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Older Akkadian Literature

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Click here for the website SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature.

Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature

This lists enumerates The Archaic Period materials as described in Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, 3rd. ed. (CDL Press, 2005). It should be noted, however, that the materials listed here do not correspond to Old Akkadian, viz. Sargonic, literature, but rather, simply, to literary texts written in Akkadian prior to the Old Babylonian period. This list therefore includes materials from the late Early Dynastic period (ED IIIb), the Old Akkadian or Sargonic period as well as Old Assyrian materials.

A. Archaic Literature

  • II.2 Star Incantation (pp. 52-53) = Edzard, Archivi Reali de Ebla 5 I, pl. I, XLII

B. Old Akkadian Literature

  • II.3 Sargonic KIngs and their Times
    • I(a) Sargon the King (pp. 57-58) = Poebel, PBS 5, 34 + Legrain, PBS 15, 41, obv. ii 8-60; Ni 3200, obv. ii 23-25
      • b) Sargon the Victorious (pp. 58) = Poebel, PBS 5, 34 + Legrain, PBS 15, 41, obv. vi 41-47; Ni 3200, obv. vi 17-26
      • (c)Naram-Sin and the Great Revolt (pp. 59-62) = R. Kutscher, The Brockmon Tablets of the University of Haifa, Royal Inscriptions, BT 1, 110-111, 118-119; Wilcke, ZA 87 (1997), 31-32; Michalowski, JCS 32 (1980), 243, 245 N 3539 (+) Poebel, PBS 5, 36 (+?) 37
      • (d) Naram-Sin and the Gods (p. 63) = al-Fouadi, Sumer 32 (1976), plates after p. 76
  • I.4 Incantations
    • (a) Against a Demon (p. 64) = D. I. Owen, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts, Primarily from Nippur, 917
    • (b) Against the Evil Eye (p. 65) = Legrain, MDP 14, 90 (p. 123 and pl. 11)
    • (c) Love Charm (pp. 66-68) = Westenholz, OrNS 46 (1977), 200

C. Old Assyrian Literature

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