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Year names of Iter-piša

1. mu di-te-er-pi4-ša lugal
Year: "Iter-pisza (is) king"

a. mu di-te-er-pi4-ša lugal-e li-li-esz3 zabar dinanna zabalamki-ra mu-na-dim2
Year: "Iter-piša the king made a kettledrum in bronze for Inanna of Zabalam" (YOS 14, 325)

b. mu li-li-is3 zabar dutu-ra mu-na-dim2
Year: "(Iter-piša) made a bronze kettledrum for Utu" (BM 85384)

c. mu den-lil2 nibruki
Year: "Enlil (in) Nippur"

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year_names_iter-pisha.1495902545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 17:29 by firth
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