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Year Names of Apil-Sin
year | year name | translation | |
1a | szanat a-pil-{d}en.zu a-na bit a-bi-szu i-ru-bu | Year in which Apil-Sin entered the house of his father | (CT 48 68) |
1b | mu a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal-e | Year Apil-Sin (became) king | (IM 85922+85934) |
1c | mu a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal-e bad3 bar-si2-pa{ki} ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin the king built the city wall of Borsippa | (CT 6 9 II, 9; CT 8 29b) |
2a | mu bad3 mah gibil ka2-dingir-ra{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin built a magnificent new city wall for Babylon | (CT 6 44b) |
2b | mu bad3-an-na {na4}za-gin3 ka2-dingir-ra{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu mu-na-dim2 | Year Apil-Sin built Babylon's city wall (reaching) heaven (and shining like) lapis-lazuli | (BM 81109) |
3 | mu {gisz}gu-za bara2 mah ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar-ta szu-du7-a {d}utu {d}sze3-ri5-da-ra mu-un-na-dim2-ma | Year in which (Apil-Sin) made for Szamasz and Szerida a magnificent throne dais adorned with silver and gold | (RlA 2 166, 67) |
4* | mu us2-sa us2-sa-a bad3 uru za-gin3 ku3 mu-du3? | Second year after the year (the king) made the city wall (shining like) lapis-lazuli and metal | (Iraq 48 126) |
4a | mu id2-szu-mu-dar mu-un-ba-al | Year (Apil-Sin) dug the canal (called) 'szumundar' | (TCL 1 60, 25) |
4b | mu id2-da {d}utu mu-un-ba-al | Year (Apil-Sin) dug the canal for Szamasz | (IM 85922+85934) |
5 | mu a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal-e bad3 nu-rim{ki} ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin the king built the city wall of Nurum | () |
6 | mu e2-mes-lam-mi / e2-zi-da … a-pil-{d}en.zu mu-un-gibil | Year Apil-Sin restored (the temple) Emeslam / the Ezida temple | (RlA 2 166 70 + 85922+85934) |
7* | mu us2-sa e2-mes-lam-mi / e2-zi-da … a-pil-{d}en.zu mu-un-gibil | Year after the year Apil-Sin restored (the temple) Emeslam / the Ezida temple | (RlA 2 166 71) |
7a | mu id2-da {d}a-pil-{d}en.zu-he2-gal2 mu-un-ba-al | Year (Apil-Sin) dug the canal (called) 'Apil-Sin-hegal / Apil-Sin is abundance' | (IM 85922+85934) |
7b | mu id2-a-pil-{d}en.zu-he2-gal2 mu-un-ba-al | Year (Apil-Sin) dug the canal (called) 'Apil-Sin-hegal / Apil-Sin is abundance' | (CT 6 33b, 34) |
8a | mu aga-an-na {na4}za-gin3 ka2-dingir-ra{ki} a-x-esz {d}utu-ra mu-na-an-dim2-ma | Year in which (Apil-Sin) made for Szamasz in Babylon the crown of heaven with lapis-lazuli | (BBVO 1 115) |
8b | mu aga ku3-sig17 husz {d}utu-ra mu-un-na-dim2-ma | Year in which (Apil-Sin) made for Szamasz a crown in redish gold | (IM 85922+85934) |
9a | mu e2-{d}inanna ki-bal-masz-da3{ki} / elip{ki} ba-du3 | Year the temple of Inanna in Elip was built | (IM 85922+85934) |
9b | mu e2-{d}inanna elip{ki} / ki-bal-bar-da3{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin built the temple of Inanna in Elip | (CT 47 2a + IM 95922+85934) |
9c | mu e2-{d}inanna | Year (Apil-Sin built) the temple of Inanna (in Elip) | (CT 47 2: 21) |
10a | mu {gisz}gu-za {d}inanna ka2-dingir-ra{ki} mu-un-na-dim2-ma | Year in which (Apil-Sin) made a throne for Inanna in Babylon | (RlA 2 177, 79) |
10b | mu {gisz}gu-za bara2 mah ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar-ta szu-du7-a {d}inanna hur-sag-kalam-ma mu-un-na-dim2-ma | Year in which (Apil-Sin) made a magnificent throne dais adorned with in silver and gold for Inanna of the temple 'hursagkalamma' / the 'mountain of the land' | (RlA 2 166, 74) |
10c | -kalam-ma mu-un-na-dim2-ma | kalamma | (RlA 2 166 74) |
10d | mu {gisz}gu-za ku3-babbar u3 ku3-sig17 a-pil-{d}en.zu a-na e2-gal u2-sze-ri-bu | Year in which Apil-Sin brought to the palace a throne (adorned) with silver and gold | (BM 17314) |
11a | mu a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal-e dur mu-ti{ki} ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin the king built the city wall of Muti / Nurum | (CT 4 47a, 46 + IM 85922+85934) |
11b | mu bad3 mu-ti{ki} ba-du3 | Year the city wall of Muti / Nurum was made | (IM 85922+95934) |
12a | mu un / bad3 gu2 id2-idigna a-pil-{d}en.zu szu bi2-in-zi / ki bi2-in-gi | Year Apil-Sin settled people / restored the wall on the banks of the Tigris | (CT 45 101, BM 82412) |
12b | mu gu2 id2-idigna ki-bi-sze3 bi2-in-gi4-a | Year in which (Apil-Sin) restored the (dwellings and the fields on the) banks of the Tigris | (BM 85922+85934) |
13a | mu e2 ki-dur2 {d}inanna ka2-dingir-ra{ki} ba-du3 | Year (Apil-Sin) built the temple Kidur-Inanna, the dwelling place of Inanna in Babylon | (RlA 2 177, 75) |
13b | mu e2-tur3-kalam-ma e2-{d}inanna ka2-dingir-ra{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin built the Eturkalama, the sheepfold of the land, the temple of Inanna in Babylon | (RlA 2 177, 77) |
13c | mu e2-{d}inanna ka2-dingir-ra{ki} [gal-bi]-esz i-pu-szu / ba-du3 | Year in which (Apil-Sin) built in great splendour the temple of Inanna in Babylon | (CT 6 47) |
14* | mu us2-sa e2-tur3-kalam-ma e2-{d}inanna ka2-dingir-ra{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu ba-du3 | Year after the year Apil-Sin built the Eturkalama, the temple of Inanna in Babylon | (RlA 2 177, 78) |
14 | mu zimbir{ki} bi-du11-ga | Year in which Sippar was ordered … | (RlA 2 177, 76) |
15 | mu abul ka2-dingir-ra{ki} {d}utu-e3 ba-du3 | Year the great eastern gate of Babylon was built | (RlA 2 177, 80) |
16a | mu a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal {gisz}gu-za bara2 mah e2 {d}utu-ra mu-un-na-an-dim2 | Year Apil-Sin the king made for the temple of Szamasz a magnificent throne dais | |
16b | mu {gisz}gu-za bara2 mah ku3-sig17 {d}utu-ra mu-un-na-dim2-ma | Year in which (Apil-Sin the king) made for Szamasz a magnificent throne dais (covered with) gold | (VAS 13 3a, case) |
16c | mu bara2 … ba-du3 | Year (Apil-Sin the king) built (for the temple of Szamasz a magnificent) dais | (IM 85922+85934) |
17a | mu us2-sa a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal {gisz}gu-za bara2 mah {d}utu ka2-dingir-ra{ki} mu-un-na-dim2-ma | Year after the year in which Apil-Sin the king made for (the temple of) Szamasz in Babylon a magnificent throne dais | (RlA 2 177, 82) |
17b | mu us2-sa sza-ka-ra-am a-na {d}utu a-pil-{d}en.zu sipa | Year after the year Apil-Sin the shepherd (made) a present to Szamasz | (CT 4 16a: 32) |
17c | mu us2-sa … {d}utu | Year after the year … (the throne) of Szamasz | (CT 45 6: 34) |
17d | mu us2-sa gu-za {d}utu | Year after the year the throne of Szamasz | (BM 80411) |
a | mu a-pil-{d}en.zu u2-ra-am-mi-ku / u2-ga-li-bu | Year in which Apil-Sin washed himself / shaved himself | (CT 8 49b: 36, BM 82447) |
b | mu asz-ta-ba-la{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu lugal ba-ku4 | Year Apil-Sin the king entered Asztabala | (CT 48 117) |
c | mu u2-pi2-e{ki} a-pil-{d}en.zu ba-du3 | Year Apil-Sin built (the city wall of) Upi | (BM 22713) |
d | mu … ku3-sig17 {d}marduk mu-na-dim2-ma | Year (Apil-Sin) made for Marduk (a throne) in gold | (IM 85922+85934) |
e | mu … en an-ki | Year … the lord of heaven and earth | (Gautier 16) |
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