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Year Names of Samsu-ditana

year year name translation
1 mu sa-am-su-di-ta-na lugal-e inim mah-a {d}marduk-ke4 lugal-bal-a-ni mu-un-ge-en-na-am3 / bi2-in-ge-en-na-ta Year in which Samsu-ditana the king, on the powerful order of Marduk who made stable his royal succession, (established justice to the people) (JNES 14 138, YOS 13 324)
2 mu gibil egir inim mah-a {d}marduk-ke4 lugal-bal-a-na bi2-in-gi-in-na-ta Year after the year in which (Samsu-ditana) on the powerful order of Marduk who made stable his royal succession (established justice to the people) (JNES 14 138, YOS 13 262)
3a mu an {d}en-lil2-bi inim / du11-ga zi-da mu-un-na-[an-sum-ma-a] / in-na-an-ne-esz-a-a Year in which An and Enlil, with their true utterances spoken to him .. (JNES 14 138, YOS 13 333)
3b mu … du11-ga zi-da {d}marduk-ra Year … to the right utterance of Marduk (JNES 14 160g)
4 mu sa-am-su-di-ta-na lugal-e {d}utu {d}iszkur-bi sag-bi an-sze3 ib2-ta-an-il2-esz-a / sag ra-a ib2-ta-an-ne2-esz-a Year in which Samsu-ditana the king whom Szamasz and Adad elevated / … (JNES 14 138)
5 mu usu gal-gal-la {d}utu {d}marduk-bi-da-ke4 Year (Samsu-ditana) with the great strength of Szamasz and Marduk (JCS 13 34: 25)
6 mu {d}marduk ur-sag-ga2 … lugal-bal-a-ni bi2-in-ge-na-ta szita2 {gisz}tukul dingir mah-a e2-sag-il2-sze3 in-ne-en-ku4-ra Year in which (Samsu-ditana brought) into (the temple) Esagil for Marduk, the heros who made stable his royal succession the magnificent szita-weapon, the supreme divine weapon (JNES 14 152)
7a mu sa-am-su-di-ta-na lugal-e asz-me didli-a {na4}du8-szi-a-ke4 szu-nir-ra u4-gim i3-zalag-gi-esz-a {na4}za-gin3-na ku3-sig17 husz-a ku3-luh-a-bi-da-ke4 szu-a mah-bi ib2-ta-an-du7-usz-a bi2-in-dim2-ma-am3 {d}utu en an-ta gal2-la-asz nam-lugal-a-ni bi2-ib2-gu-la-asz e2-babbar-ra-sze3 in-ne-en-ku4-ra Year in which Samsu-ditana the king made various sun-disks of agate, emblems shining like the day, adorned with lapis-lazuli, redish gold and polished silver, made them greatly perfect and he brought them into the (temple) Ebabbar for Szamasz the lord who resides above (and) made great his kingship (JNES 14 153)
7b sza-at-tum sza sa-am-su-di-ta-na szar-rum sza-am-sza-a-tim sza duszi szu-ri-ni sza ki-ma u4-mi nam-ru i-na uqni hurasyi huszszi kaspi mi-si syi-ri-isz szu-uk-lu-la ib-nu-u2-ma a-na {d}szamasz be-lim sza-qi-i mu-szar-bi szar-ru-ti-szu a-na e2-babbar-ri u2-sze-lu-u2 Year Samsu-ditana the king made sun-disks of agate, emblems shining like the day, adorned with lapis-lazuli, glittering gold and polished silver, made perfect and he brought them into (the temple) Ebabbar for Szamasz the lord who resides above (and) magnified his kingship (CAD Syeriszu)
8 mu {d}en-lil2 en ka2-dingir-ra{ki} alan nam-en-na-ni Year (Samsu-ditana made) for Enlil the lord of Babylon a statue of his lordship / representing him like a lord (JNES 14 138)
9* mu gibil egir dingir alan nam-en-na-ni Year after the year for the god (Enlil), the statue of his lordship (JNES 14 154)
9 mu dingir-lamma dingir-lamma-a su bar-su3-ga-ke4 Year (the king made) nacked protective deities (JNES 14 138)
10a mu {d}nanna en gal-la dingir / {d}nanna en nir-gal2 dingir-re-e-ne-er alan-a-ni ka2-dingir-ra{ki} in-dim2-ma / mi-ni-in-dim2-ma Year in which (Samsu-ditana) … made in Babylon his statue for Nanna the great lord of the gods / for Nanna the lord, heros among the gods (JNES 14 154)
10b mu alan-a-ni {d}nanna en gal-la mi-ni-in-dim2-ma e2-ni2-te-en-du10-sze3 in-ne-ku4-ra Year in which (Samsu-ditana) built his statue for the great lord Nanna and brought it into (the temple) Enitendu (JNES 14 160)
10c mu alan-a-ni {d}inanna nin ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-ma mi-ni-in-dim2-ma Year (Samsu-ditana) made his statue for Inanna the lady of Babylon (YOS 13 206, BM 78663)
11a mu alan-a-ni … … e2-babbar-ra-sze3 … Year his statue … in (the temple) Ebabbar (JCS 13 46)
11b mu {d}utu en sag-kal an-ki-a-ba-asz alan-a-ni zubi ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 szu-a an-da-gal2-la ki / szu ba-an-ha-za-a e2-babbar-ra-sze3 in-ne2-en-ku4-ra Year in which (Samsu-ditana) brought into a chosen place in the (temple) Ebabbar for Szamasz the great lord of heaven and earth his statue holding in his hand a golden zubi-weapon (JNES 14 154, BM 79643)
12 mu {d}marduk ur-sag gal / mah-a dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 alan-a-ni … e2-sag-il2-sze3 in-ne-en-ku4-ra Year in which (Samsu-ditana) for Marduk the great / magnificent warrior of all the gods brought his statue … into (the temple) Esagil (JNES 14 155, Ungnad 1938 192)
13 mu alan-a-ni dur2-bi asz-te-ta in-ne-da-ra-gar-ra e2-ni2-te-en-du10-sze3 in-ne-ku4-ra Year (Samsu-ditana made) his statue (representing him) sitted on a throne and brought it in the Enitendu (JNES 14 155, YOS 13 22)
14 mu {d}pap-nun-an-ki nin an-ta gal2-la-asz ki-ne / gunni ku3-babbar u3-tu-da zalag-ga e2-sag-il2-sze3 in-ku4-ra Year (Samsu-ditana) brought into (the temple) Esagil a stove produced of shining silver for Zarpanitum the lady who resides above (JNES 14 155, BE 6/I 115)
15 mu alan-a-ni igi ka keszda2 ugnim-ma Year (Samsu-ditana the king made) his statue (representing him) as leader of the drafted army (JNES 14 155, BM 79156)
16 mu {d}urasz / {d}nin-urta en gir3-ra sza3-kur-ku-da-na sa2-an-na-ra ab-be2-e-a-asz Year for Urasz / Ninurta the strong lord who made him attain the desire of his heart (JNES 14 155)
17 mu {d}na-bi-um en gal-di / gal-la alan-a-ni gir3-ri-a an-dib-ba-a e2-sag-il2-la-sze3 in-ni-ku4-ra Year in which (Samsu-ditana) brought into (the temple) Esagil for Nabu the famous lord his statue (representing him) walking (JNES 14 155)
18 mu {d}marduk nun gal-la-ni Year to Marduk his great prince (BE 6.1 118, BM 79213, BBVO 1 121)
19 mu gibil egir {d}marduk nun gal-la-ni Year after the year to Marduk his great prince (BE 6.1 113)
20 mu nim-gir2 didli-a Year various lightning bolts (JNES 14 156)
21 mu alan nam-nun-na-ni dur2-gar ku3-sig17 husz-a ki-bad-ra2 Year a statue of his princeship / his stautue (representing him) like a prince and a chair made of redish gold for the distant place (JNES 14 156)
22a mu gibil egir alan nam-nun-na-ni Year after the year the statue of his princeship (JCS 13 46f)
22b mu gibil egir alan nam-nun-na-ni dur2-gar ku3-sig17 husz-a ki-bad-ra2-a …-…-… Year after the year a statue of his princeship / his stautue (representing him) like a prince and a chair made of redish gold for the distant place (JNES 14 156)
23/24 mu alan-a-ni {gisz}gidru-a ku3-sig17-ga szu ba-an-ha-za-a Year (Samsu-ditana made) a statue (representing him) fetching with his hand a scepter in gold (JNES 14 157)
24/25 mu alan-a-ni sila4 igi-du8-a szu-na bi2-in-il2-la Year his statue (representing him) elevating with his hands an offering lamb (JCS 11 93, VS 22 54)
25/26 mu us2-sa alan-a-ni sila4 igi-du8-a Year after the year his statue (representing him) with an offering lamb (JNES 14 138VS 12 35)
26/27 mu alan-a-ni u3-luh-ha ni3-si-sa2 szu an-da-gal2-la / szu-a bi2-in-du8-a / szu-a bi2-da-di-a Year his statue holding in his hand the branch of justice (JNES 14 157, JCS 30 236)
B mu sa-am-su-di-ta-na lugal-e asz-ka kur igi-kur-a-a Year Samsu-ditana the king … (JNES 14 160, Pinches, Peek 1)
D mu sa-am-su-di-ta-na lugal-e {d}en-lil2? nun masz-su igi-gal2-la dingir-re-ne Year Samsu-ditana the king to Enlil? the wise prince, the most skillfull of the gods (perhaps Samsu-ditana 8) (BE 6/2 133)
E mu … {d}en-lil2 en-na ib2-gu-la Year … to Enlil the great lord … (perhaps Samsu-ditana 8) (JNES 14 160)
F mu … alan-a-ni ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar-ra-ke4 Year … his statue adorned with silver and gold (JNES 14 160h)
G mu … alan-a-ni mah … Year … his magnificent statue (JNES 14 160 i)
H mu … sag mu2-mu2 dingir-lamma ku3-sig17 Year … protective deities in gold … (JNES 14 160)
I mu … kar-ku Year … (JNES 14 160j)
J mu us2-sa kar-ku … Year after the year … (JNES 14 160k)
K mu 3-kam-ma us2-sa kar-ku … Third year … (JNES 14 160l)

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