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Poebel, Arno
Poebel, Arno
26 January 1881 - 3 March 1958
Eisenach, Germany
Major works
Babylonian Legal and Business Documents (BE 6/2), Philadelpia 1909 Die sumerischen Personennamen zur Zeit der Dynastie von Larsam und der ersten Dynastie von Babylon, Breslau 1910 Historical Texts (PBS 4/1), Philadelpia 1914 Historical and Grammatical Texts (PBS 5), Philadelphia 1914 Grammatical Texts (PBS 6/1), Philadelphia 1914 Grundzüge der sumerischen Grammatik, Rostock 1923 The Sumerian Prefix Forms e- and i- in the Time of the Earlier Princes of Lagash (AS 2), Chicago 1931 Das appositionell bestimmte Pronomen der 1. Pers. Sing. in den westsemitischen Inschriften und im Alten Testament (AS 3), Chicago 1932 Studies in Akkadian Grammar (AS 9), Chicago 1939 Miscellaneous Studies (AS 14), Chicago 1947 The Second Dynasty of Isin According to a New King-List Tablet (AS 15), Chicago 1955
Fellow in Assyriology, University of Pennsylvania, 1905 PH.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1905/6 (H.V. Hilprecht) Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1911-1913 Associate professor, University of Rostock, 1919; full professor, 1925 Professor of Assyriology and Sumerology, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1930-1946 Editor, Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, 1933-1946
AfO 19 (1959-1960) 264-265 (E. Weidner), with photo