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Langdon, Stephen Herbert


Langdon, Stephen Herbert


8 May 1876 - 19 May 1937


Ida, Monroe County, Michigan



Major works

Tablets from the Archives of Drehem, Paris 1911 A Sumerian Grammar and Chrestomathy, Paris 1911 Die neubabylonischen Königsinschriften (VAB 4), Leipzig 1912 Babylonian Liturgies, Paris 1913 Tammuz and Ishtar, Oxford 1914 Historical and Religious Texts (BE 3), München 1914 Sumerian Epic of Paradise, the Flood and the Fall of Man; Sumerian Liturgical Texts (PBS 10/1-2), Philadelphia 1915/917 The Epic of Gilgamesh; Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms (PBS 10/3-4), Philadelphia 1917/1919 Sumerian Grammatical Texts (PBS 12/1), Philadelphia 1917 Le poème sumérien du paradis, du déluge et de la chute du l'homme, London/Paris 1919 The Babylonian Epic of Creation, Oxford 1923 Babylonian Wisdom, London/Paris 1923 The Weld-Blundell Collection in the Ashmolean Museum (OECT 1), Oxford 1923 The Weld-Blundell Collection 2 (OECT 2), Oxford 1923 Excavations at Kish, Paris 1924-1934 (with L. Watelin) Babylonian Penitential Psalms (OECT 6), Paris 1927 The Herbert Weld Collection in the Ashmolean Museum (OECT 7), Oxford 1928 The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga, Oxford 1928 (with J.K. Fotheringham) The Legend of Etana and the Eagle, Paris 1932 Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars, London 1935 Bibliography in: Borger, HKL 1 (1967) 274-295


PH.D., Columbia University, 1904 studied in Paris, 1905-1907, under Scheil, Fossey and Thureau-Dangin studied in Leipzig, 1907-1908, under Zimmern Shillito Reader in Assyriology, Oxford University, 1908- Professor, Oxford University, 1919- (on retirement of A.H. Sayce)


Proc. Brit. Acad. 23 (1937) 565-580 (C.J. Gadd) JRAS 1937, 719-726 (R.C. Thompson) AfO 12 (1937-1939) 97-98 (R.C. Thompson), with photo CRAIBL 1937, 167-168 (M.A. Merlin) ZA 44 (1938) 192-193 (W. von Soden)

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