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Alp, Sedat

thumb|Sedat Alp

<b>Sedat Alp</b> (1913 - 9 October 2006) was born in Karaferye, present day Veroi, Greece. He was the first archaeologist in Turkey with a specialization in Hittitology, and is among the foremost names in the field.

Specialization: Hittitology


Alp's family moved to Turkey in 1923 as a result of the Exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey. In 1932, he earned a state scholarship offered under a program instituted by Kemal Atatürk and was sent to the University of Leipzig to study prehistory, Hittitology, Sumerology, Assyriology, ancient Anatolian languages and cultures, as well as archaeology in general. He later transfered to Berlin's Humboldt University, where he earned his doctorate. He returned to Turkey in 1940 and taught Hittitology at Ankara University, named dean of the Faculty of Languages, History and Geography in 1959. One of his most notable discoveries was the mound of Mas,athöyük, which contained the largest number of Hittite tablets after the site of their capital at Hattusas (modern Bogazkoi, near Çorum).

Prof. Alp received an honorary doctorate at the University of Würzburg in 1997, and was a member of the British Academy from 1998 until his death.

Major works
alp_sedat.1208885477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/04/22 18:31 (external edit)
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