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Ludlul Bel Nemeqi


Transliteration & Translation



  • Albertson, R. in W. Hallo e al., eds,. Scripture in Context II (Winona Lake 1983) 213-230.
  • Albertz, R.. "Ludlul bel nemeqi-eine Lehrdichtung zur Ausbreitung und Vertiefung der persoenlichen Mardukfroemmigkeit," AOAT 220 (1988) 25-53.
  • Foster, B., Before the Muses I (Bethesda 1993) 308-325.
  • George, A. & F. al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) 187-196.
  • Horowitz, W. & W.G. Lambert, Iraq 64 (2002) 237-245.
  • Lambert, W., "A Further Attempt at the Babylonian 'Man and his God'," in F. Rochberg-Halton, ed,. Language, Literature and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner (=AOS 67; New Haven 1987) 187-202.
  • —, Babylonian Wisdom Literature (Oxford 1960) 21-62.
  • Lambert, W. & G. Gurney, "The Sultantepe Tablets III. The POem of the Righteous Sufferer," AnOr4 (1954) 65-99.
  • Leicthy, Fs. Finkelstein (1977) 143-146.
  • Moran, W., "Notes on the Hymn to Marduk in ludlul bel nemeqi," JAOS 103 (1983) 255-260.
  • von Soden, W., "Die Fragen nach der Gerechtigkeit Gottes im Alten Orient," MDOG 69 (1965) 41-59.
  • —, TUAT 3/1, 110-135.
  • Wiseman, AnSt 30 (1980) 104-107.
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