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Against a Mote in the Eye

Transliteration and Translation


1. er-s,e2-tum-mi er-s,e-tum

2. u2-li-id lu-h,a-ma

3. lu-h,u-mu-u2

4. u2-li-id i-szi-na

5. i-szi-nu-um u2-li-id

6. szu-bu-ul-tam

7. szu-bu-ul-tum u2-li-id

8. me-er-h,a

9. i-s,i2-di A.SZA3 {d}EN.LIL2

10. mi-it-h,a-ri-im

11. 7 bur A.SZA3

12. {d}EN.ZU

13. i-nam-di


14. {d}UD u2-sza-ap-h,a-ar

15. a-na-mi SZI.KAL! (i:n et,lim)

16. i-te-ru-ub

17. me-er-h,u-um

18. ma-na lu-usz-pu-ur

19. u2 lu-wa-h,i-ir

20. a-na DUMU.SAL AN 7 7

21. li-il-qi2-nim

22. x.DU sza sa-am-ti

23. DUG sza h,u-la-lim

24. li-sa-ba-nim

25. me-e tam-tim

26. el#-lu-tim me-er-h,a

27. li#-sze!-li-[a]

28. [i]-na SZI.KAL! (i:n et,lim)


*Bottéro, Annuaire 1978/9, 93. (Translation)

*Farber, TUAT II/2, 272-273. (Translation)

*Farber, ZA 71 (1981), 54. (Literature)

*Farber, JNES 49 (1990), 305. (Literature)

*Jacobsen and Landsberger, JNES 14 (1955), 14-21. (Edition)

*(Landsberger)-Jacobsen, JNES 14 (1955), 15. (Text)

*Landsberger, JNES 17 (1958), 56-58. (Edition)

*Stol, Studies Finet, 165. (Literature)

*Veldhuis, OLP 24 (1993), 48-50. (Literature)

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