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Year Names of Abi-eshuh
year | year name | translation | |
a | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e du11-du11-ga a2 mah {d}marduk-ke4 … | Year Abi-eszuh the king by the command (and) the great power of Marduk (established justice to his people) | (CT 4 15b 3f) |
ba | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e sipa ki-ag2 an {d}en-lil2-bi-da-ke4 ki-en-gi ki-uri-sze3 igi zi in-szi-in-bar-re-esz-a gir3 un-ga2-ke4 si bi2-in-sa2-a …-silim inim du10-ga kalam-ma bi2-in-ga2-gar-ra ni3-gi ni3-si-sa2 ba-an-gal2-la su kalam-ma bi2-in-du10-ga | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king, the beloved shepherd upon whom An and Enlil have gazed in the land of Sumer and Akkad, put in order the ways of his people, put friendly and good words in the land of Sumer, established law and order and gave good time to the country | (Tell ed-Der 1970, p 215 234; VS 22,10,12'-16') |
bb | mu sza a-bi-e-szu-uh szar-rum re'um sza anum u3 {d}en-lil2 i-na i-nim ma-gi-ri-im u3 i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im ki-ni-isz ip-pa-al-su-szu-nu-ma sze-ep ni-szi usz-te-sze-ru tyu-ba-tam u3 sa-li-ma-am tya-ba-am a-na ma-tim isz-ku-nu ki-it-tam u3 mi-sza-ra-am u2-sza-ab-szu-ma szi-ir ma-ti-szu u2-tyi-ib-bu | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king, the beloved shepherd upon whom An and Enlil have gazed in the land of Sumer and Akkad, put in order the ways of his people, put friendly and good words in the land of Sumer, established law and order and gave good time to the country | (Tell ed-Der 1970 p. 215 234) |
ca | mu gibil / us2-sa egir sipa ki-ag2 an {d}en-lil2-la2 / {d}en-lil2-bi-ta | Year after the year the shepherd, the beloved of An and of Enlil | (King, Letters n. 107 and BM 86394) |
cb | mu gibil / mu us2-sa egir sipa ki-ag2 an {d}en-lil2-la2 | Year after the year Abi-eszuh the king, the beloved shepherd of An and Enlil | (JCS 5 94, MLC 1726; BM 17074) |
d | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e inim mah an {d}en-lil2-bi-da-ke4 usu gal-gal {d}marduk-bi-da-ke4 ugnim / eren2 ka-asz2-szu-u2-um | Year Abi-eszuh the king by the exalted command of An, Enlil and the great power of Marduk (subdued) the armies and troops of the Kassites | (CT 8 1c; BM 16998) |
ea | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {gisz}asz-te bara2-zag us2-sa-ak-ke4-ne i3-mah-esz-am3 {gisz}na2 ba-gam2-gam2 gisz-e-ne-a u3 alan-a-ni ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 nam-en-na-ni ib2-te-ta {d}utu {d}sze3-ri5-da-ra mu-un-na-an-dim2-ma | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king made for Utu and Szerida a magnificent raised armchair, a couch, a table and a golden statue fitting his lordship | (MAH 16180; BM 96956, 96980) |
eb | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {gisz}asz-te bara2-zag sub-sub-be2 i3-mah-a ba-gam2-gam2 gisz-e-ne-a u3 alan-a-ni ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 nam-en-na-ni ib2-te-ta {d}utu {d}sze3-ri5-da-ra mu-un-na-an-dim2-ma | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king made for Utu and Szerida a magnificent raised chair, a couch, a bed and a golden statue fitting his lordship | (Ungnad 1938 185) |
f | mu i-x … | Year … | (LIH 102 III 4) |
ga | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e szita2 mah {d}marduk-ke4 / an {d}en-lil2-la2-kam ku3-sig17 husz gun3-gun3-a | Year Abi-eszuh the king (made) a magnificent szita-weapon, glowing with red gold for Marduk / for An and Enlil | (Sollberger, JCS 5,80,47-49, MAH 15970) |
gb | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan gun3-gun3 | Year Abi-eszuh the king (made) glowing statues | (YBC 4374) |
h | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e e2-kisz-nu-gal / e2-kisz-nu-gal2 e2-{d}nanna-kam / e2 sza3-gi pad3-da {d}nanna-kam ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a mu-un-du3-a | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king built in Babylon Ekisznugal, the temple chosen by Nanna in his heart | (TCL 1 147, CT 47 69) |
i | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e …-…-ba id2-zubi / id2-idigna a-bi-e-szu-uh-a / a-bi-e-szu-uh-ke4 mi-ni-in-dun-na | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king … dug the canal (called) 'ditch of Abi-eszuh', the Tigris | (BE 6.1 72, 73) |
k | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e bara2-bara2-a ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 ku3-babbar-ra-bi-da-ke4 | Year Abi-eszuh the king (made) daises of silver and gold | (BE 6.1 72; BM 16930, 80265) |
l | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e ad-na-tum-ma{ki} ul husz-a sukud-ra2 kur hur-sag-ga2-ka | Year Abi-eszuh the king (seized) Adnatum … the pride of the mountains | (YBC 6790; BM 22519, 79817) |
m | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e bad3-da a-bi-e-szu-uh-a-ke4 lugal-e ugu abul gu2 id2-idigna bi2-in-du3-a | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king built 'Dur-Abi-eszuh-szarrum / the fortress of Abi-eszuh the king' above / upstream the gate of the city on the bank of the Tigris | (CT 8 27a) |
n | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {d}nanna en gizkim-ti-la-ni-sze3 szu-nir gal-gal-la ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar-a a mu-un-na-ru-a | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king dedicated to Nanna, the lord of his trust, great emblems of silver and gold | (CT 8 1b, BM 16937; Sollberger, JCS 5,87a 13-16) |
o | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e usu mah {d}marduk-ka-ta id2-idigna gisz bi2-in-kesz2-da | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king through the magnificent strength of Marduk dammed up the Tigris | (CT 8 33a) |
o+1 | mu gibil sza egir id2-idigna gisz bi2-in-kesz2-da | Year after the year in which (Abi-eszuh) dammed up the Tigris | (BM 78345) |
pa | ku3-babbar … | Year Abi-eszuh the king made a statue of Entena and a statue of his vaillance and brought it into (the temple) Ekisznugal and a protective deity in silver … | (BM 79936) |
pb | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan {d}en-te-na-a nam-dingir-ra-ni-sze3 ba-ab-du7-a e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3 i-ni-in-ku4-ra | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king made a statue of Entena commensurate with his godhead and brought it into (the temple) Ekisznugal | (MAH 16216, 16220, BM 16531, 16532) |
q* | mu gibil / egir alan {d}en-t[e-na] | Year following the year (Abi-eszuh the king made) a statue of Entena | (ARN 170 Rs. 8) |
q | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan gal-gal-la szu mu2-mu2 / alan ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar | Year Abi-eszuh the king (made) large statues in praying attitude / statues in gold and silver | (CT 6 38a; Sollberger, JCS 5,79b 10f.) |
r | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e sag-du3-du3 gu-la {d}marduk-ke4 id2-a-bi-e-szu-uh mu-un-ba-al-la2 | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king with the great wisdom (given) by Marduk dug the 'Abi-eszuh canal.' | (BE 6.1 77) |
s | mu nun sun5-na lu2 {d}utu-ke4 gisz in-na-an-tuk-tuk-a usu gal {d}marduk-ke4 / {d}iszkur-ke4 ur5-tuk / ur5-kin kalam-ma-ni-ta szu bi2-in-du8-a | Year in which the humble prince to whom Szamasz hearkens, with the great strength of Marduk / Adad, has released the debts from his country | (MAH 15983, BM 16541) |
t | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e usu sza3-asz-sza4 {d}nanna-ka eren2 kalam-ma-sze3 asz-me {na4}za-gin3-na szu-nir gal-gal-la u3 alan ku3-sig17-ga me-gim nam-nun-na-sze3 e2-babbar-ra i-ni-in-ku4-ra | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king, with the perfect power of Nanna, made for the army of the land sun-disks of lapis-lazuli, great emblems and a statue in gold, representing the divine powers of his princeship, and brought them into (the temple) Ebabbar | (BE 6.1 68, BM 16937, Goetze, JCS 2,111:23 Rs. 3'-6') |
u | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan {d}marduk {d}zar-pa-ni-tum-bi-da-ke4 … sza3 … | Year Abi-eszuh the king (made) the statues for Marduk and Zarpanitum | (YOS 13,491,22f.?; MAH 15890) |
v | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {uru}lu-ha-ja{ki} gu2 id2-a-ra-ah-tum-ka mu-un-du3-a | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king built the city of Luhaya on the bank of the canal Arahtum | (TCL 1 148, BM 16947; VS 18,23,29-31) |
w | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan ni3-si-sa2-ka ki-gar-ra a-bi-e-szu-uh nam-nun-sze3 mu-un-dim2-ma | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king made for his princeship a statue (representing) Abi-eszuh establishing justice | (BE 6.2 93) |
x | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan-a-ni szud3-de3 ab-be2-a sza3 u6-nir e2-babbar-ra-sze3 igi {d}utu-sze3 i-ni-ku4-ra | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king brought his statue (representing him) in prayer to the zikkurat of (the temple) Ebabbar in front of Szamasz | (BE 6.2 97, BM 79882) |
y | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {d}nanna {d}marduk-bi-da-ke4 inim in-ne-en-du11-du11-ga sza mu-un-… szita2 … … | Year Abi-eszuh the king, on the words of Nanna and Marduk, made for them a szita-weapon | (BE 6/II 92) |
aa1 | mu nim-gir2 nim-gir2-a ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 ku3-babbar szu-du7-a-ke4 … ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-ma-ka … bi2-szi-in-dim2-ma | Year in which (Abi-eszuh the king) made flashing lightning bolts adorned with gold and silver … ( for Adad) of Babylon | (YOS 13 384) |
aa2 | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e nim-gir2 nim-gir2-a ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar-bi-da-ke4 {d}iszkur ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-ma-ka gi4-bi-a-ke4 bi2-szi-in-dim2-ma | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king made anew flashing lightning bolts in gold and silver for Adad of Babylon … | (JCS 5 94, MLC 259, YOS 13 372, 384, BM 78196) |
bb1 | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {d}en.zu dingir sag-du3-ga-ni-im sipa nam-lugal-la-ka-ni sag-gan2-na igi bi2-ib2-gi-na szu mu-un-na-du? | Year Abi-eszuh the king (made for) Sin, the god his begetter, who appointed him shepherd of his kingship … | (YBC 4320, BM 79900) |
bb2 | mu {d}en.zu dingir sag-kal?-bi-ta … gag la … bi2-ib2-gi-esz-a | Year in which (Abi-eszuh the king) made for Sin the god … | (RlA 2 187, 210) |
28 | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {urudu}alan-a-ni masz2 kadra-a gaba-ba in-na-an-dib2-ba-am3 / bi2-in-gar-ra u3 {urudu}alan-a-ni gidru ni3-si-sa2 szu an-du7-a ba-dim2-ke4 sza3 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3 e2-ki-mah {d}nanna-kam i-ni-in-ku4-ra | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king brought into the temple Ekisznugal, the ekimah of Nanna, a statue (representing him) holding an offering lamb on his breast and made perfect (by holding) the scepter of justice | (BE 6.1 75); CT 8 38c |
A | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e nun ni2-tuku sze-ga an {d}en-lil2-la2-kam | Year Abi-eszuh the king, the respectful lord, the favourite of An and Enlil | (JCS 5 79a) |
B | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan nam-ur-sag-ga2-ni e2-sag-il2-la | his statue (representing him) like a hero in the Esagil | (AoF 11, 100) |
Ca | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e usu sza3-asz-sza4 {d}marduk-ka eren2 kalam esz3-nun-na{ki} ki-in-du sza?-szi-il-ki-ka-ta me3 nam-dugud-ba in-ne-szub-be2 | Year Abi-eszuh the king with the perfect power of Marduk defeated in a powerful battle the army of the land of Esznunna … | (BM 97187) |
Cb | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e eren2 kalam asz2-nun-na{ki} me3 nam-dugud-ba in-ne-en-szub.ub-ba a-hu-szi-na lugal asz2-nun-na{ki} lu2Xkar2 mi-ri-in-dab5-ba | Year in which Abi-eszuh the king defeated in a powerful battle the army of the land of Esznunna and took prisoner Ahuszina the king of Esznunna | (BM 79898) |
D | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e alan si-si / alan gun3-gun3 | Year Abi-eszuh the king glowing statues … ( = Abieszuh gb?) | (JCS 5 97b) |
E | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e ma … ku3-babbar-bi-da-ke4 | Year Abi-eszuh the king (statues in gold and) silver | (MHET 2, 478) |
F | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {d}nanna id2-idigna | Year Abi-eszuh the king the Tigris … Nanna | (YOS 13 495) |
G | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e u4-pi-da szesz | Year Abi-eszuh the king from old … | (CT 4 40c) |
H | mu a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e {gisz}tukul ku3-sig17 {d}marduk-ke4 mu-un-na-an-dim2 | Year Abi-eszuh the king made a weapon in gold for Marduk | (TCL 1 177) |
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