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Your Heartbeat is My Reveille


Excavated in Kish by de Genouillac in 1912, the most recent edition of this text is that of Joan Goodnick Westenholz (1987) in Fs. Reiner.

Transliteration and translation

1'. [. . .] x ki ni# a-na-ku x [. . .] :: . . . I . . .

2'. [tu-ru-uk] li#-bi-ka ni-gu-[tu/ta/ti . . .] :: the beating of your heart is joyful music

3'. te-bi-ma lu-ur#-ta-ma-[ka-ma] :: stir yourself and let me make love with you

4'. i-nu-ut-li-ka ra?-ab?-bi :: in your soft lap

5'. szi mu-na-ma-ti :: of morning slumber

6'. da-du-ka# t,a3-a-bu :: your caresses are sweet

7'. mu-uh-x-ta-an-bu in-bu-ka :: growing luxuriantly is your fruit

8'. sza3 ka-na-ka-ti mu-ni-i ba-lu-ku-u2 :: my bed of incense if ballukku-perfumed

9'. me-<a>-mu ri-szi-ni in-s,a-bu uz-ni-ni :: O by the crown of our head, the rings of our ears

10'. sza3-di-i bu-di-ni u3 la#-lu i-ir-ti-ni :: the mountains of our shoulders, and the charms of our chest

11'. si2-in-si2#-nu qa2#-ti-ni :: the bracelet with date spadix charms of our wrists

12'. hu-du-szu qa2-ab-li-ni :: the belt hung with (lapis-lazuli) frog charms of our waist

13'. bi-la-ma szu-me-li-ik lu-pi2-it-ma hu-ur-da-at-ni :: reach forth with your left hand and stroke our vulva

14'. me-li-il tu-li-i-ni :: play with our breasts

15'. [er-ba ha-al]-la ap-ti :: enter, I have opened (my) thighs

16'. [. . .] x-ti

your_heartbeat_is_my_reveille.txt · Last modified: 2008/08/14 13:29 by
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