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Ipiq-Adad II

Biography of Ipiq-Adad II

With Ipiq-Adad II, around 1850, the history of Ešnunna undergoes a major change. This sovereign is still not known to us, but the Chroniques éponymales de Mari have highlighted the importance of his long reign (at least thirty-six years). He began with a confrontation with King Amînum. The latter had seized Šaduppûm shortly before the advent of Ipiq-Adad II. At first defeated, Ipiq-Adad won it two years later. He later overcame the barrier that limited his kingdom on the eastern side by seizing Mê-Turan, the site controlling the gorge of Hamrin. When he ventured towards the Iranian Plateau, he encountered the formidable power of the Elamites. Downstream, the local potentates were subjugated: from Ipiq-Adad II, in fact, it is the names of years of the kings of Ešnunna who used to date the texts written in Nêrebtum, Tutub or Šaduppûm. Having unified the valley of the Diyala under his authority, Ipiq-Adad wanted to extend his power beyond. To the north, he had already managed to conquer Arrapha. To the west, he implanted for the first time the presence of Ešnunna on the Euphrates by seizing Râpiqum. One understands, therefore, why he dared to take up the title of "king" (šarru), abandoned since Šu-Iliya and why he described himself as "the one who widened (the kingdom of) Ešnunna"; He went even further, proclaiming himself "king the universe" (šar kiššati), a title then used for the first time and which was to have a great fortune thereafter.
(translated from "Dictionnaire de la Civilisation Mésopotamienne”, p. 315-316, Dominique Charpin)

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biography_ipiq-adad_ii.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/30 15:22 by firth
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