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old_assyrian_archives [2017/04/27 20:35] gombertold_assyrian_archives [2017/04/27 20:52] (current) – [Table] gombert
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 Kültepe is divided in two major sectors: the mound with official buildings, and the lower town which housed a merchant harbour. The distribution of tablet discoveries is the following: Kültepe is divided in two major sectors: the mound with official buildings, and the lower town which housed a merchant harbour. The distribution of tablet discoveries is the following:
 +|< 800px >|
 +|  Kültepe : 22,500 tablets                                                                                |||  Hattuš                Amkuwa                Aššur                |
 +| Mound\\ \\ \\ 40 tablets      Lower town                                                                ||  \\ \\ \\ 72 tablets  |  \\ \\ \\ 63 tablets  |  \\ \\ \\ 24 tablets  |
 +| :::                          | Level II \\ (19<sup>th</sup> cent.)  | Level Ib \\ (18<sup>th</sup> cent.)  | :::                   | :::                   | :::                   |
 +| :::                          | :::                                  | :::                                  | :::                   | :::                   | :::                   |
 +| :::                          | 22,000 tablets                       | 460 tablets                          | :::                   | :::                   | :::                   |
-|   Kültepe : 22,500 tablets                                                                                ||| Hattuš               | Amkuwa               | Aššur                | +{{:oakkarch001.png?200x150 |Tablets from the archive of Ali-ahum and his son Aššur-taklāku excavated in 1993 at Kültepe. Photo C. Michel. ©Kültepe Archaeological Mission. 
-| Mound\\ \\ \\ 40 tablets      |  Lower town                                                                || \\ \\ \\ 72 tablets  | \\ \\ \\ 63 tablets  | \\ \\ \\ 24 tablets +}}When they mention their archives, the Assyrians refer to them usually as “my tablets” (//tuppūa//). The archives were stored in some rooms of the house in baskets, boxes or clay jars lying on the ground or on wooden shelves and identified by sealed clay labels, //bullae//. They were arranged by type (certified legal text, letters), dossier dealing with a specific matter, or owner.
-| :::                           | Level II \\ (19<sup>th</sup> cent.)  | Level Ib \\ (18<sup>th</sup> cent.)  | :::                  | :::                  | :::                  | +
-| :::                           | :::                                  | :::                                  | :::                  | :::                  | :::                  | +
-| :::                           | 22,000 tablets                       | 460 tablets                          | :::                  | :::                  | :::                  | +
- +
- +
-{{ :oakkarch001.png?400x300 |Tablets from the archive of Ali-ahum and his son Aššur-taklāku excavated in 1993 at Kültepe. Photo C. Michel. ©Kültepe Archaeological Mission. +
-}} +
- +
- +
- +
-Tablets from the archive of Ali-ahum and his son Aššur-taklāku excavated in 1993 at Kültepe. Photo C. Michel. ©Kültepe Archaeological Mission. +
- +
- +
-When they mention their archives, the Assyrians refer to them usually as “my tablets” (//tuppūa//). The archives were stored in some rooms of the house in baskets, boxes or clay jars lying on the ground or on wooden shelves and identified by sealed clay labels, //bullae//. They were arranged by type (certified legal text, letters), dossier dealing with a specific matter, or owner.+
 Inside an archive, tablets may be classified into several text genres according to our modern categories: letters, legal texts, personal memoranda, and non-commercial texts. Inside an archive, tablets may be classified into several text genres according to our modern categories: letters, legal texts, personal memoranda, and non-commercial texts.
old_assyrian_archives.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/27 20:52 by gombert
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