Table of Contents
Resources for seals and sealings
Physical seals catalogues
Large Catalogues
Amiet, Pierre. 1972. Glyptique susienne, Volume 1 – 2 (= Mémoires de la Délégation Archaéologique en Iran 43; Paris.
Buchanan, B. 1981. Early Near Eastern Seals in the Yale Babylonian Collection. New Haven: Yale University Press.
1966. Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, Volume 1: Cylinder Seals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Buchanan, B. and Moorey, P. R. S. 1988. Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, Volume 3: The Iron Age Stamp Seals (c. 1200-350 B.C.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1984. Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, Volume 2: Prehistoric Stamp Seals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Collon, D. 2001. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. V. London: British Museum Publications.
1986. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol III. London: British Museum Publications.
1982. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. II. London: British Museum Publications.
Delaporte, L. 1923. Catalogue des cylindres, cachets et pierres gravées de style oriental. 2: Acquisitions. Paris: Hachette.
1920. Catalogue des cylindres, cachets et pierres gravées de style oriental. 1: Fouilles et missions. Paris: Hachette.
1910. Catalogue des cylindres orientaux et des cachets assyro-babyloniens, perses et syro-cappadociens de la Bibliothéque nationale. Paris.
1909. Catalogue du Musée Guimet. Cylindres orientaux. Paris
Doumet, C. 1992. Sceaux et cylindres orientaux: la collection Chiha. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 9
Hammade, H. 1994. Cylinder Seals From the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic, Vol. 2: Seals of Known Provenance. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum.
1987. Cylinder Seals From the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic, Vol. 1: Seals of Unknown Provenience. Oxford: B.A.R.
Keel-Leu, H. and Teissier, B. 2004. Die vorderasiatischen Rollsiegel der Sammlungen «Bibel+Orient» der Universität Freiburg Schweiz. Fribourg: Academic Press.
Kist, J. 2003. Ancient Near Eastern Seals from the Kist Collection: Three Millennia of Miniature Reliefs. Leiden: Brill.
Le Brun, A. 1978. "La glyptique du niveau 17B de l’acropole (campagne de 1972). " Cahiers de la D.A.F.I. (CahDAFI) Paris.
Mitchell, T.C. and Searight, A. 2008. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Stamp Seals III. Impressions of Stamp Seals on Cuneiform Tablets, Clay Bullae, and Jar Handles. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Merrillees, P. H. 2005. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. VI. London: British Museum Publications.
1990. Cylinder and Stamp Seals in Australian Collections. Victoria, Australia: Victoria College Press.
Møller, E. 1992. Ancient Near Eastern Seals in a Danish Collection. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
Moorey, P. R. S., and Gurney, O. R. 1978. ‘Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals Acquired by the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1963-1973’. Iraq 40. No. 1: 41-60.
Porada, E. 1947. Mesopotamian Art in Cylinder Seals of the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Porada, E., with Buchanan, B. 1948. Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections: The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library (2 volumes). Washington, D.C.: Bollingen Foundation.
Porada, E. and Collon, D. 2016. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum, vol. IV: The Second Millenium BC, Beyond Babylon. London: British Museum Publications.
Teissier, B. 1984. Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals From the Marcopoli Collection Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Von der Osten, H.H. 1934. Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell. OIP Vol. XXII. Chicago.
Ward, W. H. 1909. Cylinders and Other Ancient Oriental Seals in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Catalogued. New York: privately printed.
Wiseman, D. J.
1962. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.
Small Catalogues
Beck, P. 1977. 'The Cylinder Seals' Tombs Near the Persian Garden. Ben-Arieh, S. And Edelstein, G. Atiqot English Series 12. 63-9.
Ben-Tor, A. 1978. Cylinder Seals of Third-Millenium Palestine. Cambridge, Massachusetts: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Bleibtreu, E. 1981. Rollsiegel aus dem Vorderen Orient. Zur Steinschneidekunst zwischen etwa 3200 und 400 vor Christus nach Beständen in Wien und Graz. Sonderausstellung der Ägyptisch-Orientalischen Sammlung im Münzkabinett des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien. Wien: Verlag für Vorderasiatische Archäologie.
Collon, D. 1982. The Alalakh Cylinder Seals: A New Catalogue of the Actual Seals Excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley at Tell Atchana, and From Neighbouring Sites on the Syrian-Turkish Border. Oxford: B.A.R.
De Clercq, L. and Menant, J. 1888. Collection de Clercq : catalogue méthodique et raisonné : antiquités assyriennes, cylindres orientaux, cachets, briques, bronzes, bas-reliefs, etc.Paris.
Delaporte, L. Catalogue du Musée Guimet - cylindres orientaux. (Annales du Musée Guimet 33). Paris.
Deutsch, R. and A. Lemaire 2000. Biblical Period Personal Seals in the Shlomo Moussaieff Collection. Archaeological Center Publications: Tell Aviv, Israel.
Eisen, G.A. 1940. Ancient Oriental Cylinder and Other Seals with a Description of the Collection of Mrs. William H. Moore. OIP vol. XLVII. Chicago.
Frankfort, H. 1955. Stratified Cylinder Seals From the Diyala Region. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Glock, A. 1988. Minuscule Monuments of Ancient Art: Catalogue of Near Eastern Stamp and Cylinder Seals Collected by Virginia E. Bailey in Memory of Katherine J. Hammersley. Madison, New Jersey: New Jersey Museum of Archaeology at Drew University.
Gordon, C. 1939. 'Western Asiatic seals in the Walters Art Gallery'. Iraq 6. 3-34.
Kjærum, P. 1983. Failaka/Dilmun : The Second Millennium Settlements, Vol.1:1, The Stamp and Cylinder Seals: Plates and Catalogue Descriptions. Moesgård, Aarhus: Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab.
Lambert, W.G. 1979. 'Near Eastern seals in the Gulbekian Museum of Oriental Art, University of Durham'. Iraq 41. 1-45.
Legrain, L. 1951. Seal Cylinders. (Ur Excavations X) London and Philadelphia.
Mazzoni, S. 1972. 'Sigilli cilindrici dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli'. Annali dell'istituto Orientale di Napoli 32. 417-51.
Meijer, D. J. W. 1978. Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals in the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. Leiden: S.N.
Merrillees, P.H. 1990. Cylinder and Stamp Seals in Australian Collections. Victoria College Archaeology Research Unit Occasional Paper No. 3. Victoria College Press: Australia.
Moorey, P.R.S. and Gurney, O.R. 1978. 'Ancient Near Eastern cylinder seals acquired by the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1963-73'. Iraq 40. 41-60.
Moortgat-Correns, U. 1955. 'Altorientalische Rollsiegel in der Staatlichen Münzsammlung München'. Münchener Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst6. 7-27.
Munn-Rankin, J.M. 1959. 'Ancient Near Eastern seals in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge'. Iraq 21. 20-37.
Noveck, M. 1975. The Mark of Ancient Man: Ancient Near Eastern Stamp Seals and Cylinder Seals, The Gorelick Collection. New York: Brooklyn Museum.
Ravn, O. E. 1960. A Catalogue of Oriental Cylinder Seals and Seal Impressions in the Danish National Museum. Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet.
Thorn, B. and Collon, D. 2013. "Dr. Lee's Collection of Cylinder Seals" Iraq LXXV, 119-142.
Van Buren, E. D. 1959. Catalogue of the Ugo Sissa Collection of Stamp and Cylinder Seals of Mesopotamia. Rome: S.N.
1940. The Cylinder Seals of the Pontifical Biblical Institute. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum.
Williams-Forte, E.
1976. Ancient Near Eastern Seals: A Selection of Stamp and Cylinder Seals From the Collection of Mrs William H. Moore. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Technological Studies
Gorelick, L. 1986. 'Further investigation of the method of manufacture of an ancient Near Eastern artefact'. Iraq 48. 15-18.
1983. 'Ancient Egyptian stone-drilling'. Expedition Spring. 40-47.
1981. 'Functional analysis of drilling using scanning electron microscopy'. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 41. 327-33.
1981. 'Close work without magnifying lenses? - A hypothetical explanation for the ability of ancient craftsmen to effect minute detail'. Expedition winter 27-34.
1975. ‘Near Eastern cylinder seals studied with dental radiography‘. Dental Radiography and Photography, v. 48, no. 1: 17-21.
Gorelick, L.and Gwinnett, A.J. 1978. 'Ancient seals and modern science - Using the scanning electron microscope as an aid in the study of ancient seals'. Expedition winter. 38-47.
Kenoyer, J.M. and Vidale, M. 1992. 'A new look at stone drills of the Indus Valley tradition'. Materials Research Society Symposium. 495-518.
Lahanier, C. 1976. 'Note sur l'emploi de l'heulandite et de la mordénite dans la fabrication de sceaux cylindres proto-élamite'. Annales du Laboratoire de Recherche des Musées de France. 65-6.
Lambert, W.G. 'The training of a seal-cutter'. Revue d'Assyriologie 73. 89.
Mahrzahn, J. 1997. ‘Der «Siegelschneider» nach keilschriftlichen Quellen’. In Mit Sieben Siegeln versehen: Das Siegel in Wirtschaft und Kunst des Alten Orients. Ed. E. Klengel-Brandt. Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vorderasiatisches Museum.
Sax, M. 1991. ‘Innovative Technqiues Used to Decorate the Perforations of Some Akkadian Rock Crystal Cylinder Seals’. Iraq, 53: 91-95.
Sax, M., Collon, D., and Leese, M. N. 1993. ‘The Availability of Raw Materials for near Eastern Cylinder Seals during the Akkadian, Post Akkadian and Ur III Periods’. Iraq, 55: 77-90.
Sax, M., Meeks, N. D., and Collon, D. 2000. ‘The Early Development of the Lapidary Engraving Wheel in Mesopotamia’. Iraq, 62: 157-176.
Sax, M. and Meeks, N. D. 1994. ‘The Introduction of Wheel Cutting as a Technique for Engraving Cylinder Seals: Its Distinction from Filing’. Iraq, 56: 153-166.
Sax, M., McNabb J., and Meeks, N. D.
1998. ‘Methods of engraving Mesopotamian cylinder seals: experimental confirmation’. Archaeometry, 40: 1-21.
General studies
Al-Gailani Werr, L. 1988. ‘Cylinder Seals Made of Clay’. Iraq 50: 1-24.
1988. Studies in the Chronology and Regional Style of Old Babylonian Cylinder Seals. Malibu: Undena Publications.
1986. 'Gulf (Dilmun) style cylinder seals'. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 16. 199-201.
1980. 'Chronological table of Old Babylonian seal impressions'. Institute of Archaeology Bulletin 17. University of London. 33-84.
Altavilla, S. and Walker, C. B. F. 2009. Late Babylonian Seal Impressions on Tablets in the British Museum. Part 1: Sippar. Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
Amiet, P. 1980. La Glyptique Mésopotamienne archaïque. Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique:Paris.
1980. ‘The Mythological Repertory in Cylinder Seals of the Agade Period (c. 2335-2155 B.C.)’. In Ancient Art in Seals. Ed. E. Porada. Princeton: Princeton University Press: 35-59.
1973. "Glyptique Élamite à propos de documents nouveaux". Arts Asiatiques 26, 3-24.
1973. 'La Glyptique de la fin de l'Elam'. Arts Asiatiques 28. 3-32.
1973. Bas-reliefs imaginaires d'après les cachets et les sceaux-cylindres Exhibition catalogue, Hôtel de la Monnaie, Paris.
1961. 'La Gylptique de Mari à l'époque du Palais, note additionnelle'. Syria 38. 1-6.
1960. 'Notes sur le répertoire iconographique de Mari à l'époque du Palais'. Syria 37. 215-32.
1957. 'Notes de Glyptique Orientale' Cahiers de Byrsa 7. 23-7.
Asher-Greve, J. M. 1995. ‘A Seal-Cutter’s Trial-Piece in Berlin and a New Look at the Diqdiqqeh Lapiday Workshops’. Iraq 57: 49-60.
Auerbach, E. 1991. ‘Heirloom seals and political legitimacy in Late Bronze Age Syria’. Akkadica 74-75: 19-36.
Beran, T. 1957-8. 'Die babylonische Glyptik der Kassitenzeit'. Archiv für Orientforschung 18. 255-278.
1957. 'Assyrische Glyptik des 14. Jahrhunderts'. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 18. 141-215.
Boehmer, J. M. 1985. 'Glyptik aus den italienischen Ausgrabungen im Hamrin-Gebeit'. Mesopotamia 20. 5-21.
1981. 'Glyptik der späten Kassiten-Zeit aus dem nord-östlichen Babylonien,' Baghdader Mitteilungen 12. 71-81.
1975. 'Gylptik von der alt- bis zur spätbabylonischen Zeit'. Der alte Orient Ortmann, W. (ed). Propyläen Kunstgeschichte 14. Berlin.
1974. 'Das Rollsiegel im prädynastischen Ägypten'. Archäologischer Anzeiger. 495-514.
1969. 'Zur Glyptik zwischen Mesilim und Akkad-Zeit (Early Dynastie III).' Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 25. 261-94.
1965. Die Entwicklung der Glyptik während der Akkad-zeit. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Brandes, M.A. 1980. 'Medellage et imprimerie aux débuts de l'écriture en Mésopotamie'. Akkadica 18. 1-30.
1980. ' 'Waffenkammer' - ein neuesSiegelthema der Uruk-Zeit'. Forschungen und Funde - Festschrift Bernhard Neutsch. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft 21). 77-87.
Buchanan, B.
1970. 'Cylinder seal impressions in the Yale Babylonian collection illustrating a revolution in art c. 1700 BC'. The Yale University Library Gazette 45. 53-65.
1957.'Further observations on the Syrian glyptic style'. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 11. 74-6.
1957. 'On the seal impressions of some Old Babylonian tablets'. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 11. 46-52.
Camiz, S., E. Rova and V. Tuli 2010. "Modelling the Archaeologist’s Thinking for the Automatic Classification of Uruk Jamdat Nasr Seals Images". Beyond the Artifact. Digital Interpretation of the Past. Proceedings of CAA 2004, Prato 13-17 April 2004. Franco Niccolucci and Sorin Hermon (Editors). CAA, Archaeolingua: Budapest.
Caubet, A. (Ed) 1997. De Chypre à la Bactriane. Les sceaux du Proche-Orient ancien. Louvre Conférences et colloques.
Colbow, G. 1995. Die Spätaltbabylonische Glyptik Südbabyloniens. Münchener Universitäts-Schriften Philosophische Fakultät 12. München/Vien.
Collon, D. 2005. First Impressions: Cylinder Seals in the Ancient Near East (2nd Ed). London: British Museum Press.
1990. Near Eastern Seals. British Museum Publications.
1986. 'The green jasper cylinder seal workshop' Buccellati, M.K. et al (eds) Papers in honour of Edith Porada. Malibu.
1985. 'A north Syrian cylinder seal style: evidence of north-south links with 'Ajjul'. Tubb, J.N. (ed). Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages - Papers in honour of Olga Tufnell. Institute of Archaeology, London. 57-68.
1981. 'The seal impressions'. The river Qoueiq, northern Syria, and its catchment. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 98). Oxford. Matthers, J. (ed). 499-501.
Collon, D., Gubel, E. and Lambrechts, J. 1985. 'Mesopotamische en egyptische glyptiek van de verzamelingen van het Vleeshuis te Antwerpen - Omtrent vier ongepubliceerde zegels'. Antwerpen. 131-6.
Contenau, G. 1922. La Glyptique Syro-Hittite Thèse pour le Doctorat ès-Lettres présentée à la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Paris. Librarie Paul Geuthner: Paris.
Cullimore, A. 1842-1901. Oriental Cylinders. No's 1-4. London.
de la Füye, A. 1907. 'Les Sceaux de Lougalanda, patési de Lagash Sirpourla, et de sa femme Barnamtarra'. Revue d'Assyriologie 6. 105-25.
De Miroschedji, P. 1982. 'Notes sur la glyptique de la fin de l'Elam'. Revue d'Assyriologie 76. 51-63.
1981. 'Le dieu élamite au serpent et aux eaux jaillissantes'. Iranica AAntiqua 16. 1-25.
Eppihimer, M. 2013'The Old Assyrian Rulers’ Seals and Their Ur III Prototype'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 72:1. 35-49
Erlenmeyer, M.-L. and H. 1966.'Einige syrische Siegel mit ägäischen Bildelementen'. Archiv für Orientforschung 21. 32-4.
Feingold, R. 2014. Engraved on Stone : Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals and Seal Inscriptions in the Old Babylonian Period. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press.
Frankfort, H. 1939. Cylinder Seals. London.
Gibson, McG. and Biggs, R.D. 1977. Seals and sealings in the Ancient Near East. (Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 6). Malibu.
Greengus, S. 1995. ‘Legal and Social Institutions of Ancient Mesopotamia’. In Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Vol. I. Ed. J. Sasson, et al. New York: Scribners: 469-484.
Hallo, W. W. 1977. ‘Seals Lost and Found’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 55-60.
1973. 'The seals of Aššur-remani'. Symbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Böhl dedicatae. Leiden 180-4.
Hamilton, R. W. 1967. ‘A Sumerian Cylinder Seal with Handle in the Ashmolean Museum’. Iraq 29, No. 1: 34-41.
Hogarth, D. 1920. Hittite Seals. Oxford.
Ishida, K. 1983. 'The Ancient Near Eastern stamp-cylinder seals'. Bulletin of the Ancient Orient museum5. 281-98.
Karg, N. 1984. Untersuchungen zur älteren frühdynastischen Glyptik Babyloniens : Aspekte regionaler Entwicklungen in der ersten Hälfte des 3. Jahrtausends. Baghdader Forschungen 8.
Klengel-Brandt, E. (ed.) 1997. Mit Sieben Siegeln versehen: das Siegel in Wirtschaft und Kunst des Alten Orients.
Kirk Grayson, A. and Ruby J. 1997. ‘Instructions for Inscribing Sennacherib’s Seal’. Iraq 59: 89-91.
Klengel-Brandt, E (Ed). 1997. Mit Sieben Siegeln versehen: Das Siegel in Wirtschaft und Kunst des Alten Orients. Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vorderasiatisches Museum.
Larsen, M. T. 1977. ‘Seal Use in the Old Assyrian Period’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 89-106.
Leclant, J. 1960. 'Astarte à cheval d'après les représentations égyptiennes'. Syria 37. 1-67.
Legrain, L.1925. The Culture of the Babylonians from their Seals in the Collection of the Museum (Publications of the Babylonian Section 14). Philadelphia.
Limet, H. 1971. Les Légendes des sceaux cassites. (Académie royale de Belgique, Class des lettres et des sciantes morales et politiques, Mémoires LX). Brussels.
Mallowan, M.E.L. 1964. 'A cylinder seal in the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr style'. Baghdader Mitteilungen 3. 65-7.
Masimov, I.S. 1981. 'New finds of the Bronze Age - Seals from the Lower Murgab'. Soviet Archaeology 2. 132-50.
Matthews, R.J. 1993. Cities, Seals and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur. Materialien zu den frühen Schriftzeugnissen des Vorderen Orients. Band 2. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann.
Matthews, D. M.
1990.Principles of Composition in Near Eastern Glyptic of the Late Second Millennium B.C. OBO SA 8.
Moortgat, A. 1944.'Assyrische Glyptik des 12. Jahrhunderts'. ZA 14. 24-44.
1942.'Assyrische Glytpik des 13. Jahrhunderts'. ZA 13. 50-88.
1940. Vorderasiatische Rollsiegel: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann.
Moortgat-Correns 1955. Review of Buchanan 1966 in Orientalische Literatur Zeitung 64.
Nagel, W. 1963. 'Datierte Glyptik aus Altvorderasien'. Archiv für Orientforschung20. 125-40.
1957-8. 'Glyptische Probleme der Larsa-Zeit'. Archiv für Orientforschung 18. 319-27.
Nissen, H. J. 1977. ‘Aspects of the Development of Early Cylinder Seals’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 15-24.
Nissen, H. J., Damerow, P., and Englund, R. K. 1993. Archaic Bookkeeping: Early Writing and Techniques of the Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Opificius, R. 1957-71. 'Gottessiegel'. Reallexikon der Assyriologie III. 576-80.
Pittman, H.
2013. "Imagery in administrative context: Susiana and the west in the fourth millennium BC". Iran and Its Neighbours. Local developments and long-range interactions in the fourth millennium BC. 293-336.
1994. The Glazed Steatite Glyptic Style. Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient Band 16: Berlin.
Porter, Barbara A. 2001. Old Syrian Popular Style Cylinder Seals. Vols 1-2. Doctorate of Philosophy dissertation, Columbia University.
Porada, E.
1979. 'Remarks on Mitannian (Hurrian) and Middle Assyrian Glyptic Art'. Akkadica 13. 2-15.
1977. 'A cylinder seal with a camel in the Walters Art Gallery'. The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 36. 1-6.
1960. ‘Notes on the Sargonid Cylinder Seal, Ur 364’. Iraq 22: 116-123.
1947. 'Suggestions for the classification of Neo-Babylonian cylinder seals'. Orientalia 16. 145-65.
1946. 'The Origin of Winnirke's Cylinder Seal', JNES 5. 257-9.
Rathje, W. L. 1977. ‘New Tricks for Old Seals: A Progress Report’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 25-32.
Renger, J. 1977. ‘Legal Aspects of Sealing in Ancient Mesopotamia’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 75-88.
Rohn, K. 2011. Beschriftete mesopotamische Siegel der Frühdynastischen und der Akkad-Zeit. Fribourg: Academic Press.
Sollberger, E. 1966. ‘Lettre d’époque sargonique’. Revue d'Assyriologie 60: 71.
Stiehler-Alegria Delgado, G.
1996. Die kassitische Glyptik. Münchener vorderasiatische Studien 18. München: Profil.
Steinkeller, P. 1977. ‘Seal Practice in the Ur III Period’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 41-54.
Taylor, P. 2006. The Iconography of Cylinder Seals. London : The Warburg Institute.
Wengrow, D. 2008. 'Prehistories of commodity branding'. Current Anthropology 49:1. 7-34.
Wiseman, D. J. 1958. The Vassal-Treaties of Esarhaddon. London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq.
Zettler, R. L. 1977. ‘The Sargonic Royal Seal: A Consideration of Sealing in Mesopotamia’. In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Ed. M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs. Malibu: Undena Publications: 33-40.
Seals, sealings and impressions by region and site
Al-Gailani Werr, L. 1983. 'Cylinder seal discoveries in the Hamrin Basin' Ur - The International Magazine of Arab Culture 1. 47-50.
Parker,B. 1962. 'Excavations at Nimrud, 1955-8: Seal and seal impressions'. Iraq 17. 93-125.
1955. 'Excavations at Nimrud, 1949-53: Seal and seal impressions'. Iraq 24. 26-40.
Bregstein, L.B. Seal use in fifth century B.C. Nippur, Iraq: A study of seal selection and sealing practices in the Murašu Archive. University of Pennsylvania dissertation.
Matthews, D.M. 1992. The Kassite Glyptic of Nippur.Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 116.
Porada, E. 1947. Seal impressions of Nuzi. American Schools of Oriental Research. New Haven.
Al-Gailani Werr, L. 1986. ‘The Sippar Workshop of Seal Engraving’. American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 90, No. 4: 461-463.
Teissier, B. 1998. ‘Sealing and Seals: Seal-Impressions from the Reign of Hammurabi on Tablets from Sippar in the British Museum’. Iraq, 60: 109-186.
Tell al Rimah
Parker, B. 1975. 'Cylinder seals from Tell al Rimah'. Iraq 37. 21-38.
Tell Billa
1991. "Middle Assyrian Glyptic from Tell Billa" Iraq53. p 17-42.
Tell Sifr
Charpin, D. 1980. Archives familiales et propriété privée en Babylonie ancienne: étude des documents de «Tell Sifr». Genève: Droz.
Legrain, L. 1936. Archaic Seal-impressions. (Ur Excavations III). London and Philadelphia.
Buchanon and Briggs 1953. [Review of] Seal cylinders, Ur excavations, v. 10, by L. Legrain. Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia to Mesopotamia.
Moorey, P.R.S. 1979. 'Unpublished Early Dynastic dealings from Ur in the British Museum'. Iraq 41. 105-21.
Brandes, M. A. 1979. Siegelabrollungen aus den archaischen Bauschichten in Uruk-Warka. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner.
Boehmer, R.M. 1999. Uruk - Früheste Abrollungen (Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka Endberichte 24). Mainz am Rhein.
1984. 'Uruk: Funde im Zusammenhang mit Tierknochen'. Baghdader Mitteilungen 15. 191-6.
Collon, D. 1981-1982. Reviews of Brandes, M.A., 1979. Siegelabrollungen aus den archaischen Bauschichten in Uruk-Warka. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner. Archiv für Orientforschung 28, 177-81.
Moorey, P.R.S. 1979. 'Aspects of worship and ritual on Achaemenid seals'. Archäeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran Ergänzungsband6. 218-26.
Pittman, H. 2001. 'The Jeweler's Seal from Susa and Art of Awan'. Leaving no stones unturned : essays on the ancient Near East and Egypt in honor of Donald P. Hansen. Ehrenberg, E.(Ed.) Eisenbraun: Winona Lake.
Roach, K.J. 2008. The Elamite Cylinder Seal Corpus, c. 3500 - 1000 BC Doctor of Philosophy, (Near Eastern) Archaeology The University of Sydney. Download PDFs (four volumes)
Choga Zanbil
Porada, E. 1970. Tchoga Zanbil IV: La glyptique. (Mémoires de la Délégation en Iran 42. Paris.
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The Levant
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Tell Fadous-Kfarabida
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Tell Brak
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Tell Fakhariyah
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Tell Leilan
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Tell Sabi Abyad
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Ugarit (Ras Shamra)
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The Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula
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Tell el-Dab'a
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