights, feminism, and environmental consciousness. Gilgamesh is at once a seismograph of shifts in Western history and culture and a testament to the verities and values of the ancient epic.
DBH 36
Title: D. Groddek, Hethitische Texte in Transkription KBo 57. Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie 36, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2011.
Keywords: Hittite - editions - KBo 57
Abstract: The volume offers transliterations to the Hittite texts published in volume 57 of Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi.
Harvest Texts
Title: A. Rositani, Harvest Texts in the British Museum. Supplemento No. 1 alla Revista Degli Studi Orientali Nuova Serie Volume LXXXII, Fabrizio Serra Editore: Pisa/Roma 2011.
Keywords: Old Babylonian - legal documents - Hammurabi - Samsu-ditana - harvest texts - Sippar - Tell ed-Der
Abstract: This volume gives publication to 122 documents, kept at the British Museum in London, probably coming from Sippar and Tell ed-Dēr, in northern Mesopotamia. The tablets date back from the First Dynasty of Babylon, from the reign of Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C.) until the reign of Samsu-ditana (1625-1595 B.C.)
Nineveh and Babylon
Title: A. H. Layard, Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. With Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert: Being the Result of a second expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum. The Folio Society: London 2011.
Keywords: Layard - Nineveh and Babylon - reprint
Abstract: This volume represents a reprint of Austen Henry Layard's renowned Discoveries with an introduction by Andrew R. George.
Gs. Hruška
Title: L. Vacín (ed.), u4 du11-ga-ni sá mu-ni-ib-du11. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Blahoslav Hruška. Islet-Verlag: Dresden 2011.
Keywords: memorial volume - new texts
Abstract: The volume contains 19 contributions that reflect the research interests of Blahoslav Hruška (Table of Contents).