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Hrozny, Bedrich


Hrozny, Bedrich


6 May 1879 - 12 December 1952


Lysá nad Labem, Czech Republic


Hittitology; Assyriology

Major works

Das Getreide im alten Babylonien, Wien 1913 Die Lösunge des hethitischen Problems: MDOG 56 (1915) Die Sprache der Hethiter, Leipzig 1917 Hethitische Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi (BoSt 3), Leipzig 1919 Code hittite provenant de l'Asie Mineure, Paris 1922 Les inscriptions hittites hieroglyphiques 1-3, Prague 1933-1937 Die älteste Geschichte Vorderasiens und Indiens, Prague 1943 (2nd ed.) Histoire de l’Asie antérieure, de l’Inde et de la Crète, Paris 1947 Les incriptions crétoises, Prague 1949 Inscriptions cunéiformes du Kultépé I, Prague 1952 Bibliography in: Symbolae ad studia orientis pertinentes Frederico Hrozny dedicatae I-V (ArOr 17-18), Prague 1949-1950, 1-20 (V. Cihar) Nach achtzig (und mehr) Jahren … Studien zum Alten Vorderen Orient (ArOr 67/4), Prague 1999, 459-502 (J. Prosecky)


Assistant Professor, University of Wien, 1905-1915 Professor, University of Wien, 1915-1919 Professor of Cuneiform Studies and History of the Ancient Near East, Charles University, Prague, 1919-1952 Decipherer of Hittite and founder of Hittitology President of the Oriental Institute, Prague Founder and Editor of Archív Orientální


AfO 16 (1952-1953) 395-396 (E. Weidner), with photo RHA 55 (1953) 1-4 (E. Cavaignac) ArOr 47 (1979) 1-3 (V. Soucek)


ArOr 11 (1939) 133-139 (J. RIpka), 140-154 (V. Cihar: bibliography) Cihar, V. et al. (Eds.): Symbolae ad studia orientis pertinentes Frederico Hrozny dedicatae I-V (ArOr 17-18), Prague 1949-1950 L. Matous: Bedrich Hrozny: The Life and Work of a Czech Oriental Scholar, Prague 1949 T. Marík (Ed.), Nach achtzig (und mehr) Jahren … Studien zum Alten Vorderen Orient (ArOr 67/4), Prague 1999, 445-717

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