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Legrain, Léon


Legrain, Léon


16 June 1878 - 29 October 1963


Landrecies, France



Major works

Catalogue des cylindres orientaux de la Collection Louis Cugnin, Paris 1911 Le temps des rois d'Ur, Paris 1912 Tablettes…de l’époque d’Agadé (MDP 14), Paris 1913 Empreintes de cachets élamites (MDP 16), Paris 1921 Historical Fragments (PBS 13), Philadelphia 1922 The Culture of the Babylonians (PBS 14), Philadelphia 1925 Royal Inscriptions and Fragments from Nippur and Babylon (PBS 15), Philadeplhia 1926 Royal Inscriptions (UET 1), London 1928 (with C.J. Gadd) Terra-cottas from Nippur (PBS 16), Philadelphia 1930 The Cylinder Seals (UE 2), Oxford 1934 Archaic Seal Impressions (UE 3), Oxford 1936 Business Documents of the Third Dynasty of Ur (UET 3), London 1937/1947 Babylonian Collections of the University Museum, Philadephia 1944 Seal Cylinders (UE 10), Oxford 1951


Ph.D., École des Hautes Études, Paris (V. Scheil) Professor of Assyriology and Ethiopian, Catholique University, Paris, 1912-1914 Curator of the Babylonian Section of the University Museum, Philadelphia, 1920-1952 Professor of Assyriology, University of Pennsylvania, 1929-1952 Epigraphist of the Joint British Museum-University Museum Expedition to Ur, 1924-1926


AfO 21 (1966) 261-262 (S.N. Kramer), with photo

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