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The objective here is to provide links to the CDLI catalogue sources for the literary works given by ETCSL. The notes also tie the etcsl catalogue numbers to the corresponding Q-catalogue numbers (used in CDLI as composite id's). In principle, the etcsl web-pages list the cuneiform sources for each of the literary works considered. However, in practice, there are sometimes difficulties in relating the sources listed by etcsl to those in the CDLI catalogue and so notes are included considering some of these difficulties. Peterson's study of sumerian literary fragments (BPOA 9) post-dates ETCSL and adds a lot of new information.

click here for catalogue of available compositions and translations on etcsl web-site

etcsl 6.1.01 = Q000795: Proverbs collection 1

There are a number of joins (possible joins) noted by Alster that are not included by etcsl but which are included in CDLI. CDLI includes here the Ur tablets with proverbs from this collection. Note UET 6/2, 230 does not belong to this collection (Alster Proverbs HHH should be UET 6/2, 320 not 230, see Veldhuis JAOS 120, 389). Also, UET 6/2, 339+ is included here (again following Veldhuis). Peterson adds a number of fragments.

etcsl 6.1.02 = Q000796: Proverbs collection 2 & 6

In CDLI, 2N-T382 is joined to 2N-T384 (IM 57976); also, 2N-T383 is joined to 2N-T385. CDLI photo shows that CBS 12645, CBS 12741 are joined to CBS 9868. CDLI photo shows CBS 14158 + N 3976 + N 5085 + N 6061 + UM 29-15-499. CDLI photo shows UM 29-16-562 is joined to CBS 14159+. The museum no. of D 497 is ROM 925.062.501. CDLI photo shows UM 29-16-033 is joined to N 5190 and the CDLI listing includes the possible join to Ist Ni 4252. The etcsl list questions whether a YBC tablet has a museum no. of 7288, 7298 or 7288; CDLI follows Gordon and Alster and numbers the tablet 7298. CDLI photo shows 3N-T905,191 is joined to 3N-T906,246. CDLI photo shows that CBS 6964 + CBS 7907 + N 4081. Etcsl lists 3N-T130 & 3N-T570 twice. In CDLI, the numbers, P 374 and P 376, appear in the acquisition history for tablets now in the de Liagre Böhl Collection. CDLI also includes here N 5190, N 4897, CBS 12645 and the Ur tablets which include proverbs from collection 2. Following Veldhuis (JAOS 120, 390), 3N-T915b = A 33459. Veldhuis (JAOS 120, 391) lists 3N-T920c (not 3N-T920cc) under this heading. Peterson adds numerous fragments.

etcsl 6.1.03 = Q000797: Proverbs collection 3

In CDLI, N 3172+ has been joined to Ist Ni 4210+. Also, Ist Ni 4319 has been joined to UM 29-13-458+ with a quasi-join to N 3257. CDLI also includes MDP 27, 89 and Ist Ni 4122. Peterson adds numerous fragments.

etcsl 6.1.04 = Q000798: Proverbs collection 4

CDLI includes VAT 21604+ = AUWE 23, 120+ (following Alster NABU 1999, 88).

etcsl 6.1.05 = Q000799: Proverbs collection 5

CDLI includes a possible quasi-join between CBS 14107 and HS 1435+ and lists HS 1539 as part of the same tablet.Etcsl lists HS 1542 and HS 1757 twice. CDLI includes here MDP 27, 82 & 102, together with all of the Ur tablets with proverbs in collection 5. Peterson adds N 3741.

etcsl 6.1.07 = Q000800: Proverbs collection 7

etcsl 6.1.08 = Q000801: Proverbs collection 8

CDLI also includes all of the Ur tablets with proverbs in collection 8.

etcsl 6.1.09 = Q000802: Proverbs collection 9

CDLI also includes MDP 27, 216 under this heading.

etcsl 6.1.10 = Q000803: Proverbs collection 10

Peterson adds N 4684.

etcsl 6.1.11 = Q000804: Proverbs collection 11

etcsl 6.1.12 = Q000805: Proverbs collection 12

etcsl 6.1.13 = Q000806: Proverbs collection 13

CDLI suggests that CBS 14056 + N 858 + N 4540 is part of the same tablet as Ist Ni 9607.

etcsl 6.1.14 = Q000807: Proverbs collection 14

etcsl 6.1.15 = Q000808: Proverbs collection 15

See note above on Ist Ni 4210+. Peterson adds N 1345, N 7714.

etcsl 6.1.16 = Q000809: Proverbs collection 16

The CDLI photo shows, N 1009 + N 1029 + N 5187.

etcsl 6.1.17 = Q000810: Proverbs collection 17

etcsl 6.1.18 = Q000811: Proverbs collection 18

etcsl 6.1.19 = Q000812: Proverbs collection 19

etcsl 6.1.21 = Q000813: Proverbs collection 21

In CDLI, Ist Ni 3023 + Ist Ni 4144 + Ist Ni 4452 + Ist Ni 4473 + Ist Ni 4483 + Ist Ni 4484 following Civil, Orientalia 41 (1972), 089. In the CDLI photo, N 3330 is joined to N 3460 + N 3467 + N 3468. Peterson adds N 4684.

etcsl 6.1.22 = Q000814: Proverbs collection 22

etcsl 6.1.23 = Q000815: Proverbs collection 23

In CDLI, the Copenhagen tablet is listed as CNMA 10062.

etcsl 6.1.24 = Q000816: Proverbs collection 24

In CDLI, the Copenhagen tablet is listed as CNMA 10068.

etcsl 6.1.25 = Q000817: Proverbs collection 25

etcsl 6.1.26 = Q000818: Proverbs collection 26

etcsl 6.1.27 = Q000819: Proverbs collection 27

etcsl 6.1.28 = Q000820: Proverbs collection 28

detailed_listing_of_proverbs.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/05 15:53 by dahl
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