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Seals and glyptic by region

Proto-Elamite Seals

There exist two publications of the proto-Elamite seals (Legrain 1921 and Amiet 1972), but no complete electronic catalog. A 2008 dissertation by K.J. Roach "The Elamite Cylinder Seal Corpus, c. 3500-1000 B.C." includes all proto-Elamite seals and sealings known to that author.


The scenery of proto-Elamite seals is restricted to a very few categories:



Animals acting like humans

Mythical animals

Note the paucity of depictions of humans.

Seals and offices

Graphic designs used as seals

seals_and_glyptic_by_region.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/08 01:05 by kelley
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