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Libbāli-šarrat was wife of Ashurbanipal (668-631 or 627) and is known from many texts. At the time when Libbāli-šarrat is only the wife of the crown prince Ashurbanipal (during the reign of Esarhaddon), a letter (SAA 16, no.28) from Šeru’a-etirat (Svärd 2012: 116), Ashurbanipal’s oldest sister reveals a degree of tension between the female members of the royal family. The daughter of king Esarhaddon writes a letter and complains that she (Libbāli-šarrat) does not write to her. She reminds the recipient that she has a higher rank than Libbāli-šarrat (Teppo 2005: 39). In addition, there is textual evidence that the queen had her own army (SAA 14, no.7, lines 7-8: LU2.GAL-ki-ṣir ša LU2.A-SIG ša MI2.E2.GAL (reign of Ashurbanipal, ca. 668-666 BC); SAA 06, 329, reverse 13: LU2.DIB-KUŠ.PA.MEŠ ša MI2.E2.GAL (reign of Ashurbanipal, 660 BC). See Radner 2012: 692, footnote 5).

As the queen of Ashurbanipal, Libbāli-šarrat is known from an inscription on a stele from Assur bearing a representation of the queen (Fig.16 ) (Tallay Ornan, “The Queen in Public: Royal Women in Neo-Assyrian Art”, in Sex and Gender, 2002, p.462)

Fig.16. Drawing of Libbāli-šarrat on Assur Stele

libbali-sarrat.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/23 17:22 by hawkins
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