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Haupt, Paul
Haupt, Paul
25 November 1858 - 15 December 1926
Görlitz, Germany
Assyriology; Biblical studies
Major works
Sumerische Studien, Leipzig 1879 (Dissertation) Die sumerischen Familiengesetze, Leipzig 1879 Akkadische und sumerische Keilschrifttexte (AB 1), Leipzig 1881-1882 Die akkadische Sprache, Berlin 1883 The Assyrian E-Vowel, Baltimore 1887 Das babylonische Nimrodepos (AB 3), Leipzig 1891 The Book of Canticles, Chicago 1902 The Book of Ecclesiastes, Baltimore 1905 Koheleth, Leipzig 1905 Purim, Leipzig/Baltimore 1906 Biblische Liebeslieder, Leipzig 1907 The Book of Esther, Chicago 1908 Bibliography in P. Haupt Anniversary Volume, Baltimore 1926, xxxiii-lxx
Ph.D. in Semitic languages, University of Leipzig, under F. Delitzsch, 1878 Privatdocent, University of Göttingen, 1880- Professor, University of Göttingen, 1883-1889 Professor of Semitic languages, Johns Hopkins University, 1883-1916 Founder, with F. Delitzsch, of Beiträge zur Assyriologie, Leipzig 1890-1927 President of the Society of Biblical Literature, 1905-1906 President of the American Oriental Society, 1913-1914 Biography in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 8: 102-103, Dictionary of American Biography 8 (193) 401 f., Who was who in America 1 (1943) 535, American National Biography 10 (1999) 320-321 (B.R. Foster). See also “Professor Haupt as Scholar and Teacher” in P. Haupt Anniversary Volume, Baltimore 1926, xxi-xxxii (W.F. Albright)
BA 10/2 (1927) xiii-xxii (W.F. Albright) JAOS 47 (1927) 1-2 (C. Adler) ZA 37 (1927) 295-296 (H. Zimmern)
C. Adler - A. Ember (Eds.), Oriental Studies Published in Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary (1883-1923) of Paul Haupt as Director of the Oriental Seminary of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 1926