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Against Flies

Transliteration and Translation

1. am-ha-s,a-ka

2. i-na mu-hi-im

3. isz-tu mu-hi-im

4. a-na pu-ti-im

5. isz-tu pu-ti-im

6. a-na ha-ar-ha-sa-ni-im

7. isz-tu ha-ar-ha-sa-ni-im

8. a-na na-hi-ir-im sza ap-pi2-im

9. u2-ta-mi-ka {d}nin-kar-ra-ak

10. ti-bu-ti er-bi-am

11. lu te-te-bi-am

12. i-na zu-ab-ri-szu


*Hussey-van Dijk, YOS 11 6, 1-11. (Text)

*Veldhuis, OLP 24 (1993), 62. (Edition)

*N. Veldhuis, "The Fly, the Worm, and the Chain," OLP 24 (1993), 41-63. (Literature)

against_flies.txt · Last modified: 2008/08/14 12:29 by
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