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Damerow, Peter


Damerow, Peter


20 December 1939 - 20 November 2011


Berlin, Germany


History of Science, Assyriology

Major works

Abstraction and Representation: Essays on the cultural evolution of thinking, Kluwer 1995; Changing Views on Ancient Near Eastern Mathematics, Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient vol. 19, Dietrich Reimer 2001 (with Jens Høyrup); Informationsverarbeitung vor 5000 Jahren: Frühe Schrift und Techniken der Wirtschaftsverwaltung im alten Vorderen Orient, Hildesheim, Franzbecker 2004 (with Hans J. Nissen & Robert K. Englund; engl. trans. and update: Archaic Bookkeeping: Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East, University of Chicago Press 1993); The Proto-Elamite Texts from Tepe Yahya, Cambridge, Mass., 1989 (with Robert K. Englund); "The Material Culture of Calculation: A Theoretical Framework for a Historical Epistemology of the Concept of Number," in Uwe Gellert, Eva Jablonka, eds., Mathematisation and Demathematisation : Social, Philosophical and Educational Ramifications, Rotterdam, Sense Publ., 2006 publ. 2007; "Die Rolle des Werkzeugs bei der Ausbildung der Mechanik als Wissenschaft," in Renate Wahsner, ed., Hegel und das Mechanistische Weltbild, Frankfurt a.M. 2005 (with Gideon Freudenthal, Jürgen Renn & Peter McLaughlin); Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics: A Study of Conceptual Development in Early Modern Science, Springer, 2004; Rechenstein, Experiment, Sprache, Klett-Cotta 1981 (with Wolfgang Lefevre)


PhD in mathematics at the University of Bielefeld 1977 (Die Reform der Lehrpläne für den Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I in den Ländern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1963-1974); 1980's, Research Associate at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, with focus on cognitive psychology and the development of the concept of number; 1994 Habilitation, University of Constance; 1997-2011 Research Scholar, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin


Ellis, Maria de Jong (Ed.), Essays on the Ancient Near East in Memory of Jacob Joel Finkelstein, Hamden, Connecticut 1977 (pp. 227-229: Bibliography)

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