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Barton, George Aaron
Barton, George Aaron
12 Nov 1859 - 28 June 1942
East Farnham, Canada
Major works
*The Haverford Library Collection of Cuneiform Tablets, or Documents from the Temple Archives of Telloh. Parts 1-3. New Haven 1905-14. *The Origin and Development of Babylonian Writing. Leipzig 1913. *Sumerian Business and Administrative Documents from the Earliest Times to the Dynasty of Agade (PBS IX 1). Philadelphia, 1915. *Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions P.I. Sumerian Religious Texts. New Haven 1918 *The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad. New Haven 1929.
1891-1922: Professor at Bryn Mawr College 1902-1903 Director of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem 1921-1934: Director of the American School of Oriental Research in Baghdad 1922-1932: Professor at University of Pennsylvania Biography in: American National Biography 2, New York/Oxford 1999, 291-292 (B.R. Foster)